
Chapter Twenty five

It's been a month now and I've still not heard from Luciano, I'm going crazy. Enzo won't even let me talk to him ,when he comes to visit Mari he acts like I'm nothing but air.

I'm two months pregnant but I'm showing very much the doctor said it's because I'm having twins,yes we found out I was having twins. I must say I ruined my life,even if Luciano were to forgive me,I know we would never get back together,I mean I'm carrying another man's children.

I do miss Luciano,he handed over the management of the winery to his assistant and took a sick leave. I resumed working but after I knock off I can't help but go and pack outside his office hoping to see him , sometimes I drive by Enzo's night club thinking I'll see him there.

Just like today I'm outside his office waiting patiently,when my phone rings and it's Nick, arhggggg.