
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 83

I said to Qin Lan: "Since you are a member of our company now, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me, the boss, that one more person can do more work! Or you can treat me as a friend, and friends can be friends. There is no need to hide it!"

Although it's not good to pry into other people's privacy, I always feel that this matter is no small matter. Judging from Qin Lan's temperament, conversation and dressing, she should not be the kind of child from a very poor family, and she will not be so short of money for no reason.

Qin Lan hesitated for a while, then bowed to me suddenly, and said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Manager Ye, it's not that I don't treat you as a friend, but I really can't tell you the reason for now, but I promise you will definitely be in the future." to explain to you why."

I was taken aback, I didn't expect such a result, I nodded and said: "It's okay, it's not convenient to say it, don't feel guilty, I'm just curious."

"Well, thank you, Manager Ye, for your understanding!" Qin Lan said with a more relaxed expression.My Beautiful Mistress 83

I came over and patted her on the shoulder, and comforted me: "Work hard, and any difficulties will be overcome! Let me know if you need help!"

Qin Lan looked at it gratefully, and said again: "Thank you!"

"Mr. Ye, I didn't bother you!" Guo Meimei knocked on the door and stood at the door of my office and said with a smile: "Mr. Li asked me to come over and inform you to go to a meeting!" Guo Meimei always looked at me with a charming look. The smile is very attractive.

I nodded to Guo Meimei and said, "Okay, we'll come right away!" Compared with Guo Meimei, I prefer to see Qin Lan's innocent smile.

"Let's go, let's go to a meeting!" After Guo Meimei left, I glanced at Qin Lan and said.

Qin Lan took the notebook and came to the meeting room with me. The meeting room is next to the master's office. It is very small, even worse than my office.

Mistress and Master have all arrived. After Qin Lan and I took our seats, Mistress took out the documents she had prepared and said, "Today is a trial opening, but we must treat it as a formal opening. Someone will come to your door. Today our task is to go downstairs to distribute leaflets for two hours, and do fortune-telling."

"You three assistants are in charge of the leaflets, Director Liu is in charge of fortune-telling, Manager Ye and I are in charge of telephone consultation, and Director Bai is going down to assist Director Liu! Do you understand?"

Everyone said in unison: "Understood!"

In fact, with the master's reputation, there is no need to use such a method to solicit business. As long as it is officially open, coupled with the advertisements placed on the Internet and in magazines and newspapers, the business will definitely not be bad.


Beauty drunk smile hero crazy bar

And the Fengshui industry is somewhat similar to an antique store. It is not that exaggerated to open the door for three years without opening the door for three years. However, the income from looking at Fengshui and other things is not cheap. For half a day, his charges ranged from tens of thousands to tens of thousands.

This is still just fortune-telling, if there are ominous hexagrams that need to be deciphered, the cost will be higher.

Master's astrological fortune-telling is just peeping at the secrets of heaven. In the future, Yangshou will be damaged, which means that one's own life is used to count other people's lives. No wonder the cost is not high.

After the teacher's wife finished speaking, the master explained some details.

Everyone was listening intently, and suddenly I saw Guo Meimei sitting opposite me. She was still wearing a short skirt today, her white thighs were slightly opened, and I was sitting right where I could see her.

However, the legs were not fully opened, and one could only see a pair of bright red underpants underneath the skirt, which seemed to be mesh lace underpants.

Guo Meimei suddenly noticed that I was looking at her. Instead of clamping her legs tightly, she opened them even further. After seeing clearly the inside of her short skirt, my lower body immediately reacted.My Beautiful Mistress 83

What she wore in her skirt turned out to be a pair of hollow and transparent underpants. There was a fist-sized hollow at the front of the crotch, and the black jungle came out of the underpants. Oh, it's so tempting!

This is sexy underwear!I haven't seen my wife wear it yet, but Guo Meimei wears it when she goes to work.

Master was speaking on it, and everyone else was listening intently, but I couldn't take my eyes off it.

Guo Meimei secretly gave me a wink, and then held it in a circle with one hand, and inserted a pen in the other hand to move back and forth in the circle.

Now I really doubt whether the membrane under her was repaired in the hospital or not!This woman is too slutty!She openly seduced and teased me!But... I'm not disgusted!

The master stopped suddenly, "Xiaoqiu, did you understand?" The master yelled to me twice, but I still didn't hear it, Qin Lan quickly pushed me, and I came back to my senses, "Oh, knew!"

"You know what a fool!" In fact, the master had already seen that I was absent-minded and said angrily when he saw that I was prevaricating him.

Mistress and Bai Ling are fine, they are no strangers to swearing at Master, the other three new beauties besides Guo Meimei, Qin Lan and Liu Yan want to laugh but dare not laugh, their faces flushed from holding back.

I smiled and said: "Liu Dong, don't talk to people like this when you look at the face later, or it's not good to scare the guests away!"

Master glared at me, didn't say anything more, and then said: "Okay, today's meeting is here, everyone will perform their duties, and the trial operation will officially begin!"