
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 42

The teacher was actually teasing me, her charming eyes, seductive movements, and charming voice all attracted me, so I agreed without thinking, but what I got in return was a burst of chestnut.

Looking at the figure of my mistress going downstairs, I thought to myself, next time my mistress says such tempting words again, I will immediately push her to the ground and rectify the Fa on the spot.

Lie down on the bed and sniff, there is still the scent of Sister Bai Ling's body on it, why do you always get disturbed every time you reach a critical moment with her?Why don't you ask sister Bai Ling out tomorrow and find a place to open a room?

No, Sister Bai Ling doesn't have an ID card yet. If she is checked by the police, she will be detained.

Hey, let's take it one step at a time, anyway, I have plenty of time, and the summer vacation has only been over ten days, so I don't believe I can't miss her!My Beautiful Mistress 42

The next morning, I was woken up by my mobile phone. In a daze, I stretched out my hand to the bedside, picked up the mobile phone and pressed the answer button without even looking at it. I said vaguely, "Hello..."

"Ye Qiu, come to my house quickly! My dad is back, I don't know what happened, my dad is going to beat my mother, Xiaobao can't stop it alone, come here quickly... ah..." Call me It was Zhu Weiwei who was calling, and at the end only heard the sound of glass breaking on the phone, Zhu Weiwei screamed and hung up the phone.

I shivered and lost all sleepiness. I woke up immediately and dressed quickly.

Could it be that what I fucking did/loved with Zhu Xiaobao was exposed?I felt a little flustered, but even if nothing happened between me and Lin Yazhi, I wouldn't just sit idly by, that bastard actually beat his wife, what a pig and dog!

After I got dressed, I went straight downstairs, my wife and Bai Ling got up, they were making breakfast, seeing me coming down, my wife asked, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Master, something happened to Xiaobao's house, I have to go there, his father seems to be beating his mother!" I said angrily.

Mistress nodded quickly when she heard this, "Bastard, even women are beaten, so why go there and stay in a daze! If you can't persuade me, call me!" Mistress also hates men who beat women, and she is very angry .

"Hmph, it's disgusting, Qiuqiu, do you want me to go with you!" Bai Ling also looked contemptuous, but I dared to let the two women go there. Distressed.

I shook my head, "No, I'll call the police if he rushes to make trouble! You don't have to wait for me to come back, just make breakfast and eat it yourself!"

After going out, I quickly ran to Zhu Xiaobao's house. Our two families were separated from each other, and we arrived downstairs in a few minutes. I didn't even have time to catch my breath and ran upstairs non-stop.

As soon as I came to the fifth floor, I saw some neighbors next door to Zhu Xiaobao's house listening to the movement inside. I rushed over to push the crowd away, "Sorry, let me out, please let me out!"

Just knocked on the door twice, Zhu Weiwei opened the door, and immediately heard a man's angry scolding from inside, the content of the scolding was simply unbearable, "Bitch, you have the face to say that I am looking for a woman, you are shameless!" Didn't the woman of yours get raped too? Scratch the bitches, I'll beat you to death today!"

No wonder Zhu Weiwei didn't let the neighbors in to help. As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized. Isn't everyone aware of the scandal of letting others into their house?

I hurried in and closed the door. Those people outside were a little disappointed. They wanted to watch the fun but couldn't!

As soon as I entered the house, I saw Xiaobao holding his father, there were still several scars on his body, the floor of the house was in a mess, broken vases, teacups and so on were everywhere, and there was a red palm mark on Lin Yazhi's graceful face, obviously was beaten.

"Xiaoqiu, go over and stop my dad. He's like crazy. He beat my mother as soon as he came back. We didn't listen to anyone who persuaded him, and said that my mother found a man outside!" Zhu Weiwei shook my arm hurriedly. .

I nodded, and rushed over to help Xiaobao hold his father together.

"Uncle, calm down! If you have something to say, just talk about it, why beat Aunt Lin!" My little treasure clamped his arm alone.

Zhu Chengshan's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked horrified, his eyes were extremely sinister, much scarier than the ones I've seen before.My Beautiful Mistress 42

Seeing that it was me, Zhu Chengshan softened his tone a little. In Fengyue Street, no one dared to disregard my teacher's face, so few people dared to get angry and violent towards me.

"Xiaoqiu, it's inconvenient to say this in front of outsiders, but you are not an outsider. I know you and Xiaobao are brothers and sisters, and you are not afraid of the scandals at home." Zhu Chengshan calmed down a little. Let go, I'll show you something to see if I have a reason to beat her up!"

My heart tightened, could it be that he found out about me going to bed with Lin Yazhi, I felt a little nervous, and looked at Lin Yazhi secretly, but there was anger on her face, as if it wasn't the pleasure/feeling after revenge.

"I wish you less bloody mouth, Chengshan. You deliberately fabricated facts to wrong me. Are you a man? I have nothing to hide when things have come to this point. Weiwei, Xiaobao, you are very good. I will expose this beastly man today. Thing, it's mom who's sorry for you, this man is not worthy to be your father!" Lin Yazhi's chest rose and fell violently, and she said, "Our relationship broke down as early as three years ago, I always thought it was because I didn't do well enough, but things Not like that!"