
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 26

I didn't know that Lin Yazhi was speaking in anger, but seeing her resolute attitude, it didn't seem like she was joking!It's just that even if she cheated, she shouldn't be looking for me, right?

Lin Yazhi thought to herself, don't you like to sleep with young and beautiful women?My old lady is also looking for a young and handsome guy who is underage, so I am so mad at you, you heartless thing!

A woman's jealousy is endless, and once she is dazzled by jealousy, it is not enough to do anything!

Lin Yazhi put down the lifted nightgown, the sorrow just now had disappeared, and now her face was a little more charming and slutty, she smiled and said to me: "Xiaoqiu, do you have a girlfriend?"

I don't know why she asked such a question, but I thought of my mistress in my heart. Of course I couldn't say this, so I quickly shook my head: "Not yet!" My beautiful mistress 26

"You and my Xiaobao are of the same age!" Lin Yazhi's eyes gradually became hot, and she asked me in a low voice with a reddish face, "Has Xiaoqiu ever seen a woman's body?"

If she had asked me a few days earlier, I would have said no without hesitation, but a few days ago I looked at my wife's body, and today I looked at Bai Ling up and down, and even touched her!These are my secrets and cannot be told to outsiders.

I faltered and said: "No...no!"

Lin Yazhi asked me again: "Then do you want to see it? Although Auntie is not young, she thinks she has a decent figure, not much worse than those young women. If you want to see it, Auntie will show you, okay?" Lin Yazhi thought. Among them, he only wanted to take revenge on his husband, so he threw the so-called morality out of the sky.

I was both excited and scared, what if Zhu Xiaobao found out that I had seen his mother's body?In the end, he was defeated by desire, as long as his mother didn't tell him, who would know?So I nodded and said dryly, "I want to!"

Lin Yazhi was also unambiguous, pulled me back to the room, took off the nightgown, slowly released the restraint on the chest, stretched her hands behind her back to untie the bra, and immediately two snow-white and huge meat balls popped out, so big!I thought in my head.

Lin Yazhi's breasts were indeed bigger than those of his wife, but the two cherries were darker than his wife's, probably because Xiaobao's father allowed him to suck them more times.

Looking at the naked body in front of me, my brother in the crotch reacted immediately and pushed up his pants.

Lin Yazhi took my hand and put it on her chest, pressing on it and rubbing it.

So soft!I followed Lin Yazhi's hands and rubbed her breasts. I can't see that the breasts are still so elastic even in their 30s, they don't sag at all, and the skin is smooth.

Lin Yazhi closed her eyes and murmured softly.

After a while, she asked me again: "Xiaoqiu hasn't tasted the taste of a woman yet! Auntie will let you be a real man for once!" She thought I was still a virgin!

I didn't deny it, but expressed my thoughts with actions. I unbuttoned my pants and took them off, and Lin Yazhi also took off her panties. The hair underneath was thick and black, which made my blood boil.

She was also taken aback when she saw me below, and happily pulled me to the bed, then went up and lay on the bed with her legs apart, looking at me with blurred eyes, "Xiaoqiu's baby is so big, come quickly Riding Auntie! Auntie will give you today, you can do whatever you want!"

I couldn't control it anymore. I climbed onto the bed and pressed Zhu Xiaobao's mother under me. I found the right place and put the baby in. Desperate.

Fucking his mother at a classmate's house, this feeling is too exciting, Lin Yazhi may feel the same excitement as me, and we reached the peak together after only doing it for more than ten minutes, she pulled the quilt and pressed it on her mouth and yelled loudly .

After we were done, we hurriedly put on our clothes, fearing that Xiaobao and the others would become suspicious.

Lin Yazhi also recorded the sound just now, and all the popping and crashing sounds were recorded. I know that she must have used it to stimulate Xiaobao's father. The evidence that she gave him a cuckold is of course also my credit.

I don't know what will happen to them in the end, but the divorce must be settled.My Beautiful Mistress 26

After getting dressed and tidying up, he found nothing abnormal and gave Lin Yazhi some talisman papers, so that Zhu Xiaobao would not doubt it.

She said that I could come to her anytime I want to have sex with her next time, which made me almost faint with happiness.

After coming out of Lin Yazhi's room, I went downstairs and Zhu Xiaobao found me, and hurriedly asked, "Ye Qiu, how is it? My mother is okay!"

My face darkened, and I pretended to say: "Your mother is not bewitched by evil spirits, but haunted by evil spirits!"

"Ah!?" Both Zhu Xiaobao and Zhu Weiwei were shocked.

Zhu Xiaobao asked nervously: "Then...do you have a solution?"

"Ye Qiu, don't scare me, okay? Is there really a ghost in our house?" Zhu Weiwei shrank into a ball, with goosebumps all over her body, obviously frightened by my words.

I took out the talisman paper and said: "But you don't have to worry too much, the evil spirit has been suppressed by my master's talisman paper, and it will take a few more spells to completely drive away the evil spirit. Take one of you and stick it under the bed. It's okay, with this talisman paper, I dare not enter any unclean things!" They only knew that I knew Taoism, but they didn't know what level I had reached, so they immediately believed what I said .

The siblings quickly took a piece of talisman paper from my hand.