
1x12: Demons

Episode Synopsis: Finn deals with the destructive aftermath of finding out his father (Sebastian Cuk) is alive, although he refuses to forgive his mother for lying to him. Santana attempts to apologize to Brittany (Heather Morris) about abandoning her for Dani but Brittany rebuff's Santana's apology, putting their friendship in jeopardy.

Rachel was in the kitchen of her dads house, pouring some tea into two cups. She looked back towards the living room, spotting Finn sitting on the couch in almost a blank state. He didn't want to talk about what was bothering him at the school, but Rachel knew that it had to be something very troubling. She had never seen Finn like this before, so she knew she had to get it out of him. Rachel took the cups of tea to the living room, handing one to Finn as she sat in the chair in front of him. She saw Finn looking down at the cup, not saying a word. He didn't even look at Rachel. After what seemed to be some time, Finn took a sip of his tea, scrunching his face in disgust. He looked up at Rachel, seeing that she gave him a small smile.

"What's wrong? You don't like tea?" Rachel softly asked with the smile on her face. "I thought you would have liked it?"

"Well…no." Finn shook his head, still looking at the tea. "Do you have hot chocolate instead?" Rachel ran a hand through Finn's hair, putting her cup down to take his. Rachel went to the kitchen, hearing Finn's footsteps follow after her. Rachel put a new cup with milk inside the microwave in order to heat it up for the chocolate packets. As she stood there looking at the microwave, she heard Finn's throat clear slightly. She turned to Finn, leaning against the counter as she motioned for him to come closer. Finn walked over to her, pulling her in for a tight hug. He closed his eyes, wanting to forget about the terrible truth that he learned today. The problem was, there was no forgetting about the truth…

"Finn?" Finn looked into Rachel's eyes, noticing the worry in her eyes. "What's the matter, baby? You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

"I know…" Finn muttered, looking down at Rachel's hands. "I've…I've never been so angry in my entire life."

"Did I do something? Was it the whole, I didn't have sex with you this morning because of Burt?" Rachel questioned, with Finn giving a small smirk.

"No, it had nothing to do with that." Finn said. His smirk disappeared from his face as he continued to look into Rachel's eyes. "It has to do with more or less the fact that I found something out…something that kind of shocked me…"

"Like what?" Rachel wondered. Finn took a deep breath, holding Rachel's hands as he tried to speak.

"I found out my dad was alive today…" Finn's voice cracked as Rachel's eyes widened. "He's alive…and…he's spent the last eighteen years in jail, Rachel…he was in jail and my mom had the nerve to lie to me and tell me that he was dead. She even filled the urn with powdered sugar in order to fool me."

"Oh my god…" Rachel covered her mouth with her hand, staring into Finn's eyes. "Finn, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" Finn snapped, realizing his tone and gave Rachel an apologetic glare. "I'm sorry, Rachel…I didn't mean to snap at you…I just…I'm so confused."

"Finn…" Rachel wrapped her arms around him, holding him, as he felt disordered. "I'm so sorry, baby…"

"It's not your fault…" Finn muttered, placing his chin on the top of Rachel's head. "I'm just so confused, Rachel. What should I do? I mean, I was so mad that I walked away from my mother. I didn't mean to do it but she lied to me and I was just so mad and…ugh! It's all falling apart."

"Finn, it's okay…" Rachel assured him, slowly making him look into her eyes as she put a hand to his cheek. "You're a bit confused right now and it's okay…I do think you need to make amends with your mother though."

"Rachel, she held a secret from me for eighteen years." Finn's voice sounded gruff. "I don't think that's something you can forgive someone for, even if it's your mother."

"I know…I know…"Rachel softly said, calming him down. "Look, it's getting a little late. Why don't you stay here tonight just so you can clear your head?"

"Your dads won't mind if I'm here?" Finn asked. Rachel nuzzled her nose with his, smiling up at him.

"Of course not, besides I think they're aware that I'm not a little girl anymore." Rachel pressed her lips to Finn's, giving him a kiss so passionate that he'd forget his troubles. Rachel and Finn heard the doorbell ring, Rachel parting her lips from Finn's. "I should probably get that."

"Really?" Finn let out a smile, trying to kiss Rachel again. "I think we could just stay here in the kitchen…"

"I have to get the door." Rachel chuckled, getting out of Finn's grasp while looking at the microwave. "The milk should be warm enough. The chocolate mix packets are in the cabinet." Rachel headed to the door, opening it and spotting a man that she had never seen before. Rachel crossed her arms, staring at the man while Finn looked from the kitchen to see the man. "Hello sir, can I help you with something?" Rachel asked, Finn gripping his cup close to his hand.

"Hi there, are you Ms. Rachel Berry?" The man questioned, staring at Rachel.

"Yes, yes I am." Rachel crossed her arms, still looking at the man. "May I ask who you are and what you are doing here?"

"I just wanted to ask you about Finn…" The man stuffed his hands in his pockets, staring at her. "I just want to talk about him for a minute."

