
Glamorous Journey of the Female Protagonist

"Set up all of these hundred items for tomorrow's auction." The lady ordered as she took a seat on her golden throne. "But Miss Li, why do you want to auction off so many things?" "What kind of stupid question is that? Isn't it obvious? I need more money, so auction them all and help me get more money." The Lady said with a shrug. "But Master, you are already a Billionaire. Why you need more money?" The Little Furball asked in confusion. "When you have an entire army of sups, needy familiars and spirit beasts, thousands of disciples and most importantly FIVE SOULMATES AND A BOND MATE to feed and provide for, you will know the answer." "But...b-but all your mates are rich too! They can easily provide for you and others." The furball tried to get through his master's firm decision. "So? I want to be richer and provide for them. Do you have any problem?" "Of course not master!" ****** She, a 21st-century woman, was the leader of a Supernatural Clan and also one of the most important members of the Supernatural Council. Only at the age of 28, she was one of the most powerful mages in the world. But on a mission against rogue vampires, she died and woke up in the body of an orphan who had a body of trash. She realized that she transmigrated in an ancient world where people cultivated some sort of spiritual energy. In this world power meant everything. So, she decided to get powerful and due to some miracle, she was still able to use her magic. It's a journey of a female mage who shocked everyone with her talents and unseen & unheard powers. But just like every story, this one also had a fun part which came in the name of Five hot as hell male leads...! ********** This story is meant to be a Reverse Harem Transmigration romance with mature content. If you guys don't like such things then you can ignore this one. Happy reading!! ********** The credits for the book cover go to its original owner. I just downloaded it from Pinterest and edited it...!! *** My other novels: #Journey To Become an Insanely Pampered Wife (On-going) #The Vampire Empress: Blood Queen & Her Kings (Completed) #The Veil Of Darkness (Completed) #Broken Angel & Her Overprotective Brothers (Completed) #Farm Cultivation: I got reincarnated as the wife of two ghosts (On-going)

Nightsummer20 · Fantasy
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308 Chs

The Secret of Thundering Peaks (2)

It was almost midnight and the sky was full with millions of twinkling stars and a very bright moon.

The cool night breeze was blowing throughout the Thundering Peaks, making the temperature lower a few degrees.

"How long are we going to sit here?" Ruoshan finally broke the silence and asked the question that he wanted to ask for past few hours.

Li Ming opened her eyes and looked at the impatient expression on Ruoshan's face.

"What's your problem? What is so hard about sitting and waiting? Moreover, you have got a chance to cultivate in this dense spiritual energy!" She finally let out her own frustration. Sometimes, Ruoshan could act like a five year old spoiled brat.

"What gave you the idea that the spiritual energy here is suitable for my cultivation?" Ruoshan asked.

"At least, it's way more better than what we have back at the City or the Dongji village." Li Ming said as she jumped down the rock.

"Let's go." She said as she started to walk towards the small clearing at a few meters away.

"Where are you going?" Ruoshan asked as he followed behind her.

"Since you can't sit silently then let's practice that sword art of yours. We don't know if we will get the chance for practice tomorrow morning or not!" Li Ming answered as she reached the clearing.

Ruoshan looked at the girl who appeared as an immortal goddess in the bright moonlight. He was suspicious of her behavior. He knew too well that she hated their morning practices and here she was - asking for a practice lesson. This was enough to rouse his suspicion. But rather than confronting her, he went to the middle of the clearing and took out his sword.

Li Ming took out her own sword that she had picked from the weapons room of her mansion. When Ruoshan had seen the sword for the first time his instant words were - "You need a different and better sword."

Li Ming started her daily practice as she sharpen her senses. She purposely kept slipping or doing the wrong movements, which was making Ruoshan very angry.

"What's wrong with you today? If you are not going to concentrate then don't pretend that you even want to practice." Ruoshan was seriously not pleased with her behavior.

Li Ming's face saddened as she heard the harsh words of Ruoshan. This man was always flirting with her, talking in sweets and honey. The sword art practice sessions were the only time, when he actually got angered at her.

But she's a newbie. How was she supposed to master a skill in just two days?

Ruoshan noticed the sad look in Li Ming's eyes and his heart clenched with pain. He knew that it would take her some time to learn the basics, but looking at the speed at which she was reaching towards the dark side of their world, he just wanted her to be prepared for anything and everything.

He moved towards where she was standing, looking at her feet with her face full of sadness.

"You are not holding the sword correctly. That's why you are having difficulties with the steps. Here, let me show you." Ruoshan said in his softest voice.

He moved behind her and took her right hand which was holding the sword, in his own.

The moment his palm touched her hand, Li Ming felt the familiar electric spark in her body.

Ruoshan lightly unfolded her fingers and then showed her the right way of holding the sword.

After observing him, Li Ming tried holding her sword and after a few adjustments by Ruoshan she finally got the right position.

"Here you go! Now you have a perfect grip." Ruoshan said in a satisfied tone.

Li Ming started her daily practice of sword art. Every now and then, Ruoshan kept correcting her poses which made them came into body contact with each other.

Though having a little body contact with a male was not a big deal for Li, but same couldn't be said about the people of this world.

And during all this time, a silhouette in dark black clothes, who was observing Li Ming and Ruoshan from the moment they started their practice, kept gritting his teeth and clutching his hands. His knuckles were white since he was clutching his fists very tightly.

The guards behind him were shivering in terror as they felt the dark cold killing aura coming from their Master.

"Why I was not informed that the Evernight Lord has returned and not only that but he's also with my Ming'er!" The coldness in the man's voice was enough to freeze anyone into a cube of ice.

"My Lord! This subordinate failed you. Please punish me." Long Jie kneeled down as he accepted the mistake. He knew that any kind of explanation would not do any good to him.

"Go and spend two nights at the Freezing Caves!" Zhang Yong said without even giving a single glance to Long Jie. He was still staring at Ruoshan who was again touching Li Ming's hands as he taught her how to swing the blade at the right angle.

Hearing the name of Freezing Caves, Long Jie's breath got stuck in his throat. His heart started beating rapidly as he thought about the torture he was going to suffer.

The Freezing Caves were a blessing for those who cultivated ice spiritual energy. But for the rest of the world, it was a place which was even worse than hell.

Long Jie bowed and thanked his Master before he stood up and left the area with the rest of the guards, who were more than happy to disappear from the sight of their Master at the moment.

Zhang Yong came out of his hiding place and moved towards the clearing.

Li Ming felt him before she saw him. But she continued her practice as she pretended that she was not aware of his presence.


Li Ming stopped as she heard the soft call of her name. She turned towards Zhang Yong and pretended to be surprised.

"Your Highness! What are you doing here?"

But rather than answering her, Zhang Yong stared at Ruoshan who was standing beside her also staring at the Fourth Prince.

'Now, what's wrong with these two?' Li Ming thought as she saw the two males glaring at each other.

Hiii my lovely readers.

So, finally it's time when two of our rival male leads will come across each other. Wait for the spice that I'll bring with these two for you in the coming chapters.

Also, the mission of helping the fairies will continue.


Stay safe and happy! :)

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