
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 71

I haven't seen each other for only two days, I feel like we have been separated for a long time, especially when I heard Master say that a mother and daughter were almost killed, I am even more eager to see their mother and daughter!

Many times when some people and things are lost, we realize how important it is to cherish!

"Ye Qiu, how long have we been separated? You want to see me so soon. If you are separated for a long time, you will get lovesick! Hmph, stop fooling me, do you think I'm those ignorant girls?" Zhu Weiwei There is no way of knowing how eager I am to see them at this moment.

"Sister Weiwei, I'm not joking with you, I'm telling the truth!" I urged anxiously: "Tell me your address quickly, I'll go find you right now!"

Zhu Weiwei paused for a moment, and said, "Ye Qiu... Actually, I really want you to come, but the place where my mother and I live is very poor, I'm afraid you won't be used to it!"

"I said Sister Weiwei, I will be angry if you say such things again. Even if you live in a bad place, will I despise you? Tell me the address quickly, okay!" I was a little speechless, and it was only two days apart She actually got out with me, and really wanted to go and spank her.

"Okay, seeing how pitiful you are, let me tell you!" Zhu Weiwei smiled and said, "We live in Yuxi Street, Sanlihe, Baiyu District. I won't tell you the house number. If you do, it's hard to find you. Here you go Give me a call and I'll pick you up!"

I was like a bolt from the blue. Their mother and daughter lived in that street, and their backs were covered with cold sweat. It seems that my worry was not superfluous. It was another mother and daughter who were almost killed by the evil spirits today. To Lin Yazhi and Zhu Weiwei, it seems that I have to go there quickly.

After hanging up the phone, I said to Master: "Master, I have something to go out for, by the way, there is a coincidence, my friend also lives in Yuxi Street, and they are also a mother and daughter!"

The master frowned, then pinched his fingers to make the calculation, and took out a few ancient copper coins to make a divination. After reading the divination, the master's expression became more solemn, and he said, "You should go there quickly, it is best to persuade them to leave there. !"

"Why?" I asked puzzled.

Master put away the copper coins and said: "There is still half a month until the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. The fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Ghost Festival, which is also commonly known as the Ghost Festival, and the Ghost Festival is generally a day for future generations to worship the dead souls of their ancestors. The gate of the underworld will be opened for one day, and those lonely ghosts and demons in the Yin-Yang world will escape from the Yin-Yang world on that day, but any place with strong Yin and evil spirit is their passage to the Yang world."

"Go ahead and try to persuade them to leave. I will find time to go there some other day. It would be better if there is no evil eye there. If there is an eye of evil, I will unite with several fellow Taoists to seal it, so as not to Those ghosts come out to harm the world!" Master comforted.

"Thank you Master, I'll go and have a look right now!" After saying goodbye to Master, I left the company, went downstairs, took a taxi and headed straight to Baiyu District. The ghost came out that day.

It took half an hour for the taxi to arrive, and it cost more than 50 yuan for the fare. When I walked into Yuxi Street, I realized why Zhu Weiwei didn't want me to come here. Not more than one meter.

The streets are dirty, but crowded with people. Walking into this street on a hot day feels chilly.

I called Zhu Weiwei and told him where I was, and she appeared after a few minutes of waiting. I saw her coming out of a narrow alley, wearing a black T-shirt, shorts and slippers, still so youthful Beautiful and unique among the bustling crowd.

I walked towards Zhu Weiwei and shouted from a distance: "Sister Weiwei, here it is!"

"Sister Weiwei, I miss you so much!" I trotted up to Zhu Weiwei, opened my arms and hugged her, but she pushed her away, and said angrily with a reddish face, "Pay attention to your image, it's on the street!"

"Hehe, let's go, let's go to the place where you live and hug!" I said with a smile.

"Pervert!" Zhu Weiwei gave me a blank look, "Have you reached your estrus period?"

We joked as we walked, "It depends on who you are, I really don't feel much when I see others, but when I see you, Sister Weiwei, it's hard not to be in heat!"

"Get lost..." Zhu Weiwei pinched my waist and said brokenly.

But sister Weiwei didn't pinch too hard and it didn't hurt. I asked, "Sister Weiwei, is your mother at home?" My beautiful wife71

"Not here, I'm going to the hospital!" Zhu Weiwei took the key to open the door and turned to look at the locked room next door and said, "Here, there is a mother and daughter in that room. We came back and heard that they were injured and hospitalized. My mother and her are very speculative, so I made soup and went to see others!"

After entering the room, I patted her elastic buttocks, "Speak clearly, please, I was shocked just now, I thought your mother was hospitalized."

Sister Weiwei giggled, "We are so nervous! Seeing that you care about us, then sister let you hug me!" After she finished speaking, she opened her arms and hugged me.

I hugged her tightly, moved my hands around her soft delicate body, and then kissed her smooth lips and sucked her crazily. Sister Weiwei hummed, struggled a few times, and followed After I opened her white teeth and sucked her soft little tongue, she stopped struggling like a tamed wild horse!