"You want to talk about Finn?" Rachel crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Can I just ask who you are, because I'm not giving any information about my fiancé without him acknowledging that he knows you."

"Listen to me…" The man started to take one-step forward, but was stopped when Finn came to the door and glared at the man. "Finn…" The man continued to look at Finn, Finn shaking his head.

"Did my mother send you to find me?" Finn growled, still clutching the cup. "I want you to leave."

"Finn…" The man started to say, but Finn cut him off.

"Look…you may be my father…but you are not my dad." Finn squinted his eyes, looking absolutely disgusted.

"Wait, this is your father?" Rachel pointed to Christopher, shaking her head. "I thought he was dead."

"It's a small world when you think your father is dead, isn't it?" Finn crossed his arms, still looking at Christopher. "Let me make myself perfectly clear, I am not interested in talking to you and I have no interest in speaking to my mother, so if you would please leave me alone. Oh…and one more thing." Finn grabbed Christopher by the collar, staring his "father" into his eyes. "You ever get in contact with my fiancée, you ever put a hand on her, I will come after you and I will make you wish you were dead. Do you understand me?" Finn let go of Christopher, seeing that his father was looking into his eyes with sadness.

"Finn, I'm sorry that it has to be this way…" Christopher solemnly said. Finn slammed the door in Christopher's face, walking away from Rachel as he made his way to the kitchen. On the way to the counter, Finn slipped, dropping the cup on the floor. The cup didn't break, but the milk came out of the cup, spilling all over the floor. Finn's face twisted to rage, letting out a loud scream while Rachel stared at him.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Finn roared, slamming his hand on the table. Finn quickly held onto his wrist, feeling the tears stream down his cheek as he started to sob. Rachel walked over to Finn, wrapping her arms around his waist as she held onto him tightly. Finn continued to stand there and cry, not sure if there was anything to say. Finn was messed up in many ways. His mother had lied to him, his father was a convict that was involved with a drug smuggling ring and Finn was stuck in the middle of it. It seemed that there wasn't a bright side to any of this. Rachel continued to hold onto Finn, looking up at him and wiping his tears slowly. Finn turned towards her, trying to catch his breath, but he still was sobbing. "Ra…RACHEL!" Finn cried out as he held her tightly, still crying into her.

"It's okay, everything's going to be okay…" Rachel soothingly said into his ear, rubbing his back. "Hey, why don't you go to my room and go take a nap? Sometimes a nap helps in these situations. I'll clean up here and bring you a fresh cup of hot chocolate, okay?" Finn held onto Rachel tighter, nodding his head slowly. "Everything's going to be okay, baby…I'll be up there and talk to you." Finn reluctantly let go of Rachel, walking over to the stairs and trudging up to go to the bedroom. Rachel grabbed the cup that fell on the floor, her mind whirring. Something deeper was bothering Finn…it couldn't have been just the fact that his father came out of nowhere and his mother lied. Rachel just had to find a way to get Finn to say what it was.

A half-hour later, Rachel knocked on the door of her bedroom with two cups of hot chocolate. She realized it couldn't hurt to have a cup of hot chocolate with her fiancée. Rachel knocked on the door slowly, opening it and spotting Finn lying on Rachel's childhood bed, holding one of her stuffed pillow pets close to him. If it was under different circumstances, Rachel would have thought that Finn looked cute, but she knew that Finn was hurting. Finn was upset, he was betrayed, he was emotionally and physically drained. Rachel entered the room with the hot chocolate, placing both of them on the brown bureau. Rachel sat down next to him, rubbing his back slowly while gazing at him. She couldn't help but feel terrible for him.

"Poor baby…" Rachel continued to rub Finn's back while Finn cradled the pillow. Rachel knew there was something Finn wanted to get off his chest—he had never been so terrified his entire life.

"Rachel…I'm scared." Finn looked to her, feeling vulnerable. Rachel without words instructed Finn to move over on the bed, her lying down next to him while staring in his eyes.

"Why are you scared?" Rachel wondered, still looking at him.

"It's just…" Finn sighed, looking away for a minute. "I don't want to end up like my father." Rachel didn't understand why Finn thought he was going to end up like Christopher. They were as different as different could be. "I mean, when we were in school I used to think that I could make him proud of me, that I could do anything to avenge his death. The problem is…I don't want to even be associated with him. What if I end up to be a good for nothing ass? What if I can't properly take care of you and what if we have a child and the child resents me, just like I resent my father right now." Rachel considered Finn's words, wrapping an arm around him.

"Finn, you're not going to end up like your father." Rachel assured him. "You are a better man."

"Oh really?" Finn scoffed. "How am I a better man? I messed up so many times, I've lost count. I don't know why you still want to be with me. I tried the army and I shot myself, I forced you to go to New York by yourself and that's something I never should have done, and to top it all off, the only reason I wanted to go to NYADA was because I was trying to keep Brody away from you. Up until this point, I still have no idea where I'm going! I'm a loser, Rachel. Just like my father." Finn felt the tears come to his eyes again, until Rachel shook her head.

