
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 88

The side room faced north and south, and the room was a little dark. After passing through a corridor, Wu Kaiyun stopped at the door of a room and said, "Master Liu, please save my daughter. I'm willing to spend any money, as long as you If I could save her, I would lose my fortune!"

Although Wu Kaiyun looks shrewd and stingy, but his words are profound and righteous, showing the image of a tall and stalwart father, which I did not expect. From his appearance, he belongs to a person who is affectionate and indifferent.

Master was not in a hurry to boast that he would definitely save her daughter, and so on. Taoist priests are sometimes like doctors, even if they are [-]% sure, they cannot make certain promises to others.

"Patriarch Wu, don't worry, I will try my best, you stay outside for now, take us in to find out!" Master comforted a few words, and took me and my wife into Wu Shanshan's boudoir.

As soon as I entered the room, I felt a cold air hit.My Beautiful Mistress 88

Mistress also frowned and said: "It's so strong, it seems to have the aura of Meizu!"

"Close the door, lock it, and post a town house talisman on each of the eight places!" Master said to me in a deep voice, looking at Wu Shanshan who was lying motionless on the bed.

I hastily followed what Master said, took out the talisman papers and pasted them one by one.

After I was done, the master took out the peach wood sword and three copper coins, and saw the master toss the three copper coins into the air.

The master chanted the mantra silently, and immediately, three copper coins stood up on the mahogany sword, and then turned quickly!

"Urgently like a law, the heaven and the earth borrow the law, and the eyes of yin and yang... open!" The mahogany sword in the master's right hand shook, and three copper coins flew towards the bed, embedded in the bed board, with the power of three stars to lock the soul lined up.

The talisman paper in the master's right hand popped out and immediately ignited a ball of flames in the air, which was fleeting, and the talisman paper was instantly reduced to ashes.

I also hastily recited the formula and opened the yin and yang eyes.

"Evil! Come out, don't want to harm anyone!" Master pointed at Wu Shanshan and shouted.

I took a closer look, and there was actually another person inside Wu Shanshan's body, almost exactly the same as those white-clothed female ghosts I saw in the alley of the rental house on Yuxi Street last time, with white clothes like snow and black hair like waterfalls!

The female ghost is lying down at the moment, so I can see her face, but when I saw her face clearly, I broke out in a cold sweat. There was nothing on her face, nothing to do with it, flat like a mirror, It looked terrifying.

Wu Shanshan suddenly stood upright, her face was expressionless, her eyes suddenly opened, and a red light flashed!

"Smelly Taoist priest, you will accept me if you have the guts, and this woman will not live!" The piercing voice was extremely unpleasant, it was not a human voice at all, it made goose bumps all over my body when I heard it.

Mistress walked up to me and said softly: "Don't act rashly, just watch how your master is a ghost, and learn more." Mistress's face was calm, as if she was not afraid of seeing ghosts at all, I nodded and kept my eyes on Look at the master.

The mahogany sword in the master's hand pointed at Wu Shanshan, "Come out automatically, I will keep your soul immortal, and put you into reincarnation and reincarnate. If you insist on going your own way, your soul will be scattered and you will become an eternal soul!"

"Giggle..." The female ghost in Wu Shanshan's body let out a terrifying laugh, a bit like howling a wild animal.

"Smelly Taoist priest, even if you beat me to death, you will not live for a few years. The Meihuang will definitely avenge me on the day when I am done. At that time, all of you human Taoist priests will be killed. If you are willing to take refuge in Meihuang, I can plead with him Let you be the spokesperson of the Charming Emperor in the world!" The female ghost has no fear of the master, but wants to win him over.

"Big words, so what about the Charming Emperor, I, human Taoist priests unite, he can't even think of touching a human hair! Since you don't know how to repent, then what's the use of keeping you! Damn,

Suffer it to death!" Master slashed out with a sword. My beautiful wife88

Wu Shanshan's body moved, she didn't run away or dodge, but stretched out her five bright red claws to catch Master.

The master seemed to have expected it, the sword in his hand was taken back, and a soul-leaving talisman was shot out, which immediately burned in Wu Shanshan's palm.

"Ah..." The evil ghost in Wu Shanshan's body trembled in pain, and immediately separated from Wu Shanshan's body.

Master rushed over and hugged Wu Shanshan by the waist and pushed her towards me, "Protect her well!"

"Stinky Taoist priest, you, you are actually a descendant of the Maoshan Taoist school!" The Lihun Talisman is a talisman uniquely developed by Master Zhang Tianshi of Maoshan Mountain. Coerce or depend on.

The master said in a deep voice: "It's too late to regret now, just die!"

Shuashuashuashua, the move of Nuyuxi Divine Art was activated instantly, and the mahogany sword was powerfully wielded in the master's hands.

The female ghost fought against Jia while avoiding it. Her skills were obviously inferior to my master's, and she was on the verge of being defeated in a dozen rounds!

At this moment, all the clothes on the female ghost suddenly disappeared, and she stood naked in front of the master. The master was stunned for a moment, and the female ghost giggled and took the opportunity to stab the sharp nails at the master's throat!

"Master Xiaojiu" I reminded from the side, the moment Master just saw her take off her clothes, she seemed to be in a daze.

I looked at the female ghost again, she was completely naked, and the facial features on her face were also exposed, Bai Zhe's body looked no different from a human body.

The teacher whispered: "This female ghost has transformed into the woman your master loves! This is a seductive technique!"

I was instantly relieved, no wonder the master would be in a daze, if a female ghost suddenly changed into the appearance of the master's wife in front of me, I would probably be in a daze as well.

After the master woke up, he was extremely angry, "The heavens are spirited and the earth is spirited, the Supreme Daoist will show up quickly, take it!" The master had an extra soul-locking talisman in his hand, and the female ghost trembled with fright and wanted to escape, but the price was within the price range. Covered with soul-repelling talismans, she couldn't avoid it. In the end, the master received the soul-locking talisman, and then burned the talisman paper, causing the female ghost to fly away.