
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 7

I suppressed the restlessness in my heart and went back to the restaurant. My wife had just served me a meal, handed me the rice bowl and said, "Qiuqiu, don't mention what happened in Fengyue Street today, and don't investigate anything, I know you I'm curious in my heart, but it's not the time to tell you some things, when the day comes, Master Tian will tell you everything!"

Mistress said some inexplicable words that I didn't understand. Mistress's face was solemn. I rarely saw Mistress with such an expression before. In my heart, Mistress is always happy, which makes me feel happy when I see it.

"Well, Mistress, I know!" I nodded, although I was a little curious about these things, but I wouldn't go against Mistress' wishes to investigate secretly, Mistress naturally had her reasons for saying that.

Mistress ate silently, seemingly absent-minded. I asked, "Miss, shall we go to the beach tomorrow?" I went to the beach together, because then I could appreciate the proud figure of my wife, especially the beauty of her chest, which made me obsessed.

But on the other hand, I don't want my wife to be looked at by other men. Needless to say, my wife's charm can attract the attention of all men even if she doesn't wear sexy clothes. One can imagine that if she wears a swimsuit and goes to the beach, she won't know How many perverts to be charmed.My Beautiful Mistress 7

Mistress looked at me and didn't speak, she was probably thinking about it, she seemed unsure about paying attention, she came over for about 2 minutes before she smiled and nodded, "Of course, when will Mistress promise you something!"

If so, no matter what, as long as the teacher promises, she will definitely do it, unless she does not agree.When I was young, as long as I wanted to buy any toy, as long as my wife nodded, she would be willing to buy it no matter how expensive it was.

I showed a happy smile, and said to my wife: "Great! But my wife, can you go without that swimsuit, it's too revealing, I don't like it! I think that kind of one-piece suit is more suitable for you!" I I don't know where I got the courage to say these words out of nowhere.

Mistress was not angry, but giggled happily, and asked me suddenly after a while: "How do you know that Mistress's swimsuit is exposed? Tell me honestly, did you secretly open it upstairs just now?"

After swiping, my face turned red. Of course I would not admit such a shameful thing, and I strongly denied it: "No, no, I, I, I saw it when I was in the store! I chose it for you, Mrs. !" My mind was spinning quickly, and I suddenly thought of this reason. In fact, I didn't see the style of the swimsuit clearly at all when I was in the store.

"Really? How did I see that you lowered your head and pointed indiscriminately at that time!" said the teacher pretending to be surprised.

I complained endlessly in my heart, if I knew it was like this, why bother at that time!I just wanted to explain, but my wife said again: "Why are you nervous? Even if you really watched it, so what? My wife blamed you for not being able to do it, it's not because I saw her body!"

I really want to see your body, Mistress, but will you show me?I muttered in my heart.

After the meal, I went back upstairs to do my homework for the summer vacation. For me, the subject of the first year of high school was pediatrics. I did more than half of it in three days, and I could finish it in two days at most. When I thought of the head teacher, the dress professional Busty woman in suit.She is 26 years old and got married just after graduating from a prestigious university, but she left after less than a year of marriage. It is said that her husband had a mistress outside.

I am the monitor of Class [-] and Class [-] of Senior High School. I remember one time during the lunch break, I went to her office to find something to do with her. I saw her humming softly with her eyes closed, and her hands were moving back and forth under the desk. , I don't know what I'm doing, but I look like I'm enjoying it.

I hastily closed the door quietly, and then knocked on the door before going in. After talking about the class, she asked me if I would like to go to her house, and she personally gave me tutoring. During that time, I happened to wish Xiaobao went to his house to play games every day. It was bought by his father from Hong Kong, and I got good grades, so I shirked it.

At this moment, I heard the sound of the doorknob turning. I have been used to locking the door since I was watched by my wife last time. My wife turned it a few times outside but did not open it, and shouted outside: "Qiuqiu, open the door!"

I put away my homework and went to open the door, but when I opened the door, I was dumbfounded. The teacher was wearing the swimsuit I bought at the store today, and there was a mesmerizing groove on her white breasts!The slender waist, flat belly, and slender white thighs made me breathe a little short of breath.

Mistress walked into my room, walked around in front of me, and said with a smile: "Do you think it's very revealing? Mistress, is it okay?" Maybe it's because Master is not at home that Mistress is so casual, although she is usually very casual, But never came to my room with so little clothes on.

It's okay if she doesn't turn around, her back is almost completely leaking out, a large white area, after turning around, I found that the swimming trunks seem to be too tight, clinging to the teacher's wife's private parts, even the protruding part inside is exposed , it seems that there is still a seam/gap printed in the very center!