
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 33

In Bai Ling's eyes, except for Ye Qiu, she didn't like other men. Although Ye Qiu sometimes squinted his eyes, she didn't dislike him, but this man's greedy eyes wandering around her made her feel uncomfortable.

"Do we know each other? What are you asking the police to bring me here for? Don't you know that detaining others like this is breaking the law!" The influence is not small. From time to time, it is like teaching a child that she should call the police when encountering bad people, not to follow strangers, not to be touched by men, etc.

Seeing Bai Ling's innocent and innocent expression, Wu Linjun felt that this girl was more and more beautiful and lovely. Her expression and tone were not pretended by those female stars she had played with. They looked very natural. The expression matches her temperament.

Untouched, elegant and not vulgar, like a nine-day fairy descending.

"Excuse me, I shouldn't have brought you here suddenly. To be honest, I originally wanted to find another person. I didn't know that we met by accident, but this is not a kind of fate. This is my business card. Please Miss, take a look!" Wu Linjun's name is very bluffing, and it is rare for an ordinary girl to fall in love with him, and his trick is also tried and tested, and the business card with a gold border can be called a magic date!My Beautiful Mistress 33

Bai Ling didn't know why the film came out, but out of curiosity, he took the black card inlaid with gold in Wu Linjun's hand, on which was written Wu Linjun's name and the position of chairman of Lintian Entertainment Company in dark gold letters, Although Bai Ling couldn't fully understand it, he understood it in a nutshell, but he didn't understand why the other party gave him a business card. Is this card interesting?

"Well, I've finished reading, is there anything else? If there's nothing else, I'll go back!" Bai Ling returned the business card to Wu Linjun expressionlessly, the same as before seeing his business card, without any emotion.

If it were an ordinary girl, even if she didn't show closeness to Wu Linjun on the spot, at least her attitude would change, but Bai Ling turned a blind eye to him, and Bai Ling's sense of superiority was severely beaten to pieces.

Wu Linjun has no patience and only has three tricks. The first move is to give a business card to let the other party know his true identity. The second move is to give money. As long as the price is reasonable, he is unambiguous. The last move is to use force. Let's talk about the bow, anyway, I have plenty of money to pay.

Wu Linjun was afraid that Bai Ling would really leave, so it would be reckless if such a beautiful and beautiful woman didn't press him down to make love, and it was not Wu Linjun's style to let her go.

"Miss, why don't you put forward your requirements, luxury cars, diamonds, accessories and famous brand clothes and bags, as long as you like it, I can satisfy you!" Wu Linjun squinted at Bai Ling's body and already had a reaction.

Bai Ling didn't pay attention to Wu Linjun's lower body, but thought to himself, why is this person so stupid?But I heard that those things are expensive?He really sent me?

Seeing Bai Ling in a daze, Wu Linjun thought she was moved, and said with a smile: "Why don't we talk inside, it's not good to be an abrupt beauty in this hot day!"

Bai Ling was a little curious about why he gave him something, and felt that it would be a pity if he missed this opportunity of not taking it for nothing, and Bai Ling was not worried at all that he would harm him. She didn't pay much attention to Wu Linjun, so she walked into his suite.


Fengyue Street.

After the mistress hurried back, Bai Ling had already been taken away. I got in the car and said, "They took Sister Bai Ling to the Chengnan Sub-bureau!"

"Did you say why?" Teacher's wife's voice was a bit cold, it was the first time I saw her like this, so I should be very angry.This Fengyue Street is under the jurisdiction of Chengbei District, and those who have some real power in the police station have all been dealt with by the teacher, so usually no police will come to find fault.

"They said that Sister Bai Ling was involved in prostitution, and they said they would take her back to investigate!" I remember that's what the policeman said just now.

Mistress nodded, stopped talking, and speeded up to the Chengnan branch. On the way, Mistress called Director Wang of the Chengbei branch and asked him to help inquire about Sister Bai Ling's situation.Director Wang once received the favor of Master, and it was precisely because of Master's guidance that he sang all the way from a small policeman to the position of Bureau Chief in less than ten years.

Therefore, Director Wang respected his wife very much, and immediately agreed to his wife's request.

"I want a Porsche, I want a queen's heart, and I want all LV's latest bags!" Bai Ling counted while sitting opposite Wu Linjun in his room.

Wu Linjun was almost fainted by Bai Ling's lion's big mouth, but he laughed secretly in his heart. I thought you were a pure girl, but I didn't expect that you would still be unable to escape worldly fame and fortune. He said with a smile: "Miss Bai has a big appetite, but These things are nothing to me, Wu Linjun, as long as Miss Bai Ling... accompany me to have a good time, I can buy them for you!"

"What are you doing cool? Didn't you say that I can give you whatever I want? Why don't you talk anymore! If I knew you were such a dishonest person, I shouldn't have stayed. Forget it. I think you are very dishonest, goodbye!" Bai Ling got up and was about to leave after speaking, hum, it really wasn't a good thing, Qiuqiu didn't even say that he wanted to have a good time with me, who are you?