
Chapter seven

Well ,today is the day. I'm moving to Italy to start anew. It is scary but I deal with being a single parent. My dad said I could work for his winery. My parents produce the best wine in Europe and Asia called the loto di vitro (glass lotus).

He wanted to put me as the director but I don't know a thing about the wine business so in the meantime I can work under his current manager Luciano Rucci. My mother won't stop telling me how attractive he is and dad won't stop praising him, he's the son they never had .

"Mom grandpa's plane is just like dad's,can I fly the plane grandpa?", when he mentioned his dad my heart dropped,my dad sees my distress and tries to distract liam.

"Yes you can but only when you're bigger but in the meantime we can go check out the cockpit and take pictures while the pilot gets everything ready",and they get on the plane.