
Glide away

Faie is a 21 year old university student flying home from New York when her Plane has a malfunction, Panic seeped through the passingers as the air craft nose dived into the ocean. When Faie awoke she was far from home and she was met with, a new land, new friends, danger, ......and love?

Maxine_Green · Fantasy
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Going Home?

Im a university student named Faie Conlie. Im flying out from New York today to head home for the summer. I cant wait to see my family, hug them, kiss them. It's just been to long.

The plane is packed and honestly I'm a bit clostraphobic but I squize myself passed an unimpressed couple hoping to spend the trip with the seats to themselves. I listened to music the majority of the flight, but I suppose at some point I drifted of to sleep because the next thing I know im being violently shaken awake by the plane, sirens and alarms screech me awake, there was evern oxygen masks hanging from the ceiling.


We were going to nose dive straight into the ocean as far as what I could see there wasn't any land nearby eather.

We were doomed, the water started getting closer, dear God plz I haven't held my mama that cares for me when im sick or papa that messes up my hair as a joke or my baby brother that still runs around the house naked.

why? I don't what to leave without saying good bye.


The water got closer again.

An announcement came over the plane p.a system " This is your captan speaking im sorry we are heading doun brace yourselfs

good luck.