
Glitch expert reincarnates

In his original life in South Korea, Ji-Hoon was a prodigious talent who shocked everyone by dropping out of school due to boredom, leading to being disowned by his family. For years, he secluded himself, immersed in games until discovering "THE GAME," a mysterious and expansive virtual world that encompasses every aspect of gaming. After a confrontation with his estranged sibling, Ji-Hoon finds himself reincarnated within THE GAME as a homeless wanderer. With his sharp intellect and a penchant for exploiting glitches and breaking rules, Ji-Hoon navigates this new world of magic, mecha, and political intrigue. As he inadvertently aids others, forms unexpected alliances, and clashes with heroic adversaries seeking peace, Ji-Hoon's journey transforms from selfish ambition to reluctant heroism. Battling personal demons and facing mortality, Ji-Hoon's actions shape the fate of nations, all while navigating romantic interests, comedic mishaps, and the complexities of his own flawed nature.

bruriah_calfurai · Urban
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2 Chs

Navigating the New Reality

Ji-hoon's nose wrinkled as the unmistakable stench of unwashed bodies, rotting garbage, and general urban decay assaulted his senses. It didn't take long for him to realize that he was the primary source of the offensive odor. People on the street gave him a wide berth, covering their noses or glaring with obvious disdain as they passed by.

"Great, I stink," Ji-hoon muttered under his breath, glancing down at his ragged clothes. The homeless man's body he now inhabited was in a dire state, and Ji-hoon knew he needed to clean up if he wanted to avoid unwanted attention. But first, he needed to understand how this world functioned.

The city was a bustling hub of activity. Neon signs flashed above shops, and vendors shouted their wares from crowded stalls. Ji-hoon's eyes scanned the environment, taking in the advanced technology interwoven with medieval elements. People wore a mix of modern clothing and traditional garb, some carrying swords and others wielding devices that seemed to blend magic and technology seamlessly.

Ji-hoon's stomach growled, reminding him that he needed food. He moved towards a nearby market shop, observing a transaction closely. A man approached a vendor, holding out a sleek, rectangular device. The vendor tapped a similar device, and with a beep, the transaction was complete. The man walked away with his purchase, and Ji-hoon's mind raced as he pieced together the functionality of these devices.

"That must be how payments are made here," he thought. The technology seemed familiar yet more advanced than what he remembered from THE GAME. It was clear that this world was an amalgamation of different eras and technologies, much like the game itself.

With his sharp mind and extensive knowledge of the game's mechanics, Ji-hoon quickly formulated a plan. He knew that exploiting the system's loopholes was his best chance at survival. His eyes locked onto a well-dressed man exiting a shop, and Ji-hoon began to tail him, careful to stay unnoticed.

The man turned into a narrow alley, and Ji-hoon saw his opportunity. He quickened his pace and bumped into the man, expertly slipping his hand into the man's pocket and lifting a device that looked similar to the ones he had seen earlier. The man shouted in surprise but quickly dismissed Ji-hoon as another unfortunate homeless person and hurried on his way.

Ji-hoon examined the device he had stolen. It was sleek and slightly warm to the touch, indicating recent use. His fingers moved deftly over the surface, and he managed to unlock it, revealing an interface he vaguely recognized from his gaming days. It took him mere moments to navigate through the system and find the digital wallet.

"Jackpot," Ji-hoon whispered, transferring the credits to an untraceable account he had created. He knew he had to act fast before the theft was discovered.

He headed towards a location he remembered from the game—a small, inconspicuous building near the market that had a hidden function. In the game, it was a place where players could withdraw and deposit funds without drawing attention. As he approached, he saw that it was indeed there, albeit in a more realistic form.

Inside, Ji-hoon found a terminal similar to an ATM. He inserted the stolen device, and after a few quick taps, he withdrew a significant amount of money. The machine whirred and spat out a bundle of bills, which he quickly pocketed.

Now, with money in hand, Ji-hoon needed to find a place to stay and clean up. He walked through the city, his eyes scanning for inns or boarding houses. He found a modest inn that looked clean enough and approached the innkeeper.

The innkeeper, a burly man with a thick beard, looked Ji-hoon up and down with a mixture of suspicion and pity. "You got money to pay?" he asked gruffly.

