
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 2

My wife giggled when she saw my embarrassment. At home, my wife usually dresses very casually. Today, she only wore a white tight vest on her upper body, which exposed most of her fair and smooth skin, and her chest was even more exposed. There is a deep ditch in the flesh, and it seems that nothing is worn inside. The plump and huge breasts are tightly attached to the vest, which makes me almost unable to move my eyes.

She also only wore a pair of ultra-short black denim shorts on her lower body, and a pair of sky blue flip-flops under her feet. The teacher was tall, 1.7 meters tall, and her white and slender thighs were unobstructed.

Mistress's long hair is tied behind her head with a butterfly-shaped crystal hairpin. The whole person looks full of youthful vigor, yet sexy and mature. Although Mistress is 32 years old, I think she looks at most 25 years old.

Maybe it's because my growth was influenced by my mistress, and I prefer mature women to young girls of the same age.

"Stinky boy, it's not that my wife has never seen you naked, what do you know at such a young age!" My wife said with a smile, even so, she still walked out of the room.My Beautiful Mistress 2

As soon as my wife went out, I hurriedly found my underpants in the closet and put them on, then put on a T-shirt, put on beach pants, and went downstairs. My wife had already prepared the meal for me and put it on the dining table. She ate by herself first. up.

She eats very elegantly, eating in small bites. In my opinion, my wife is so attractive when she eats. I am used to eating next to my wife. Today, I may be a little embarrassed to be seen by my wife, so I sat opposite her. Eat up.

The teacher's cooking skills are very good, the food is delicious, but I have no appetite, and I am still thinking about the scene just now.

"What's the matter, Qiuqiu? Could it be that the food cooked by my wife today is not delicious? You didn't gobble it up that time, why are you so polite today!" My wife looked at me in surprise and said.

I have to say that a beauty at the level of Shi Niang is so seductive no matter what expression she makes!

I looked up at Mrs. Mistress, suddenly my eyes met, my heart was beating violently, and I came over for a while and said, "No, no, Mrs. Mistress's food is still so sweet and delicious. Maybe it's because I turned on the air conditioner last night and my stomach felt a little uncomfortable. That's all." In order to prevent my wife from discovering my embarrassment, I deliberately told a lie.

"If you don't feel well, go to the hospital. Don't let a small problem become a big problem! I plan to let you go shopping with me later. Since you are not feeling well, you can rest at home!" Mistress was concerned. She glanced at me and said, it seems that she did not doubt my words.

How could I miss such a good thing like shopping with my wife, and then I smiled and said: "My wife, shopping with you is one of the great joys of my life, of course I can't miss it, besides, I don't have any serious problems, and I'm much better now, don't worry, I am okay!"

My wife doesn't like to go shopping in big shopping malls, but the crowded pedestrian street is her favorite, and as long as there is a place where my wife appears, there will always be such a spectacle. People often bump into electric wires because of looking at my wife There are also some men who go shopping with their girlfriends or wives, and they can't move their eyes when they see their mistress, so I can often hear the sound of men on the street being slapped by the women around them.

"That's good, but today we won't go to the pedestrian street, but go to the Friendship Store to buy some clothes for you!" My wife will go to those high-end shopping malls as long as she helps me buy things, but I don't care about the staggeringly expensive things there. What a favor.But my wife told me that men's clothes don't need to be fancy and fashionable, but they must have taste!

I don't know much about these, so I just let it go.

After breakfast, my wife changed into a black Dior dress, the skirt just covered her knees a little bit, exposing his fair and well-proportioned calves, and put on a pair of high-heeled sandals of an unknown brand, which made her The already beautiful show feet look even better.

Mistress put on her handbag, put on her sunglasses and smiled at me, "Are you going to go out in this dress?"

I shrugged my shoulders indifferently, "If it wasn't for the fear of losing face to Mrs. Shi, I could really do it, but the sun outside is too poisonous, I'll go change into a pair of jeans!" After I finished speaking, I ran upstairs, I changed my jeans and shoes and went downstairs.It's not surprising that I, a student, dress up like this. Don't you have to wear a suit?

My wife's car is a red Audi TT, which can only accommodate two people. As soon as I entered the car, I was greeted with a refreshing fragrance. I know this is my favorite perfume smell, but I still don't think any perfume is as good as my wife's. body fragrance.

The ignition was turned on, and my wife turned on the air conditioner, and then rushed out of the garage like an arrow from Li Xuan. The roar of the motor made me, who can't drive, feel eager to try, and looked at it with envy. Mistress, it would be great if I could drive myself!

Mistress seemed to see through my thoughts, she smiled and said while driving: "What? Do you want to learn how to pick up girls by driving?"

I was choked up by my wife's words and blushed, thinking to myself, I really can't hide anything from my wife