"Finn Hudson, you are not a loser." Rachel scolded softly. "You are the most incredible man I have ever laid my eyes on. Look, the things you listed, you did all of those things out of love. You joined the army because you loved your dad at the time and you wanted to make him proud. You let me go to New York because you loved me and you wanted to see me succeed. And you being at NYADA…you loved me enough to actually attempt to get into a school—and you did. You got into one of the hardest schools to get into, all because you were driven in trying to get me to see that I belonged with you. Along the way, Finn…I think you also did NYADA because you love yourself. I don't know if you notice, but I have never seen you so happy from the years that I've known you. You look like you found your niche. Tell me, Finn…when was the last time that you wanted something and you cared this much?" Finn thought about Rachel's words, still staring into her eyes. "Finn, you are selfless, you're caring, your spirit shines through anything and everything I've ever seen and you have the most beautiful heart. Yes, you sometimes do things that are crazy and stupid, we all do…but you have the heart to always make things right, and you are so special. When I tell you, I'm proud of you…I mean it Finn. I don't just count the things you've recently done, I count every beautiful and riveting thing you've done. Although I may idolize Barbra Streisand or Patti LuPone, I can't call them my hero."

"What?" Finn continued to look at Rachel, shaking his head. "Why not?"

"I can't call them my hero…" Rachel took Finn's hands in hers, looking him in his eyes. "Because you are my hero, Finn. I strive every day to be just as selfless and caring as you. So you're wrong…you are nothing like your father and you are not a loser. You're an incredible soul that has just barely scratched the surface, not seeing his full potential as of yet. You are going to do amazing things in your life, Finn…and I want to be there every step of the way. Because now I know, that there is no one out there for me…except you. I love you, Finn…and I'm never going to get tired of saying that because its' what I truly feel in my heart. You're my rock…we're Finchel…we're endgame." Finn let out a small smile to Rachel, tears falling down the side of his face as he listened to her speak. The tears Finn were shedding were no longer sad or frustrated tears, they were tears of joy that he actually meant that much to Rachel. Rachel leaned down and pressed a kiss to Finn's lips, holding him as tightly as she possibly could. Finn pulled Rachel down with her onto the bed, their lips still connected as Rachel ran a hand through his hair, gripping it as the kiss turned more passionate and sensual. Finn parted his lips from Rachel after a moment, looking into her eyes as she sat in his lap.

"I love you, Rachel…" Finn softly said, still looking at her. "I really…really love you. Thank you." Rachel kissed Finn once more, then engulfed him into a gigantic hug. Finn gripped tightly onto Rachel, breathing in her scent. Rachel looked into Finn's eyes, giving him another passionate kiss as her hands went down to his shirt, unbuttoning each button. Finn and Rachel both knew where exactly where this was going, and of course—Finn couldn't object.

The next morning, the New Directions Alumni sat in the auditorium, watching New Directions rehearse their number for Sectionals. Rachel had figured watching New Direction would have been a good distraction for Finn, not wanting him to be upset after last night's debacle with his parents. Finn concentrated on the stage, realizing that some of the New Directions members weren't on point with their dancing. Of course, Finn wasn't allowed to be one to talk about dancing, but he noticed some of them were lagging a few bars behind everyone else. As soon as the musical number ended, Mr. Schuester clapped but Finn and Mike looked to one another shaking their heads.

"All right guys, that was great…" Mr. Schuester said, looking at them.

"It was great and all." Finn got up from his chair, staring over at them. "But I don't think it's good enough."

"What? Huh? What's he talking about?" The New Directions members started mumbling. Rachel, Santana and Kurt eyed Finn, wondering what he was doing.

"Finn, what are you doing?" Kurt harshly whispered.

"I mean, don't get me wrong Mr. Schue. The song is good, and their vocals are excellent…but dancing is the problem." Finn looked to the members. "I mean, some of you weren't even doing the same dance steps as the others. You need to tighten it up because the judges will eat you alive for breakfast at Sectionals."

"And what makes you think you know what you're talking about?" Kitty Wilde crossed her arms, staring at Finn with a smirk. "I was sure that when you were here, the kids couldn't stop talking about what a terrible dancer you were. How you even won Sectionals, Regionals and Nationals is beyond me when a Green Giant like yourself dances like he has two left feet."

"All right, I've gotten better." Finn grumbled towards Kitty. "I go to a performing arts school. I was able to dance well enough to get in the school. I'm still working on it, but I've gotten better than I did last year."

"Really?" Kitty scoffed. "Then how about you come up here and you prove it? I think we'd all like to see your 'amazing dance moves'."

"Finn, you're going to embarrass yourself up there…in front of Kitty." Puck whispered to his best friend.

