
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

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xlntz · Fantasy
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196 Chs


In the small confines of the stall, Shane's attention was captured by an assortment of artifacts, each with its own aura of mystery. There weren't actually a lot of items being sold.

The first thing that caught his eye was an amulet with five copies of it. It was a delicate charm with a luminous fragment of what was described as soulstone at its core, set in twisted silver that seemed to pulse with life.

[ Soulstone Shard Amulet: This amulet contains a fragment of a powerful soulstone, imbued with ancient sorcery. The shard resonates with the user's spirit, enhancing their abilities and granting protection against disease and curses.

Effects: +1,000 Spirit Points, +30% Soul Protection

Minimum Bid: 1,000 Points ]

"One thousand points for a minimum bid?" Shane frowned at the relatively high price, but seeing that it could increase the Survivor's Spirit Points by a thousand, that's definitely incredible!