

( DISCONTINUED ) glass diamonds -are made of high quality, optically pure glass. glass diamonds are sparkling gems with bevelled edge and round shaped. he described her eyes like that. instead of the ocean, he saw calm jewels, bright and captivating. 。・:*:・゚。・:*:・゚ "I like you, you know" The brown haired man said to the cheerleader, grinning to himself as he looked at her clear blue glass eyes, admiring the beauty of the diamonds she had. The girl blinked twice and laughed, though she was blushing and only wanted to hide her embarrassment. "I know" 。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚ In which a shameless bisexual boy falls in love at first sight of a cheerleader whom was just trying to get by life. How will this unfold when two similar yet different chaotic energy bump each other?

yeliahx · Teen
Not enough ratings
1 Chs


Hello to everyone reading, it's a bit sudden but I've decided to discontinue writing my stories here and focus on my health because it's deteriorating.

I will not be posting chapters here anymore. I'll probably write somewhere else ( like scribble hub i guess ) when I'm done recovering. Thank you for reading Glass Diamonds even though it's lacking, i appreciate it.
