

"{SYSTEM SHUT DOWN}" "What! System I need you" Layla said as she looked at the three vampires covered with the strong smell of blood. "It seems we got an intruder here" the tanned skinned man said as he squeezed the cigarette butt between his finger totally unaffected. "Fuck am screwed" Layla cursed under breath, looking at the unconscious guy beside her. BANG! The loud sound was the last thing she heard as a force made her head sting and ache before slumping down on the floor. Thud!. This is the story about the main character and the systems as she fight against the influence of scientist tyranny and uncover the truth about her parents and many dark secrets facing different circumstances of pain, hate and betrayal is tasked by a system in other to level up. This is my first story forgive me If it is not good enough ☺️☺️ WARNING: ALL INFORMATION IN THUS STORY ARE COMPLETELY FABRICATED.

Jade_Oyin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs





The sound of gun resounded loudly as Layla covered her ears, Stella screamed due to the shock that had been installed in her system fainted immediately as she slumped on Rowan's body.

The zombie lifelessly laid on the furnished floor as blood splattered everywhere, some pieces of brain flew around as the skull was seriously damaged, some men vomited in disgust

At the disgusting scene.

Layla whom was on the other side was frozen as her stomach twisted in pain almost vomiting.

' think happy thoughts happy thoughts '

Fortunately the stomach ache subsided a little bit as she walked gently away from the black blood on the floor.

After some minutes doctors began to rush to the scene as they carried all the patients to another room including Stella.

The police and the scientist were present as they took pictures of the scene, some scientist took blood samples as they stored it in a vial.

Layla was not feeling good as she recalled the zombie disgusting form, she clutched her stomach as she held her mouth with the same feeling of dizziness.

She ran towards the ladies restroom and spilled her guts out in the ceramic sink, Rowan who saw Layla walked to the restroom and opened the door.

He walked towards Layla and held her hair up and she vomited, wiping away the cold sweat from her head a rare expression flashed in Rowan cold eyes.

"Are you okay?" Rowan asked as he continued to wipe her head.

Layla rinsed her mouth and took care of the sink, she was weak as she almost fell down but with Rowan fast reflexes he caught her and carried her in a bridal style.

"Am not feeling good.." Layla said her last words before passing out in Rowan arms.

Rowan sighed and walked out of the restroom and passed through the crowd as some people showed curious gazes.

Walking outside a low key car was already waiting outside as a man on black opened the door for Rowan.

Dropping Layla in the car and adjusting her into a comfortable position the man closed the door. Rowan turned around and watched as the car drove away from his vision.

The driver knew the place his boss wanted him to drop the lady already, Rowan walked past the man as he entered the hospital.

The man in Black eyes concealed fear as he stood still under the summer sun, winter was already approaching and the weather was cool.

Rowan walked back into the hospital which was bustling due to the incident, some men in black walked hurriedly to their boss as they bowed their head.

"Find out what that thing was" Rowan ordered as he looked around frowning slightly.

"Yes Boss!" The men said in chorus as they walked away not daring to look back.

" And inform some of my scientist to come and collect samples and investigate in the private laboratory"Rowan said as he rubbed his chin gently, he walked out of the hospital.

" Yes Boss!" They said and walked away

' they were not lieing this time '

Rowan thought as he got into the next car to his house, rested his head on the seat and closed his eyes.

Meanwhile in the hospital things began to become more chaotic as the zombie which seemed to look dead was not dead.

"Aaah" a police officer yelled out as he ran away from the zombie crawling towards him.

"What going on!"a man said outside with two scientist as they walked inside the well ventilated room.

The zombie stood upright as it set it's eyes on the target, dashing forward with the speed of light towards the police officer.

The man screamed as he ran towards the closed door, the zombie thrusted the man backwards taking control of the struggling of it's prey.


"Aaaaaaah!" The man yelled in pain as he began a meal for the zombie.

Taking meat From the man who almost fainted due to loss of blood and shock.

The door opened and the both the officer man and the scientist froze as they looked at the zombie feasting.

The female scientist shaking hand pointed at the zombie in shock. For the last 20years of her life he had never encountered a man eating disgusting creature that was so strong.

"W....What  the hell!" The man said outside as he took out his gun and shot the zombie.

The zombie was moved back due to the force of the bullet but never died, it seemed to be stronger than before turned it's twisted head back to it normal position as the bullet wounds leaked with black blood.

"Jesus Christ!" The man said as he dropped the gun shaking, dashing out and running to the elevator.

He pressed the red button which was the last floor before entering the elevator.

Breathing a sigh of relief he cleaned the cold sweat forming on his forehead, as he suddenly remembered the two scientist and the other people left in there.