"No I'm not…" Finn got up, bringing Mike with him. "Because Mike is going to help me. Rachel, do you wanna help?" Rachel didn't hesitate with her answer. She got up from her seat, grabbing Finn's hand with a nod. "And…Brittany, would you mind helping."

"Of course not. Do you think you can keep up?" Brittany asked, giving Finn a smile. Finn nodded his head, walking over to Brittany.

"I think I can." Finn smiled.

"Please, he thinks he can show us how to win a show choir? I don't think so." Kitty stared over at Marley and Jake Puckerman as they continued to look back at her.

"All right, let's show you how we do it…Alumni style." Finn pointed to Brad, who gathered the band together as they stared playing. Everyone had to admit—Finn did get better at dancing. It was drastic from two years ago. Finn still wouldn't be a professional dancer, but he did get a lot better and looked like he never struggled before in his life.

{Scene shows Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany dancing on the stage while the other New Directions members watch them. Kitty rolls her eyes while the other members look intrigued}


Yeah I, I got to know your name

Well I, could trace your private number baby

All I know is that to me

You look like you're lots of fun

Open up your loving arms

I want some

I want some

Well I, set my sights on you (Rachel and Brittany: And no one else will do)

And I, I've got to have my way now baby


All I know is that to me

You look like you're hard to find

Open up your loving arms

[Mike and Finn]

Watch out, here I come

[Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany]

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round


I, I got to be your friend now baby


And I, would like to move in just a little bit closer


All I know is that to me

You look like you're lots of fun

Open up your loving arms

[Brittany and Rachel]

Watch out, here I come

[Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany]

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round


I want your love

[Rachel with Finn]

I want your love


All I know is that to me

You look like you're lots of fun

Open up your loving arms

[Mike and Finn]

Watch out here I come

{New Direction gets on the stage and starts dancing with Finn, Rachel, Mike and Brittany, excluding Kitty who stares at Finn}

[Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany]

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round

[Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany with New Directions]

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round (Rachel: I want your love)

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round (Rachel: I want your love)

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round (Rachel: I want your love)

You spin me right round, baby right round

Like a record baby, right round, round, round (Rachel: I want your love)

[Finn, Mike, Rachel and Brittany]

You spin me right round, baby right round!

The New Directions applauded Finn on the stage as Rachel engulfed him in a hug, Finn's smile turning huge. Finn turned to Kitty, seeing she was busy looking down at her nails to even stare back at Finn. Finn shook his head, looking to the other members of New Directions.

"Finn, that was great." Mr. Schuester clapped his hands.

"Do you think you can help us with our dancing before Sectionals? We need to have it down packed if we're going to beat the Warblers." Marley asked. Finn pretended to think over Marley's question, nodding his head as he stared at his friends.

"I think we can help with that, right guys?" Finn questioned.

"I think we can." Santana shrugged her shoulders while Puck, Mercedes and Quinn agreed. Finn looked over to the New Directions members and felt a smile appear on his face.

"All right, let's get started since we don't have much time." Finn put them all in position, having Mike teach them the dance steps again while Finn walked around the room to put everyone on point. Finn felt like he was someone special. He felt like he was a teacher, something he aspired to be ever since he sat in Mr. Schuester's Glee Club, learning every bit of knowledge Mr. Schuester possessed.

After Glee Club practice, Santana exited the auditorium, going to the courtyard, her eyes falling on Brittany as Brittany spoke to Marley, Kitty and Tina. Santana leaned against the wall of the hallway, still gazing at Brittany, seeing how happy she was. Well, Santana could be happy too. Santana was with Dani who was a painter, she was a singer, she played guitar and she was cute. Brittany was a dancer, somewhat of a singer—but Brittany was a genius. She was pure gold. She was—a visionary. Santana noticed Brittany staring over at her, giving a meek wave before turning back to Marley. Santana still knew that Brittany was probably pissed off with her for choosing Dani over her. Santana had to make things right. Santana walked to Brittany, Marley and Kitty, staring Brittany into her eyes.

"Brittany, do you mind if we talk for a minute?" Santana asked, leaning against one of the lockers.

"I'm a little busy." Brittany said, sounding a bit upset. Santana grabbed Brittany's hand, leading her to the choir room, ignoring the fact that Marley and Kitty were standing there. Santana pulled Brittany into the room, closing the door behind her as Brittany took a seat.

"Brittany, when you went to visit New York, you left without saying anything and I want to know why. Why did you leave?" Santana crossed her arms. "I found a note and you wrote the note in crayon and I wasn't quite sure what it said but I knew that it was a breakup note. I want to know why you did this Brittany? Why?"

"Why I did what I did?" Brittany pointed to herself, shaking her head. "Why don't you ask yourself why you did what you did. You were the one that left me, you left me for someone else. When I went to New York, you ignored me in order to spend time with Dani. You want me to just sit there while you flirt with someone else?"

"Brittany? I was not flirting!" Santana scoffed.

"Oh really? So why when we were singing, you pushed me aside for nothing." Brittany wiped a few tears from her face, looking away from Santana. "If you really cared about me at all, you wouldn't have ditched me for Dani."

