
Global Awakening: Apocalypse Ender's Chronicle

Volume 1: The Ender of Third Apocalypse - In Progress Volume 2: The Missing 9th Apocalypse: The Battle Against the Ender of Vampire's Rise Apocalypse - Soon *** You are about to start your selected Apocalypse World. You are free to choose one of the Gift Packs you'll bring to help you in the early stages of the event. [ Energy Gift Pack ] [ Entertainment Gift Pack ] [ Food Gift Pack ] [ Medical Gift Pack ] [ Shelter Gift Pack ] [ Stealth Gift Pack ] [ Survival Tools Gift Pack ] [ Transport Gift Pack ] [ Water Gift Pack ] [ Weapon Gift Pack ] You have 10 minutes to choose. *** WSA 2024 Entry Please support! Thank you!

xlntz · Fantasy
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216 Chs


In this mysterious space where the system brought the one thousand Survivors of Region 1, the sun hung low, casting long shadows that danced between the stalls and the throngs of people.

As Shane stepped into the Market Bazaar, the surroundings were immediately filled with the noise created by both buyers and sellers.

The Bazaar seemed to be filled with desperation and determination… The sellers seemed desperate to have their wares sold at a higher price, while the Survivors simply wanted to obtain cheap items that they could use for survival once they returned to the Fiend Continent.

The vendors were a colorful array of characters, each shouting over the other, vying for the attention of passersby.

"Rare ammunition, just in from the Dead Zones!" one bellowed, his voice rough as gravel.

"Medicines and bandages! Trade your points before it's too late!" cried another, her eyes scanning the crowd for signs of the injured or the ill-prepared.