The zombie had devoured the people in the room and growled at the closed door.

The people who were eaten on the floor suddenly stood up as they had their eyes dilated and their nails long and sharp with razor teeth.

Not knowing why the man rushed out of the room, they continued with their business until the door flew out of it place and revealed an ugly creature.

It was like an horror movie as people rushed towards their exits for escape, but two elevator couldn't contain 20 people.

" The stairs!" A woman yelled out making most of the people to realize that they had another escape exit.

The zombies didn't stand idle as they dashed for the people with thirst, the black drool spilled on the floor.

The screaming of the humans where like music to the zombies as they enjoyed their feast one by one.


Rowan got home and took off his jacket gave it to the butler standing beside him.

"Where is she?" He asked as he roved his black gloves.

"In the guest room young master" the butler said as he scowled secretly.

Rowan walked steadily to the guestroom with the butler tailing behind him.

Rowan stopped and looked at the butler with a questioning gaze.

' why are you still here? '

"Understood young master" the butler said who understood the meaning behind his master's expression walked away reluctantly.

Rowan opened the door and saw the fainted Layla laying weakly as she struggled to sit up.

Layla took a shaky breath as she clenched her fist in shame.

' she actually fainted '

{System 1049: Host even though you are an halfling you are still partly human, its okay to be weak sometimes}

The system consoled Layla but it just eased half of what she was feeling, She suddenly had a deep zeal to take responsibility.

But that confidence suddenly went down the drain, she couldn't do anything.


Rowan looked at the depressed expression of Layla and took a seat beside her.

" What's wrong?" Rowan asked as he raised his eyebrow slightly.

"When my parents died so tragically I didn't know what to do,none of my parents relative could help as they left me alone to avoid expenses cowardly, that when I said I will find out what caused their death, I felt so helpless and useless, but when I saw the news I thought this was a chance to prove myself but...."Layla wept bitterly as her face flushed in tears her eyes were swollen.

Rowan patted her back and wiped away the tears.

"You and Stella are the same, too responsible" Rowan said as his eyes flickered in a ting of wariness.

"So what do tend to do" Rowan asked as he removed his hands.

Layla sniffed and suddenly her expression changed a little bit.

" I want to find a cure for the virus" Layla said as she smiled miserably and her eyes flashed with hope and dependence that could not be avoided.

Rowan froze at the cute expression as gulped and restrained himself in shame that he thought so badly. Taking a deep breath and finally spoke.

"Okay, as long that you are happy" Rowan said in a rare blank expression.

Layla looked miserable from the outside but was bustling with joy within as she made a small smile.

' mission accomplished'

{System 1049: host I will say you are really sly}.

Layla smiled secretly as she recalled the time when the information of Jason Morgans and found out that the NSO was actually located in this city.

Then she suddenly began suspicious as she remembered a particular place which seemed to be an underground room but became ignorant then, but it suddenly clicked and suddenly made a doubtful assumption that Rowan had a dealing with it.

When she borrowed the laptop from Rowan, she found out so traces of researches on the computer data and asked the system to hack it then that was when her assumption became a reality.

Rowan was working with the NSO organization secretly and to be able to find more allies she had to use the sly way and asked a favor from Rowan and she would be able to get to meet Jason and make a cure.

It was just like killing two bird with one stone.

{System 1049: I thought host was not smart but you proved me wrong host, now this one will fully be your system knight and surrender it's computed brain to you, this system swear this oath}.

"And this queen accept your oath, receive this queen approval" Layla said as her eyes flickered playfully.

{System 1049:yes your majesty}.

Layla laughed within as she cut off her conversation with the system and chatted with Rowan for a while before Rowan prepared to leave.

The moon was already peeking out as Rowann walked towards his room as he removed his tie and unbuttoned two buttons revealing wheat coloured strong muscle chest.

Turning on the tv and watching some news.

{Breaking news: the mayor's international hospital has been infected by the virus, more than 200,000 doctors and nurses have been infected and the hospital has been detected to have some survivors, which are attended by the air force}.

{Breaking news: scientist have now been approved to set the entire city on lockdown to keep the uninfected from the infected till the vaccine will be created, we ask you to stay calm and be alert}.

Rowan clenched his fist as he slammed the remote on the table with force making a web like crack.

' Stella is still there, how did this happen with just 20 minutes after his absence '.

Rowan thought as he took his coat and a glove.

He couldn't tell Layla to avoid panic,so he ordered the entire servants in the house to not allow Layla to watch the news or go online.

' Stella must be okay ' Rowan reassured in his mind as he knew Stella was a police officer.

Things have now become complicated than it was.