Ji-hoon nodded and handed over a few bills. The innkeeper's eyes widened slightly, but he took the money and handed Ji-hoon a key. "Room at the end of the hall, second floor. And for the love of all that's holy, take a bath before you do anything else."

Ji-hoon grinned, already feeling a sense of accomplishment. As he climbed the stairs, he felt the weight of his new reality settle in. This world was just as complex and challenging as the game, but he knew he had the skills to not only survive but thrive.

Once inside his room, Ji-hoon locked the door and took a moment to appreciate the simple comforts—a bed, a small table, and a washbasin with clean water. He stripped off his filthy clothes and washed himself thoroughly, feeling the layers of grime and filth melt away.

Clean and somewhat refreshed, Ji-hoon lay on the bed, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew he had a long way to go, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of rest. The road ahead was uncertain, but Ji-hoon was confident in his ability to manipulate and exploit this world just as he had done in the game.

As he drifted off to sleep, a sly smile played on his lips. This new world was ripe with opportunities, and Ji-hoon was ready to seize them all.

Ji-hoon's eyes fluttered open as the first light of dawn streamed through the small, grimy window. His body ached from sleeping in the unfamiliar bed, but he felt invigorated. Today, he would take the first real steps toward establishing himself in this new world.

First, he needed proper clothes. He couldn't keep wearing the ragged, filthy garments of a homeless man if he wanted to blend in and manipulate his way to the top. He ventured back to the market, careful to keep to the less crowded areas to avoid drawing attention.

As he approached a clothing stall, he observed the merchant's interaction with another customer. The merchant was an elderly woman with a keen eye, bartering skillfully and using a mix of the high-tech payment device and traditional bargaining techniques. Ji-hoon picked up on the nuances of their exchange, storing the information away for later use.

When it was his turn, Ji-hoon selected a few items—simple but clean clothes that wouldn't stand out. The merchant wrinkled her nose as he approached, clearly offended by his odor.

"Will this be enough?" Ji-hoon asked, holding out the bills he had obtained earlier. The woman's eyes widened, and she nodded, quickly taking the money and handing him the clothes.

Ji-hoon found a secluded spot behind the market stalls and changed into his new attire. The clean clothes felt strange against his skin, but they were a significant improvement. He tossed his old garments into a nearby trash bin and made his way back to the main street.

Feeling more confident, Ji-hoon decided to explore the city further. He needed to understand its layout and locate key areas such as government buildings, marketplaces, and potential hideouts. The city was a labyrinth of winding streets and alleys, blending ancient architecture with futuristic skyscrapers.

As he walked, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A crowd had gathered around a large screen mounted on the side of a building. Curious, Ji-hoon edged closer to see what was happening.

The screen displayed a live broadcast of a political rally. A charismatic figure stood at a podium, addressing the crowd with fervor. The man was tall and imposing, with sharp features and a commanding presence. Ji-hoon recognized him as the leader of one of the city's ruling factions.

"We must unite to face the threats from our neighboring nations!" the leader declared, his voice booming through the speakers. "Our enemies grow stronger every day, and only through unity and strength can we protect our land and our people."

Ji-hoon's interest was piqued. This speech hinted at the political tensions and conflicts that he could potentially exploit. He listened intently, noting the leader's rhetoric and the crowd's reactions. It was clear that the man had a strong following, but there were also those who seemed skeptical or discontent.

As the rally continued, Ji-hoon slipped away, his mind buzzing with new ideas. He knew that understanding the political landscape was crucial to his plans. With this information, he could begin to manipulate the factions and power players to his advantage.

Back at the inn, Ji-hoon sat down with a scrap of paper and began to sketch out a rough map of the city based on his observations. He marked key locations and noted potential opportunities for exploitation. His genius mind worked tirelessly, piecing together the puzzle of this new world.

Satisfied with his progress, Ji-hoon leaned back and stared at the ceiling. He had taken the first steps, but there was still much to do. He needed allies, resources, and more information. But for now, he was content with his achievements.

His stomach growled again, and Ji-hoon realized he hadn't eaten all day. He ventured out once more, this time searching for a place to get a decent meal. He found a small tavern tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, making his mouth water.

Inside, the tavern was dimly lit and filled with a mix of patrons. Ji-hoon took a seat at the bar and ordered a simple meal. As he ate, he listened to the conversations around him, picking up snippets of information about the city and its inhabitants.

