
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 69

Mistress's smile froze instantly after hearing my words, and a little bit of sadness appeared on her quiet face, "Qiuqiu, Mistress will tell you something later, if you still insist on marrying me at that time, I will be very relieved Yes! But now I can't give you an answer!"

"I believe my wife will never be disappointed with my choice!" I know my wife must have a hard time, since she is unwilling to say it now, then I will wait another three years!No matter how much resistance we will face together, I will never waver in my original choice!

I am not only greedy for the beauty of my wife and her body, but love!Although it is still a bit early for me to say this word now, outsiders may think I am naive or impulsive, but only I know that this love has been buried deep in my heart since I was a child, but at that time I didn't know it was love!

"Maybe..." Mistress looked at me with a forced smile.

I said calmly: "As a man, there are some things that do not need to be debated. Practical actions are the best proof. My wife may not fully believe in my determination, but when I am three years later, I will say that loudly to my wife. Three words! Declare to the world that Li Xiangjun is my Ye Qiu's woman!" My glamorous wife 69

Mistress looked at me with tears in her eyes, suddenly came over and hugged me in her arms, whispering: "Fool!"

At this moment, my wife is like a couple in love, and I can feel her heart beating faster, which shows that she still cares about my words.

We hug each other like this, feeling each other's heartbeat and the smell of each other's body, I really hope this moment can last forever!

I don't know how long it took, but the knock on the door woke us up!

"Dong dong dong..." The master beat on the door outside the teacher's wife's office angrily, and shouted loudly: "Stinky boy, come out!"

Mistress let go of me and said with a smile: "I'm right! Your master is looking for death!"

I couldn't help but walk over to open the door, "Master, what's the matter with you? Who made you angry!" I asked pretending not to know.

Master pointed at me and said angrily, "Stop pretending to me, boy, did you do it on purpose just now, little bastard, you can't do it otherwise!"

"Don't, Master, it's not good to be angry! I really didn't mean it. I also feel sorry for you, the old man, who brought you food in case you were hungry!" I showed an innocent expression, Master had never hit me since I was a child Well, sometimes he is a man with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, and he just scolds fiercely.

"Didn't it be intentional? Then don't you know how to knock on the door?" Master's tone became a little softer, and I knew he had begun to calm down!

I spread my hands and explained: "I knocked but you didn't make a sound, so I opened the door. If you don't believe me, you can ask my wife and sister Bai Ling, they can all testify for me!"

The teacher also said: "Yes, Xiao Qiu is really unintentional, I can testify!"

"Hmph..." Master snorted coldly: "You are in the same group, I won't tell you, Xiao Qiu, come here, go to Master's office!"

Leaving Mistress's office and looking back, Mistress made a cute face at me, I lost my temper completely in my heart, she was the mastermind behind this matter, but now she looks like she has nothing to do with herself!

When I came to the master's office, the master sat down and drank a cup of tea, and then asked, "Why are you so curious? Have you never seen a woman's body or what is going on?"

"Ahem..." I looked around Master's office and found that there was no one there. It seemed that the nun had already left, so I asked, "Master, where is the teacher? What are you sneaking around in there for?" "

"Smelly boy, what is sneaking!" Master gave me a look, very dissatisfied with my wrong words.

"Then I seem to see you put on your clothes again, and there was a strange cry before! You say I can't daydream? Then what exactly are you doing?" I pressed on step by step, turning Master into an army!

The master snorted, and sprayed half of the tea out of his mouth, "Boys, you have been eavesdropping outside, haven't you! Since you are so curious, it's okay to tell you, I am treating Mrs. Jingyi! She was injured, and that injury was very special, not by someone!" My glamorous wife 69

"Didn't you get hurt by someone?" I immediately stopped joking, knowing what Master's words meant, I asked solemnly, "Then what did Mrs. Jingyi get hurt by?"

What Master is talking about here is not being hurt by people, it must be referring to something, of course, it can't be animals, either being monsters such as goblins, meizu or ghosts.However, goblins generally do not hurt people, and this can be ruled out. As for whether it is a ghost or an evil spirit, I cannot predict.

Meizu is a written language recorded in some books. Our Taoists or Buddhists generally call Meizu a demon.

Demons, on the other hand, are a relatively different kind of existence that can be revived by corpses, and sometimes they are revived in goblins, so evil spirits are between humans, ghosts and demons.

"She herself didn't see it clearly. When she passed by a gloomy rental house, she felt the evil spirit, so she went up to find out, but the speed of the ghost was too fast, and it attacked Mrs. Jingyi when it escaped. According to Jingyi Based on what the teacher said and the injuries on her body, I guess she was injured by an evil spirit in all likelihood!" The master said again: "The evil spirit already has a physical body, that is, it has resurrected its soul from a dead body!"