
Glamorous Journey of the Female Protagonist

"Set up all of these hundred items for tomorrow's auction." The lady ordered as she took a seat on her golden throne. "But Miss Li, why do you want to auction off so many things?" "What kind of stupid question is that? Isn't it obvious? I need more money, so auction them all and help me get more money." The Lady said with a shrug. "But Master, you are already a Billionaire. Why you need more money?" The Little Furball asked in confusion. "When you have an entire army of sups, needy familiars and spirit beasts, thousands of disciples and most importantly FIVE SOULMATES AND A BOND MATE to feed and provide for, you will know the answer." "But...b-but all your mates are rich too! They can easily provide for you and others." The furball tried to get through his master's firm decision. "So? I want to be richer and provide for them. Do you have any problem?" "Of course not master!" ****** She, a 21st-century woman, was the leader of a Supernatural Clan and also one of the most important members of the Supernatural Council. Only at the age of 28, she was one of the most powerful mages in the world. But on a mission against rogue vampires, she died and woke up in the body of an orphan who had a body of trash. She realized that she transmigrated in an ancient world where people cultivated some sort of spiritual energy. In this world power meant everything. So, she decided to get powerful and due to some miracle, she was still able to use her magic. It's a journey of a female mage who shocked everyone with her talents and unseen & unheard powers. But just like every story, this one also had a fun part which came in the name of Five hot as hell male leads...! ********** This story is meant to be a Reverse Harem Transmigration romance with mature content. If you guys don't like such things then you can ignore this one. Happy reading!! ********** The credits for the book cover go to its original owner. I just downloaded it from Pinterest and edited it...!! *** My other novels: #Journey To Become an Insanely Pampered Wife (On-going) #The Vampire Empress: Blood Queen & Her Kings (Completed) #The Veil Of Darkness (Completed) #Broken Angel & Her Overprotective Brothers (Completed) #Farm Cultivation: I got reincarnated as the wife of two ghosts (On-going)

Nightsummer20 · Fantasy
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308 Chs

A Great Way to Make Money (1)

The next day Li Ming woke up early as usual and performed her morning routine.

But all of a sudden, Snowy wanted to take a bath. So, by the time she finished dolling him up, it was already past noon. She got ready and left for the black market.

When she entered the inn, Elder Fu and his wife were already standing there. It looked like they were waiting for her.

Madam Fu offered her a seat and poured tea for her.

Today there were only two men in the inn, they were also busy in playing chess on the other side of the room. From what she had noticed so far, it seemed like the people of this world really loved to play games. An idea suddenly occurred to her but she stayed calm as she wanted to know Elder Fu's decision.

Even she did not why she had not already read his mind to find out the answer.

Elder Fu waited for a while and when the girl didn't say anything, he finally opened his mouth.

"Young Miss, if you can cure my son, then my family is ready to serve you till our last breath," he said in a serious tone.

Li Ming observed him and his wife in silence for a couple of moments before she spoke, "Alright! I knew that you are a smart man. It's good to know that you have accepted my offer. But before we move forward, let's make an oath to heaven, and then I will cure your son."

She had found out that in this world people never broke their oaths. It's just like an emperor's edict, once you gave it to someone then you could never go back on your words. The consequences were too high to bear. Though she still had to find out what those consequences were.

Elder Fu didn't hesitate and immediately dropped on his knees to make the oath to heaven and earth that he and his family would follow her from the day onwards if she succeeded in curing their son.

After making the oath, Elder Fu took her to a room on the second floor. The room was dark and only a few candles were burning to give a little view of the room. A boy of maybe 16/17 years, was sitting in a wheelchair. He was kinda good looking with long black hair and dark eyes. But the boy had no emotion in his eyes. It seemed like he had no more hope left in his life.

"He's my son, Huang Jun. Do you think you can cure him?" Elder Fu was looking at her with so much hope in his eyes that Li Ming almost started feeling bad for the poor man and his family. 

She just nodded her head and didn't speak at all. She went near to Huang Jun and crouched down in front of his chair. She placed her fingers lightly on his left knee and closed her eyes.

He had some kind of poison in his body which was making him a cripple. The poison would not kill him but it would make sure that he'd never be able to cultivate or stand on his legs for the rest of his life.

She took a long breath and then concentrated on her healing energy. One could see a bluish light covering Huang Jun from his head to his toe.

Huang Jun felt a warm and soothing feeling coming over his entire body. He closed his eyes to enjoy the moment. He had never felt this good in his entire life. But the warm feeling soon vanished. It felt like it was never there. He opened his eyes and looked at the girl in front of her.

"We have a lot of work to do. Are you all planning to stay here the whole day?" Li Ming asked out loud as she stood up. She looked around the room to see the confused and nervous expressions on everyone's face which made her frown.

Huang Jun looked at his father and mother. When they both stared back at him without speaking, he once again looked at the girl in front of him.

The way she was looking at him with raised eyebrows made him realize that she was waiting for something. After a few moments as he gathered his courage, he braced both hands on the arms of the chair and tried to slowly stand up.

Elder Fu thought that even if the little girl somehow knew how to cure his son, it would still take some time for him to be able to stand up. After all, he had been sitting in a wheelchair for more than the past 10 years.

But when he saw Jun'er stand up completely without any discomfort or support, he could hardly believe his eyes. Not only that but the next moment, his son tried to take a step forward and succeeded without any problem. He once again moved his leg and succeeded in closing half the distance between him and his parents. It was like he had never been a cripple.

Elder Fu was so happy that he could not bring himself to speak at all. One could even see his eyes were starting to tear up.

The next few moments were spent by the Huang Family, as they shared hugs and cried together in happiness.

After a while, Elder Fu looked at the girl and kneeled in front of her on the floor. The rest of his family also followed him and kneeled. "Young Miss, you have given a new life to both Jun'er and our Huang Family. We'll always be in your debt. From today onwards our Huang Family will be at your service," said Elder Fu as he along with his whole family bowed their heads.

Li Ming smiled softly to know that she had won her first task. She helped Elder Fu and his wife to stand up and asked the other members to also stand up and stop kneeling.

"Alright! We don't have time for all this. We have a bigger and important matter in our hands. Let's focus on our inn's business first." She told them in a determined tone before asking all of them to sit down, as she also sat down on one of the chairs.

"My name is Li Ming. Since I have taken over the inn, then I will make sure that our business will be running smoothly in the future."

It took so much time for her to do some research on her name. She wanted to make sure that there was no one else in the Capital City with a similar name as her, at least not someone famous or well known by the citizens.

Elder Fu had two daughters. The eldest daughter, Huang Qing, was 20 years old while the youngest daughter, Huang Ling, was 15. Both the girls were beautiful and cute.

"Alright! Tell me exactly how you all were doing the inn's business before everything went down?" She asked Eder Fu and just like that, they ended up talking about it for nearly half an hour.

"I have a plan to attract people's attention to our inn. Let me try it. I want you to prepare tea and some snacks for the customers. And leave the rest of the work to me," she said and stood up to leave the room.

Just when she was about to step out, she remembered something and looked back at the family of five.

"Don't send Huang Jun in front of anyone yet. When I diagnosed him, I found poison in his body. Until we are not sure how he got the poison, we can't let anyone find out that he is cured."

She looked at Huang Jun and then at Elder Fu. They looked shocked as if they could not believe her but still, they agreed.

Li Ming nodded her head once and left the room with Elder Fu, to perform her next mission. She was sure that it was going to be too much fun.