"Brittany, I love you okay?" Santana looked at her, seeing Brittany was full of hurt. "And if I did anything in anyway to make you feel like you weren't important then I am sorry. I really, really am sorry." Brittany crossed her arms, ignoring Santana's words. Santana had to find a way to get to Brittany—and what better way than with music. In a moment, Brad the pianist walked over and sat down in front of the piano, playing a few cords while Santana stared into Brittany's eyes. "If you're not going to believe me in words, then maybe you'll believe me in song." Santana sat in the seat in front of Brittany and with tears in her eyes,…she started to sing.

{Santana grabs Brittany's hand as she starts to sing, looking into her eyes}


Broken hearts and last goodbyes

Restless nights and lullabies

Helps to make this pain go away

I realize I let you down

Told you that I'd be around

Building up the strength just to say

I'm sorry

For breaking all the promises

I wasn't around to keep

It's all me

This time is the last time

I will ever beg you to stay

But you're already on your way

Filled with sorrow, filled with pain

Knowing that I am to blame

For leaving your heart out in the rain

And I know you're gonna walk away

Leave me with the price to pay

Before you go I wanted to say, yeah

That I'm sorry

For breaking all the promises

I wasn't around to keep

It's all me

This time is the last time

I will ever beg you to stay

But you're already on your way

I can't make it alive on my own

But if you have to go then please go,

Just leave me alone

But I don't wanna see you and me, go our separate ways

I'm begging you to stay

If it isn't too late

I'm sorry

For breaking all the promises

I wasn't around to keep

It's all me

This time is the last time

I will ever beg you to stay

But you're already on your way

But you're already on your way

Brittany stared at Santana, not saying a word while Santana had tears going down her cheeks as well. Brittany didn't say anything, instead she got up from her seat and walked past Santana, getting out of the choir room and closing the door behind her. That was when it hit her; she messed up, she messed up big time. Santana turned around towards the choir room door. She had done the unthinkable—she lost Brittany, possibly forever.

Finn sat on the McKinley stage by himself as the other members of New Directions went home to prepare for their Sectionals in the morning. Finn had insisted that Rachel and Kurt had gone with Blaine and Mercedes to Rachel's house to have some time to themselves. Finn really need some time alone. Finn sat on the stage, staring out, thinking that the stage was where he was the happiest and the most content. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he had never joined Glee Club. Finn heard someone's footsteps come through the door, Finn looking up to see none other than Burt, walking down the aisle. Finn raised an eyebrow, realizing that maybe Burt was sent over to the auditorium by Carole and Christopher. Finn looked away from his stepfather, getting up from the stage and started to walk around a bit.

"I see you're not really in the mood to talk, right now." Burt chuckled, sitting on the stage. "You know, I was in this situation once—I was here…but instead I was talking to Kurt because he thought I was going to die from the cancer."

"How was the chemotherapy?" Finn asked, desperately wanting to keep the subject off him. Burt gave him a serious look, patting the auditorium stage so Finn could sit down. Finn walked over to the stage, plopping himself down while staring at Burt.

"It was fine…" Burt said softly. "It's just the after effects really, really suck. I mean, I thought I was going to throw up this morning, and then I couldn't even drink an ice cold beer. Apparently you're not allowed to have alcohol while on chemo."

"That kind of sucks." Finn shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say.

"I know, it does suck." Burt agreed. "But unfortunately, there's no way around it. This is something that I have to go through…you know…"

"But why?" Finn asked, becoming antsy. "I mean, you're such a great person, why do bad things have to happen to good people?"

"I don't know, Finn." Burt put a hand on Finn's shoulder, still staring into his stepson's eyes. "I don't know why bad things happen to good people. I just want you to know that I think you're a great person as well. Maybe that's why things haven't been going your way as of late. I mean, I heard from Carole that you found out your father was alive—and that he came to the house. You also found out that the urn had powder sugar inside instead of ashes…I saw the broken urn on the floor when I came home from my session. Carole and I talked…we talked about how she thought she was doing everything right by protecting you…but in the end, it turned out that it was the biggest mistake she's ever made. She didn't think you were going to storm out of the house and that you were just going to leave. Finn, your mom loves you…and she misses you."

"Well, she also lied to me so she'll have to deal with the consequences of her actions." Finn huffed, looking away from Burt. "She wanted to lie to me and make it seem like it was okay to lie. Last time I checked, it wasn't…"

"All right, I get it." Burt nodded his head. "You never really knew your dad and you're upset your mother kept you from him. But Finn, you have to realize that he's not exactly what's best for you…I hope you see that."

"But what if there was a way that I could have helped him!" Finn exclaimed, becoming exasperated. "I was thinking maybe he wouldn't have done those dumb things if I had done something."

