
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 94

Bai Ling looked at me shyly, and said softly, "Qiuqiu, check there again for me!" It turned out that Bai Ling could be teasing, and hearing her words, I felt as excited as if I had been pumped. , swallowed, and parted her snow-white legs.

I took off her trousers with trembling hands, and slowly watched Sister Bai Ling's hairless mysterious place unfold in front of my eyes. Touch it lightly.


Bai Ling's body trembled slightly and he gasped violently, feeling numb all over his body.

It has been several days since she was broken by me. The woman who has just experienced human affairs is still extremely sensitive. I touched her a few times and her place was very wet. I bent down and hugged her thighs with both hands, and kissed her lower body with my mouth. .My Beautiful Mistress 94

"Qiuqiu... Ah!" Sister Bai Ling twisted her whole body twice, as if she was getting an electric shock.

Sister Bai Ling's lower body gave me the feeling that it was soft and slippery, and there was no hair to cover it, so I could see her there more clearly.

I stopped and climbed onto Sister Bai Ling's soft body and lay down, kissed her earlobe, and said, "Sister Bai Ling, I've finished checking, yours is still so beautiful!"

With blushing cheeks, Bai Ling hummed, and murmured, "Qiuqiu, I want it!"

After my teasing, Sister Bai Ling couldn't stop, so she proposed it.

I pretended not to know with a smile and asked, "Sister Bai Ling, what do you want?"

Bai Ling shyly gave me a blank look, and said: "Pervert, do you have to make it so clear! You know what I want in your heart, so stop pretending to me!"

I smiled and stopped teasing Sister Bai Ling. I showed my baby and rubbed against her lower body, and said softly, "Sister Bai Ling, do you want this?"

Bai Ling nodded, humming softly like a mosquito.

I kneaded her snow-white breasts, and said with a smile, "Call me brother, and I'll give it to you!"

Bai Ling raised his pink fist and gave me a hammer, angrily said: "You have a good idea!"

I leaned down and sucked the pink grape on her chest, Bai Ling couldn't take it anymore and trembled all over!He closed his eyes and shouted panting: "Brother Ye Qiu, give it to me quickly, sister Bai Ling wants it!"

Hearing Bai Ling's soft, glutinous and sweet voice, I couldn't hold back anymore, and slowly entered her wet, slippery and hot body.

"Hmm..." Bai Ling yelled while closing his eyes and frowning!

We pushed hard, and immediately the two of us were completely intimately fused together...

There was a crackling sound in the room. After half an hour, all the heat in my body sprayed into Sister Bai Ling's body. After she felt the heat, she also reached its peak. Her body hugged me tightly and shivered.

I lay on Sister Bai Ling's body, and the two hugged tightly. The body of the Baihu woman is different, and it gives me different feelings every time.

"Sister Bai Ling, do you like being ridden by me?" Looking at Bai Ling's face flushed, the comfortable feeling seemed to have not subsided.

A woman's orgasm lasts much longer than a man's, but most of it is not as strong as a man's, Bai Ling hugged me with his eyes closed, and opened his eyes slowly after 2 minutes, angrily said: "I like it! "My glamorous mistress 94

"Qiuqiu, I'm sleepy, don't bother me when I sleep, okay!" My essence has already started to react in her body, and she needs to absorb it as soon as possible to be useful, otherwise such a precious resource will be wasted.

I'm a little tired myself, I'm sore from running around all day today, so I nodded: "Well, Sister Bai Ling, you can sleep peacefully, I'll just hold it back at worst!"

Bai Ling glanced at me gratefully, hooked his hands at me, and said with a smile, "Qiuqiu, come here!"

I froze for a moment, and leaned my head closer, thinking she had something to say to me, but she kissed me on the cheek and said with a smile, "Sister Bai Ling gave you this gift, go to sleep!"

After she finished speaking, she lay down and turned her back to me and fell asleep.

I touched the place where she kissed and smiled, and said in my heart, it smells so good!

I fell asleep shortly after turning off the light. Sister Bai Ling didn't sleep beside me. Although she was lying down, she was absorbing the essence that I sprayed into her body. Her skin improved was also related to this.

The night was spent peacefully!

After going to work the next day, our family's company officially opened. After entering the company, all three of Qin Lan and the others arrived. The interior of the company was beautifully decorated by them.

Master and wife were welcoming guests outside, Wu Kaiyun was the first one to come, and Wu Shanshan was with him, but fortunately, Wu Linjun didn't come with him, which surprised me a bit.

After Wu Kaiyun presented the flower basket, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Master Liu's company opened today and invited Haihan uninvited, I wish Master Liu a wealth of wealth and fame!"

"Brother Wu's words really discouraged me, the visitor is a guest, please come inside, Xiaoqiu serves tea!" Master shouted at me.

Qin Lan and Liu Yan greeted the guests with Master, Mistress and the others outside, and only Guo Meimei and I were left inside. She had already prepared tea, but Wu Kaiyun didn't intend to come in.

"No, no, Master Liu, I still have some things to do. I'll come to have a drink with you another day. I'm really sorry, sorry!" Wu Kaiyun was about to leave without even sitting down.

And Wu Shanshan didn't seem to have any plans to leave, "Dad, I'll just play with brother Ye Qiu for a while, and I'll go find you when you're done!"

"Okay, nephew Ye Xian, I'll ask you to take care of Shanshan!" Wu Kaiyun said to me at the door.

I nodded and smiled, "No problem!"