

Abhi ; there is no need for that baby , we will learn the rest of the things together!! Wife1; you are really good at flirting.. Abhi; no no... These kinds of things comes in my mind when I'm with her! Wife2; wow , I guess you are really Lucky ishana ,that you got a life partner like him.... You will enjoy your life with him by your side ... Ishana; okay enough.... enough about me.... let's talk about you guys!! So tell me how's your married life going? And this question is for both of you.. Cousin 2; it's going perfectly fine... Cousin 1; yah exactly it's perfectly fine Ishana; on the bed? Abhi; ( what the hell she said just now is she this shameless, if she is this Frank then why she never talk to me like this, I wish she'll talk to me like that because I want to be the closest person in her life) Cousin 1 ; I don't think you should ask this question this much frankly Cousin 2 ; yah like we are here with 3 outsider how will they think about us !! Ishana; why I feel like you are avoiding my question... Cousin 1; yep I think we should focus on you it's not a good place to talk personal matter!! Right abhi!! Abhi; what will I say in this I don't know how close you guys are to talk like this I'm quite stunned to see this bond between you guys ... It's really good if we can solve other problem.... Ishana; (I went close to abhi and wishper in his ear ) take my cousin in law with you and talk to them !! Abhi; okay.. Cousin in law would you like to come and have a drink with me. Wife 1; whom you are asking?? Abhi ; both of you, I would like to talk to you guys... Wife 2 ; okay let's go ( We are on the other side of the terrace where we cant here what are they talking) Ishana; now you can tell me whats the problem!! Cousin 1 ; there is nothing !! To tell you... Cousin 2; ya he is right there is nothing to tell you!! Ishana; then why the hell there's an awkwardness between you guys ... As if you never talk to each other!! Just living in a room like a roommate Cousin 1; it's just 3 years of our marriage, we are still trying to understand each other.... Ishana; what's there to understand?? You.... you guys never slept together and you never got attracted to each other?? Its A Story About A Girl Who Wanted To Fight For Herself To This Dominating Society. She Wanted To Stand For Herself Not Like Other Girls Who Just Suffer From It...... This Story Is All About How she fell In Love At First Sight, But She Dont Want To Merry The Guy She Fell In Love With, Because She Wanted To Prove That She Can Live Alone..... And Enjoy The Life Alone Without Anyone By Her Side..... #Romance, #Comedy,#18+,#Love INTRODUCTION OF THE CHARACTERS Main Lead Profession Age 1.Abhishek Doctor 27 2.ishana Doctor 25 SIDE CHARACTERS 1.DAD 2. MOM 3. BROTHER 4.RELATIVES Make Sure You Are 18+.. I Know That You Are 18+ Since Birth!!

Goddessofdevil_688 · Fantasy
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Mark; no..not genuinely...i didn't said it in words...i just distant myself from her...i thought she won't be comfortable on first cause it was uncomfortable for me too...

I mean we both know what will happen on first night...

So afcourse she will scared of how I'll treat her...so i let go of the chance...and that's not the only reason....i was like ishana too...i don't want to get married either...i was same, all lousy she had now, i had then...of course i wasn't scared of first night...i didn't do anything may be because of my anger towards my family who forced me to marry someone i don't want to....and from then to now...we were living like a roommate's she don't interfere in my matter neither i want to interfere with her matter...and then i got busy with my business and went out for 3,4 months....

When i got back it was same...we both don't have any idea...how to be comfortable with each other...and nither of us try to break the distance...we even talk when we have some thing important to discuss and 3 year passes...

You know what, i didn't plan to go close to her, if ishana didn't gave me the courage that day...i don't think that i could have gone close to her....it was first time that i touched her in these 3 year.....and from then everything got normal between us....

So i know its hard in arrange marriage to go close to each other....but i suggest you to do it on first night....ar you gonna regret it.....

Abhi; so.. You regret it?

Mark; yeh of course i regret it....i don't know what's wrong with me back then...i guess i was too young....to understand anything....but now i feel like i should have been done that on first...maybe it would have been scarry for her...to be with someone whome she doesn't know but....after.....you get physical with someone...you get to know them better....

Now i look back....i don't see anything happy in these 3 year....all i did in these 3 years was just regretting marrying her.....but in this two day i got to know her how she feels...what she thinks, what makes her smile, how clumsy she is...everything... You know what these two days are the happiest days in all these three years...

Abhi; that's great that everything is alright between you guys....

I guess you should tell this to your sister, I'm sure she will be happy to hear this....

Mark; of course I'll tell her...its just i didn't get the chance....

And i know that you will handle her better than i handled my situation, but in my case we both didn't like each other but in yours you like her.... So I'm sure you will manage it...on your own...

Abhi; yeh ( in our chatting we reached the parlour...)

Mark; i forgot to ask why did you get...tinted glass on your car!

Abhi; ohh this, its for privacy ...

Mark; privacy!! What are you planning do in car?

Abhi; no, nothing...i was joking its for sunlight...

Mark; ohh let me know the number of the agency i would like to have tinted glass on my car too...and that's not for sunlight...

( i said this and smiled,after that i got out of the car....i saw ishana came running towards me...she looked so excited....and cute...she was jumping around and showing me her outfit...like a little girl...and asking me if she looks beautiful ar not...

I smiled and went to her...)

Yeh you look so beautiful today and thanks for the compliment...i tap on her head...

Abhi ; (i was about to come out of my car...then i saw ishana coming towords her brother jumping joyfully....i never seen her like this she look so beautiful...in that lehenga and i feel like pink color is just made for her....she is turning around to show her brother her whole outfit...i bet if i was there instead of her brother...she won't be the same....with me...but its fine to look at her...like this how happy she is right now...

I don't know when she will be this comfortable around me....when she will wear something like this and show me like this...uhh...)

Mark; okay okay princesses stop jumping around , let's go we are getting late.....

Ishana; yes brother but whose car is this??

Mark; ohh this...it's abhi's car...

Ishana; why did you bought his car...

Mark; hope in and you'll get to know...

( i went to passenger seat and open the door for her...she was about to get in)

Ishana; okay...( he opend the door for me...and i went there to sit....i saw abhi...)

Why he is here??