"There you go again, putting the world on your shoulders." Burt chuckled, staring at Finn. "You always seem to be hard on yourself. I don't understand why though, Finn. There's only so much you could do. If your father really loved you, he wouldn't have done what he did when you were a baby. I just want you to know that your mother had her reasons in keeping secrets from you…I just want you to forgive her so she can stop worrying." Finn looked at Burt with a soft expression, but his face turned firm as he shook his head in anger.

"No, no I am not going to forgive her for what she did." Finn got up from the stage, starting to walk backstage to where the other door to the hallway was. "I really am not going to forgive her. She lied to me all this time, for the last eighteen years. Does she really expect me to think things are going to go back to the way they were before? They're not. She betrayed my trust and I'm not really in the mood to have those type of people in my life. If she sent you here, then you might want to go and tell her that I was serious when I said I was never going to talk to her again. I also don't want my dad anywhere near Rachel. So you could just tell the both of them that…all right?" Finn walked backstage, leaving the auditorium as Burt let out a sigh. Getting Finn to forgive Carole was going to be harder than Burt had imagined…

Rachel walked towards her bedroom that night with her robe on, bringing two cups of hot chocolate to the room, one for her and Finn. Her dads weren't supposed to be home until the day after Rachel was supposed to fly back to New York, which gave Rachel a chance to spend a legit couple of days in a house alone with Finn. She was going to get married to him, it was good practice. Rachel knocked on the bedroom door, opening it to see Finn sitting on Rachel's bed, holding the remote as he watched a football game on television. Rachel knew that Finn was just trying to distract himself from the drama with his parents by watching television. Finn didn't care for watching two last place teams playing a meaningless game. Finn was a competitor; he was all about the action.

"Hey, I brought you some hot chocolate." Rachel kissed Finn's cheek, putting the cups of hot chocolate on the bureau. Finn grabbed the cup, giving Rachel a thankful smile, then put the cup to his lips as he drank the chocolate. Finn looked over to Rachel after taking a couple of sips, looking into her brown eyes. "Do you like it?"

"Like it, I love it." Finn softly said. He grabbed the remote that was next to him and muted the game, turning his attention back to Rachel. "Burt came to the school day. Apparently, my mom is trying to get me to forgive her like right now. The problem is that it's going to be so hard for me to forgive her because the time that I could have spent getting to know my dad, he could have been there for me. He might not of had gone to jail or something, and maybe I would have had an actual father, you know."

"I know." Rachel nodded her head, getting into the bed with him as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I feel the same way about Shelby sometimes. My dads told me about her, but I constantly wanted to look for her. I kept thinking to myself, 'why didn't she want me?' I kept trying to tell myself that it was because she was too young to handle a baby, but in my heart I knew that…being with her wasn't meant to be. I still get mad because she abandoned me…I mean, we barely see each other but…I…I sometimes wonder what life would have been like if she was in my life all the time, you know? Just like how you feel the same about you and your father."

"I'm just afraid things are a little too tainted." Finn admitted. "Things aren't going to be the same with my mom…she kept a secret and she lied to me…I really thought my dad was dead and that I was going to be able to avenge his death…but apparently not. He's alive, he was a criminal and my mom was lying about him all these years. I just wanted to know why he never wrote to me. Why never said that he wanted to meet me. I at least needed some closure."

"I know it's tough now and that this is a scary thing for you, but I just want you to know that I am not going to ever leave your side. I'll be there for as long as you need me." Rachel vowed. Finn nuzzled his nose to Rachel's feeling at ease in the moment. He stared at her, the eye contact not faltering.

"What did I do to deserve such an amazing girl like you?" Finn asked in awe. Rachel kissed him softly, placing her forehead onto his. Rachel parted her lips from Finn's, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Because you're amazing and you're so special..." Rachel told him. She leaned her head on his shoulder again as Finn wrapped his arms around Rachel, not wanting to let her go. "I love you, Finn…and there's nothing that's going to deter me from ever changing my mind. I'll always love you, no matter how old we get or how crazy you are." Rachel pressed another kiss to Finn's lips, intertwining their fingers together. Finn was the one to break the kiss this time, gazing at Rachel while a smile tugged his lips.

"You really know how to make a guy feel a little better." Finn said. He thought about something, turning his attention to Rachel. "Would it be okay if I wanted to just process everything before I even get a chance to talk to my mother? I mean, this is a lot to think about and I just need some time away from my own family. I'm not even sure I can call them family."

"Finn…I just think you're a little upset right now." Rachel softly said. "But at the end of the day, that's your mom and your dad. I'm not saying you have to talk to them…but you have to at least take some time to cool down…just think." Finn looked at Rachel, nodding his head slowly towards her.

"All right, but I refuse to still talk to them for now. I need to cool down." Finn shrugged his shoulders, staring back at the T.V.

"As long as you need, Finn." Rachel agreed, leaning on his shoulder as Finn turned back to her. He breathed in Rachel's scent, thinking about her words. Maybe he should talk to them in order to clear the air a bit. Things were said out of anger, and maybe Finn was overreacting just a little bit.

