
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 49

I like mature women more than young girls because I have a crush on my mother since I was a child. I don't know if this is the so-called Oedipus complex or because I lack maternal love. I don't know and I don't understand. I just see beauty MILF I just miss Japan.

Lin Yazhi is undoubtedly the type of woman I want to possess. Of course, her daughter Zhu Weiwei is also the same, but the desire to possess is not so strong. It's not that I don't like girls, but the comparison between girls and mature women If so, I prefer mature women.

Looking at Lin Yazhi in my arms, I felt that I should do something. As a man, I can't smoke a dick and deny others. That way even I would look down on myself. Since I possess her, I should bear something.

Mistress seems to have been working on company registration at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau these days. When the time comes, ask Mistress if she can reserve a position for Lin Yazhi so that I don't worry about her orphans and widows. Women are prone to accidents these days, beautiful Women are more prone to accidents.

I felt a little numbness in my arm, and moved it out slightly. I didn't expect such a slight movement to wake up Lin Yazhi. She blinked her eyelashes a few times and slowly opened her eyes. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at me, revealing Warm smile: "What is Xiaoqiu looking so fascinated by!" My beautiful wife 49

Seeing her wake up, I didn't have any worries. I took my arm out of the back of her head and shook it a few times, and I felt much more comfortable. My big palm reached into the quilt to hold her white big tits, and smiled lightly. : "Aunt Lin, you are so beautiful!"

Most of the time when men and women look at women, they are looking at women's breasts. One white covers three ugliness, and big tits plug their faces!A fair-skinned woman will not look ugly even if she is plain, and a woman with big breasts is more attractive to men than her own appearance.

Lin Yazhi has it all, not only is her skin white and smooth, her breasts are also big, and her figure is also graceful!

The most important thing is that she is still a married woman. Although she is now a widow, she still has experience. How to please a man is much better than those untouched women. She knows what a man likes and desires, so every smile is attractive .

Lin Yazhi pulled the quilt down slowly until most of her snow-white tits were exposed, and said to me in a charming voice: "Auntie's tits look good?"

I felt my throat was dry, so I nodded, "Auntie Lin's breasts are big and white, very beautiful!"

"Hehe...really? Xiaoqiu didn't say that because she wanted to have sex with me!" Lin Yazhi asked with a smile, even though she said that, I could see that she was very happy.

Women like to ask questions knowingly or know the answer but still ask rhetorically, because she hopes that men will speak out and get affirmation from men. Only in this way will they feel in their hearts that what you are saying is true.

"Of course not! Aunt Lin, you are beautiful, every inch of your body is beautiful! What I say comes from the bottom of my heart, and I definitely don't say this for the purpose of sleeping with you, and...and I wanted to Good day to you!" I remember that it was the third year of junior high school, and it was also summer, I came to play with Xiaobao, but only Lin Yazhi was at home, she was dressed very sexy, she was only wearing a skirt and nothing underneath.

At that time, she asked me to sit down, saying that Xiaobao would be back in a while, and she was sitting on the sofa watching TV. I suddenly found that her group was dark. At that time, I hadn't even watched adult movies. I was nervous Excited again, my heart almost jumped out of my throat, it was the first time I saw a woman's private parts, I wish I could get into her skirt and watch for three days and three nights.

Lin Yazhi chuckled: "Brat, you want to have sex with women at such a young age! But did you have that ability at that time? But if you told your auntie that you wanted to fuck me, I might have agreed to it in a soft heart. !"

I also smiled, the matter is over, although it didn't work out at that time, why don't I share the same bed with her now?Don't just look at it, it's all done!

Lin Yazhi sat up and leaned against the head of the bed and said coquettishly, "Xiaoqiu, do you still want to see Auntie's bottom?"

"I want to, of course I want to, it's not enough to watch it a thousand times!" I said excitedly, for me, a high school student who just left my virginity not long ago, any part of a woman is attractive to me, and the bottom part makes me crazy!

The hair on Shi Niang's private parts is not as thick as Lin Yazhi's, it is very slender and tidy, as if it has been carefully trimmed, but it is pure and natural, it grows like that, Bai Ling is pink and tender, almost not covered by hair, while Lin Yazhi is Black and dense, like a black forest hiding her fat inside.

Lin Yazhi lifted the quilt, and suddenly her naked body was exposed in front of me. She slowly opened her legs with some embarrassment, and presented her beautiful abalone in front of my eyes, "Xiaoqiu, does Auntie look good there?"

I stared straight at Lin Yazhi's lower body, swallowed, and raised my head again!

"Beautiful, so beautiful!" I now feel that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman's body in the world!

Lin Ya opened her eyes and said softly: "Xiaoqiu, Auntie will show you and give you a date. From now on, you can come to Auntie whenever you want! You have to promise Auntie one condition!" My Meiyan Mistress 49

My blood was racing when I heard it, and I just wanted to get on my stomach to get her, but I heard what conditions she wanted me to agree to.

"What conditions!?"

Lin Yazhi said: "I can see that Weiwei has a crush on you. If you used to do anything, I wouldn't care, but now it's different. After all, we are mother and daughter. What do I say if I give you your daughter and then give it to you again! You promise me not to Touch her, I can give it to you at any time, you can do whatever you want!"