One conversation in particular caught his attention. Two men were discussing a recent series of thefts that had baffled the local authorities. The thieves had managed to bypass even the most advanced security systems, leaving no trace behind.

Ji-hoon's interest was piqued. He knew that such skills could be invaluable in his quest for power. If he could find the thieves or learn their methods, he could incorporate those techniques into his own arsenal. It was another piece of the puzzle, another opportunity waiting to be seized.

Finishing his meal, Ji-hoon decided to investigate further. He approached the two men casually, pretending to be interested in their conversation.

"Excuse me," he said, trying to sound nonchalant. "I couldn't help but overhear. These thefts you were talking about… they sound impressive. Do you know anything more about them?"

The men exchanged wary glances before one of them spoke. "Why do you want to know?"

Ji-hoon shrugged, playing the part of a curious bystander. "Just fascinated by the idea of someone outsmarting the authorities. Seems like something out of a storybook."

The men relaxed slightly, and the other one leaned in. "Well, word on the street is that the thieves are part of an underground network. They've got hideouts all over the city, but no one knows exactly where."

Ji-hoon nodded, filing the information away. "Thanks for the tip. I'll keep my ears open."

He left the tavern with a new goal in mind. Finding the underground network could provide him with valuable contacts and resources. It was a risky move, but Ji-hoon thrived on risk.

As he walked through the darkening streets, he considered his next steps. He needed to blend in with the city's underworld, to become one of them while maintaining his own agenda. His sharp mind and adaptability would be his greatest assets.

Over the next few days, Ji-hoon began to frequent the shadier parts of the city. He made small talk with various lowlifes, learning the unspoken rules and hierarchies of the criminal world. His sharp mind quickly picked up on the nuances of their interactions, and he started to make connections.

One evening, as he was skulking around a particularly seedy alley, he witnessed a group of rough-looking individuals huddled together, whispering. Ji-hoon approached them, feigning a stumble and catching their attention.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" one of them growled.

Ji-hoon raised his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, didn't mean to intrude. Just looking for some excitement. Heard there's a network of folks who know how to make things interesting."

The leader of the group, a tall man with a scar running down his face, eyed Ji-hoon suspiciously. "And why would we share anything with you?"

Ji-hoon grinned, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a few of the bills he had stolen. "Because I've got money, and I'm looking to make friends in high places."

The man's eyes flicked to the money, then back to Ji-hoon. After a tense moment, he nodded. "Alright, you might be useful. Follow me."

Ji-hoon was led through a maze of alleyways to a hidden entrance behind an old, decrepit building. They descended into a dimly lit underground lair, where the true nature of the network became apparent. It was a hub of criminal activity, filled with thieves, smugglers, and hackers.

The man then turned to him staring at ji-hoon's soulles eyes they didnt have any light in them the man towering over ji-hoon watched him as ji-hoon moved his eyes around observing the computers's screens the knives being throwen in practice manner it was a place desgined for a person like ji-hoon to be in the man then spoke with his deep manly voice "your name little guy what is it" , ji-hoon then rised his eyes to the big guy he thought into himself "ji-hoon will be a weird name in the world of THE GAME especially since i dont know in wich country in its world i am now the safest name to say is" ji-hoon then spoke spitting his name out "jin my name is jin" , thr man rised his eyebrow "Gin? Like the drink?" He asked ji-hoon thought into himself "well that took better way than i expected" he then said "yes my name is Gin , Gin like the drink" the man then replied "my name is Raze i want to ask you something" said the guy as he pulled out a gun that looked so advanced putting it under's ji-hoon's chin he asked "why would you think that i wouldnt consider you a policeman? And if you arent a policeman what make you think that i wouldnt just kill you and take your money away?" Gin stared with his soulles eyes straight into raze's eyes just to answer "you can do that i really never said that i wasnt a policeman nor did i thought that you wouldnt kill me then take my things" raze suprised face was followed with another question "then what made you come with me?" Just for gin to answer "because first im not a policeman and two if i were to be that stupid i wouldnt have kept those bills in my pocket for longer than an hour i came here because i can belong in here i guess that you already have figured that out mr raze after all you dont look stupid" raze then put his gun back and stared at ji-hoon he then turned facing the opposite direction "follow me" he ordered ji-hoon who walked following him to wherever raze is taking him.