The next morning, Kurt, Santana and Rachel entered the McKinley High building to head to the choir room. It was Sectionals and New Directions was performing on their own turf against the Golden Goblets and Vocal Adrenaline. Kurt, Rachel and Santana agreed to come in early and help the New Directions while Finn had something he had to take care of. As the three alumni entered the choir room, New Directions were busy working on their scales and harmonies. They had to be pitch perfect.

"All right, guys!" Mr. Schuester clapped his hands, bringing them all to the show circle. "Now, before we begin, I'm sure that Rachel, Kurt and Santana have some words that they would like to say." Santana fixed her eyes on Brittany, but Brittany looked away from her, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, we just want to say that Vocal Adrenaline can be ruthless, they can be cruel and they can be something unimagined." Rachel said.

"I should know, I was there." Wade "Unique" Adams raised a hand in order to get everyone's attention.

"Anyway, you can't let what anyone says deter you from your ultimate goal, the Sectionals trophy." Rachel continued. "If you have that trophy, you get a chance to compete at Regionals and if you win Regionals then you get to head to Nationals where the best of the best compete. You have to be the best in order to be there and the first step is here. Don't let Vocal Adrenaline psych you out."

"What about the Golden Goblets?" Ryder Lynn asked, staring at Rachel.

"Please, they're probably going to sing some hippie-dippie song about going around Mountains, then make you wonder what the hell you were watching for the last three minutes." Santana interjected, rolling her eyes. "They're not a threat."

"So you all know the plan now, right?" Rachel stared at them. They nodded their heads, putting their hands in the circle. "Kurt, is there anything you'd like to add?"

"Don't wrinkle the dresses, presentation is everything." Kurt looked to the females. "And guys, make sure your ties are all straight."

"Got it." Blaine nodded his head, as they looked at the lights flickering.

"All right, it's show time!" Mr. Schuester clapped his hands, putting it in the show circle. "One, two, three!"


Rachel walked with Kurt and Santana a few moments later, taking their seat in the auditorium to watch Sectionals. As the three of them sat down, Santana stared at Rachel, noticing that there was something on her mind.

"Rachel, what's going on?" Santana asked. "Where's Finn?"

"Finn said he was going to be here soon." Rachel answered. "He said there was something he had to take care of, regarding personal business."

"Do you think he's going to talk to his father?" Kurt wondered. "I mean what could be more important than seeing New Directions here at Sectionals."

"I'm not quite sure what he's doing." Rachel admitted, although she did have a hunch. "I think that the most we can do right now is just trust Finn is going to be okay. Finding out your father is alive after all these years kind of puts an emotional toll on a person."

"Okay, you really need to stop watching Dr. Phil." Santana chuckled towards her friend. "It's a little creepy."

"Rachel? I wasn't expecting to see you!" A voice that sounded familiar to Rachel, Kurt and Santana said. Rachel turned her head, seeing none other than Jesse St. James, the coach of Vocal Adrenaline standing before her. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. How have you been?"

"Oh look, it's Jesse St. Germ." Santana seethed, staring at him. "What do you want?"

"What I want is just to say hi to my friend, Rachel. That's all." Jesse spoke, still fixating his gaze on Rachel. "So through the show choir circuit, I heard that you were engaged to Finn still. I thought you would have had a lavish wedding where all of your Glee Club would attend. Since that would be the only place that they would sing since they'll lose here. Anyway, good luck." Jesse turned on his heels, going down to where his team sat as Rachel kept her forced smile while turning to Kurt.

"Gotta love Lima, huh Kurt?" Rachel spoke through her teeth, the plastered smile still on her face.

"But seriously, where is Finn?" Kurt whispered back.

"I'm not exactly sure…but I know he'll be here soon." Rachel assured Kurt as the lights started to dim in the auditorium. Show time…

Finn sat in the Lima Bean in one of the small booths, looking down at the cup of coffee he had in his hand. Finn didn't even like coffee, so he wasn't sure why he bought a cup. Maybe because he was feeling empty inside…and coffee didn't taste as bad when your heart was hollow. Finn took a sip, still grimacing at the taste. Finn saw someone get into the booth, sitting across from him—being none other than his father Christopher. Finn stared at Christopher for a moment, considering if this was such a good idea. Finn took a deep breath, staring at Christopher in sadness.

"I didn't know you drink coffee." Christopher tried to start conversation with his son. Finn looked at the coffee, pushing it to the side.

"I don't…" Finn shrugged his shoulders, finally looking his father in his eyes, his voice becoming bitter. "You would know that if you had been home the whole time."

"All right, I get that you're angry at me." Christopher sighed.

"Damn right I'm angry with you." Finn felt anger in his voice as he nodded his head. "You think you can come to Lima and expect us to have a relationship? You abandoned me…and you had mom lie to me the whole time!"

"I did not have your mother lie to you, Finn." Christopher said. "If anything I didn't know she was going to lie to you. It would have been for the best."

