
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 66

"Qiuqiu, go ask your master to have dinner together!" Now it's meal time, everyone has been busy all morning, only the master stayed in the office.

I went to the door of Master's office and knocked on the door: "Master, it's time to eat!"

There was no movement inside. I stuck to the door to listen, and there seemed to be a voice talking inside. I thought the master was talking with someone else, and then came to the teacher's wife: "It seems that the conversation is not over yet, why don't we wait, or eat first?" Pack it up and bring it back to Master later!"

"It's old and not serious!" Mistress cursed in a low voice, and then said to Bai Ling and me: "You don't have to wait, let's go eat, just pack and bring it back later!"

"Ah, hasn't that woman left yet?" Bai Ling was also a little surprised.My Beautiful Mistress 66

I have been staying in the office for the interview. I don't know what happened outside. I thought the master was alone in the office. It seems that there is something else going on!Those who eat later will dig out Master's gossip!

There is a restaurant downstairs in the company, which is not high-end, but it looks clean and hygienic, and the environment inside is not bad, but in this kind of location, even street stalls are not cheap. Master packed a copy and spent more than 150.

I heard from my wife that the chef was invited to work only after the official opening, and that she was a young woman. It was strange to say that all the chefs hired by my master and my wife were women, and there was no extra male in the company except me and my master.

It seems that most of the upstairs and downstairs in our company are women. The teacher really knows how to choose a place, and it is not bad to work in this environment full of beautiful women all day long.

After I ordered the food, I went to the next door to buy a three-point drink. The air conditioner was blowing in the restaurant, and I still felt a little stuffy. There were too many main people, and there were jobs from nearby companies everywhere.

"This belongs to Mrs. Bai Ling, I'll give you this!" I bought them a glass of orange juice and a sundae.

After sitting down, I smiled and asked: "Master, you just said that Master stayed in the office all morning to receive a woman. What's going on?"

The teacher's lips were ruddy and sexy, and she took a sip of the orange juice through a straw, and said with a smile, "Don't you know that your master has an old friend?"

I searched my memory for a long time but couldn't connect Master with that woman, and Master was often outside. I didn't know much about his private life, so I shook my head and asked, "Master, what's going on? What do you mean?" Say it!"

Bai Ling took a sip of the sundae, and said disdainfully: "What else can I do? A nun entered your master's office early in the morning. As soon as she entered, the door of your master's office was locked and the shutters were also closed. , I don't know what I'm doing inside, I thought I'd left early, but I didn't expect to be still inside!"

"Nun!?" I almost didn't burst out laughing, and said to myself, "Taoist and nun have sex? What about the monk? Don't pop out a monk at that time and say, the old man with a strong nose, quickly let go of the mistress, old man first come!"

The teacher smiled coquettishly, "Sister, don't be so naughty, what if someone is discussing Taoism and Buddhism!"

I became even more curious. After dinner, I rushed back to the company with my wife Bai Ling non-stop. The two of them seemed to be more curious than me. Women love to gossip.

I quietly walked to the door of Master's office with the packed meals and put my ears on it. After listening to it for a long time, there seemed to be no voice. I was about to knock on the door, but at this moment, I heard a few deep gasps.

Mistress and Bai Ling also tiptoed over, leaning their heads against the door to eavesdrop.

"Oh... Daoist Liu, please be gentle!" The nun inside spoke, and the content of what he said was ambiguous enough to make people think about it.

The master gasped and said: "Master Jingyi, you have to bear with it, it will be fine soon!"

Bai Ling blushed and walked away, probably unable to listen anymore.

Mistress continued to eavesdrop with great interest, but she didn't smile, as if her complexion was very heavy.My Beautiful Mistress 66

"Ah..." The teacher's voice came from inside!

Immediately afterwards, I heard Master say, "Okay, this time it's really good!"

I felt a little hot all over, and secretly looked at my wife, she turned sideways, and I could just see the inside of her chest, the white fleshy ball squeezed against the door and deformed, making it more prominent.

Mistress suddenly turned her head and saw me peeking at her chest, but she didn't mind, she still kept this seductive posture, and asked me in a low voice, "Do you want it?"

It's been several days since I had sex with my mistress. When she asked me, I immediately turned up and nodded excitedly: "I want it!"

"Well, the door is unlocked, you immediately push open the door of your master's office, and my wife will do it for you later!" said my wife with a smirk on her face.

Damn, this is too difficult, the master is communicating with the teacher again 'in-depth'!Although the work has just finished, it is estimated that the two of them have not put on their clothes yet. If I broke in directly, I would definitely see the picture of the two of them hugging each other naked.

However, in order to have sex with my teacher, I risked it all. Anyway, I was holding the rice in my hand, so I didn't know that there was an outsider inside, and just said I came to deliver the rice to you, Master!

I took a deep breath, held the doorknob, looked at my mistress, she smiled encouragingly and nodded to me, and even stretched out my thumb, I gritted my teeth, twisted the handle quickly and pushed the door open!