"No! What if I had wanted to know you?" Finn argued. "I'm tired of everyone trying to protect me because they're afraid of my feelings getting hurt."

"Finn, your feelings are hurt." Christopher pointed out.

"Because you and mom lied to me! That's why!" Finn shouted. He noticed everyone was looking at them and composed himself. "You left me in order to do drugs. You were apart of some drug ring and got arrested, spent most of my life in jail. What kind of father are you. Did you even tell me goodbye when you left? Did you even kiss me goodbye? Be honest Christopher…"

"You call me dad…" Christopher leaned closer to Finn's face as Finn shook his head.

"No, I'm not going to call you 'dad'. Because you're a deadbeat and you're a jackass." Finn seethed. He grabbed his sweater and left the booth, going out the door. Finn started to walk down the street, until he felt he was being pulled back. Finn fell back on the floor, looking up to see Christopher standing over him. "What the hell, man?!" Finn screamed.

"I am your father and you are going to show me respect!" Christopher shouted. Finn got up from the floor, looking his father in his eyes.

"I am not going to show you any respect! You deadbeat!" Finn shouted.


Finn flew back on the floor, bringing his hands to his right eye. Christopher had punched Finn in the face. Finn looked up at Christopher almost in shock…and maybe in fear. Christopher leaned down, staring at Finn with a smirk, looking at his son.

"You better be nice to me…" Christopher's voice was eerily calm as Finn continued to stare to him.

"Or else what." Finn tried to sound furious, but his voice came out more frightened.

"Or else I'll convince your mother that you're just like me…and then she'll want nothing to do with you." Christopher got up from his position, walking away as Finn held onto where his father punched him. Finn's face twisted into sadness, and he didn't care if he looked crazy or unstable—Finn started sobbing. Finn got up from the floor, heading into the Lima Bean with tears still going down his face as he headed towards the bathroom. Finn entered the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror, a complete blubbing mess. Finn splashed some water on his face, feeling pain near his eye, worried that the bone that was near his eye was broken from his father's punch. Finn looked into the mirror, for the first time ever feeling completely and utterly alone.

{Finn looks into the mirror, staring at the bruise on his face as he looks scared and alone}


When the days are cold

And the cards all fold

And the saints we see

Are all made of gold

When your dreams all fail

And the ones we hail

Are the worst of all

And the blood runs stale

I want to hide the truth

I want to shelter you

But with the beast inside

There's nowhere we can hide

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

{Scene splits between Finn in the bathroom and New Directions singing on the Sectionals stage}

[Finn, Artie, Blaine, Sam and Jake with New Directions]

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

it's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

{Scene changes to just New Directions on the stage and the audience. Rachel takes out her phone and texts Finn where he is}

[Artie and Kitty]

When the curtain's call

Is the last of all

When the lights fade out

All the sinners crawl

[Blaine and Brittany]

So they dug your grave

And the masquerade

Will come calling out

At the mess you made

[Jake and Marley]

Don't want to let you down

But I am hell bound

Though this is all for you

Don't want to hide the truth

[Sam and Tina]

No matter what we breed

We still are made of greed

This is my kingdom come

This is my kingdom come

[Blaine, Marley, Artie, Tina, Sam, Kitty, Brittany and Jake with New Directions]

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

it's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

{Scene changes to Finn in the bathroom, staring at the text message from Rachel as he looks saddened. He ignores the text messages, staring into the bathroom mirror}


They say it's what you make

I say it's up to fate

It's woven in my soul

I need to let you go

Your eyes, they shine so bright

I want to save this light

I can't escape this now

Unless you show me how!

{Scene splits with New Directions on the stage, singing as the audience starts clapping for New Directions and Finn sitting in a corner in the bathroom looking saddened}

[Finn, Blaine, Marley, Tina, Kitty, Brittany, Jake, Artie and Sam with New Directions]

When you feel my heat

Look into my eyes

It's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

Don't get too close

It's dark inside

it's where my demons hide

It's where my demons hide

{Finn stares into his phone, seeing the bruise on his face and a teardrop falls on the phone screen}


Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson

Heather Morris as Brittany Pierce

Melissa Benoist as Marley Rose

Jacob Artist as Jake Puckerman

Blake Jenner as Ryder Lynn

Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams

Becca Tobin as Kitty Wilde

Alex Newell as Wade "Unique" Adams

Harry Shum Jr. as Mike Chang

Mike O'Malley as Burt Hummel

Sebastian Cuk as Christopher Hudson

Mark Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman

Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans

Matthew Morrison as Will Schuester

Jonathan Groff as Jesse St. James


You Spin Me Right Round (Like A Record) (Originally by Dead or Alive): Performed by Finn Hudson, Mike Chang, Brittany Pierce and Rachel Berry

Sorry (Piano Version) (Originally by Jonas Brothers): Performed by Santana Lopez

Demons (Originally by Imagine Dragons): Performed by Finn Hudson and New Directions