

"Gita!" shouted Anita from a distance. Beside her was Dian, who was also waiting for Gita.

"Hi, why did you guys arrive so fast? Anita, your hair is so messy. Let me see how many pigtails you have! Let me count yours first!" Gita teased Anita.

"One, two, four, seven, ten! That's a lot! Are you sure these aren't damaging your hair, huh?" Gita taunts Anita seeing the many hair ties on her head.

"I have ten pigtails, still inferior to yours and Dian's. Look at her hair, there are twelve pigtails on her head, hahaha!" said Anita laughing. But after that, his face grimaced remembering that her beautiful hair had to be damaged by being tied so much.

"Oh my gosh, don't be so big on small things! You can go to the hairdresser and have your hair massaged and treated. Your hair will be back to its original beauty! Don't make me laugh with your silly whining, hahaha!" sneered Dian too.

"Okay, fine, let's end this pointless conversation and walk to the courtyard! I can't wait to meet these handsome seniors in our school! kyàaaa!" Anita's expression began to turn coquettish.

"Anita, you look ridiculous! It seems like the disease to keep seeing a handsome face is back again and it's getting worse, my gosh!" Dian grumbled seeing Anita's behavior.

"Never mind, why are you guys always arguing, huh? Come on, let's go!" Gita grumbled to both of them while shaking her head and taking her two friends walking.

The SOP (Student Orientation Period) participants were in the middle of the field under the hot sun.

"Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings!" Say hello to the chairman of the SOP Committee named Sean, "Greetings to all of us!" he continued with greetings for students of other religions.

"Welcome to our beloved school. Bla Bla Bla Bla..."

The speech was so long that Anita grumbled softly.

"Why is the speech taking so long? The weather is very hot. Luckily the student council president is handsome, so it relieves my boredom!" Anita murmured that Gita could hear.

"Can you be quiet, Anita? It's only for a moment," said Gita.

"Well, Gita the good student... I will remain silent and continue to pay attention to our senior's handsome face. Who knows he will be willing to be my boyfriend later, hihi!" replied Anita who had been very delusional.


The speech from Sean, the chairman of the SOP committee was finished. After that, the event continued with the details of the tasks for the SOP participants.

The first task of the new students is to ask for the signature of each committee complete with the impressions of the upperclassmen on them.

As soon as the lineup was disbanded, everyone scattered in all directions. A group of new students asked for Sean's signature as chairman of the committee.

No wonder this can happen because Sean has a handsome face, white skin, and looks proportional to the size of a high school student. With his good looks, it is only natural that new students immediately seek attention from Sean, including Anita.

"Gita, did you get an autograph from Bro Sean? I got it, Dian, too!" Anita asked Gita.

"Not yet. I'll be there later. I'm waiting quietly. I'll go around first, okay!" Gita replied, waving her hand and then left.

Gita's notebook is almost full of signatures and impressions from the seniors of the SOP committee on Gita. There is only one name left unfilled in the notebook, namely Sean, as chairman of the SOP committee.

Sean and Gita face off. Gita asked for Sean's autograph while giving him her notebook politely.

Sean raised an eyebrow and frowned.

He looked at the contents of the Gita book, only the name was missing. Sean was surprised when all the students were scrambling to get his first autograph. Then why not Gita?

"Why, Senior?" Gita asked wondering why the notes were not signed and instead closed.

"You know what you did wrong, hmm? Gita Prameswari the ORANGE?" Sean asked, spelling out Gita's name.

"No!" Gita answered shortly.

"It's your fault why is my name the last you asked for?" Sean said raising his voice.

"Is there a rule that requires you to ask for your signature first? The only rule I heard was that I asked for the signatures of all the SOP committee!" Gita replied casually because she did not feel wrong.

"Oh, I see? Well, I don't want to sign your notes! And you know what that means, don't you?" Sean said a little threateningly to scare Gita.

"I only have to go around the field as many as the number of committee names that are not in my notebook. And in my notebook, there is only one person whose name has not been written there!"

"Thank you, Senior! I don't mind if you don't want to put your autograph in my notebook. I'm not your fan after all!"

"Alright! I want to serve my sentence first!" Gita replied casually as she walked away carrying her notes towards the field.

When she was about to start running, suddenly someone heard a voice from behind calling out Gita's name.


Gita turned around, she immediately raised an eyebrow when she saw who it was who called her.

"Adimas, are you here too? Geez, our city is as small as a Moringa leaf!" Gita laughed when she saw Adimas calling her.

"You're the one who's focused on listening to the announcement, even though I've been whispering to call you!" said Adimas.

"When you've seen what are you whispering about? I'll see you later! Anyway, how come you know where I am? Even though I'm lined up in the corner!" Gita said as she started walking and started her punishment.

"You are shining, those who don't see you may already be nearsighted, hahaha!" Adimas replied with a laugh.

"Start again! The Poet is looking for prey!" said Gita while making fun of Adimas.

"But you're getting bored, right? There's nothing wrong with trying to get you again, it's not a sin either!" Adimas said confidently because he still didn't know that Gita had become someone else's fiancé.

"I won't be able to seduce you!" she replied casually, "Don't talk about it, okay! Better keep me company around!" said Gita as she started jogging.

After one round, Adimas asked Gita to look for a stall to buy drinks. They left the field, but from a distance, they could see a pair of eyes watching the two of them.

"Unique girl. This is the first time there is a new schoolgirl who is indifferent to me. Just make me curious!" mumbled Sean quietly.


In the school canteen, Gita and Adimas sat waiting for their orders.

The sound of a bottle being placed on the table.

"Sister, this is for you! I apologize for giving the punishment not according to the rules. I'm sorry, Sis!" Sean greeted Gita while handing him a cold bottle of drink and shaking hands with her.

"Eid is still far away, Bro!" said Gita briefly but still accepted Sean's handshake.

"May I get to know you again, huh? I'm Sean from class Twelve-Two Science," Sean continued to get acquainted.

"I already know you when you were in line earlier. I'll drink it first, Bro, thank you!" Gita answered without a burden.

"What was your name earlier? Gita or who? How come I forgot, huh?" asked Sean, scratching his head that wasn't itchy.

"This water should only be for you, Senior. Let's focus more!" replied Gita curtly. She felt uncomfortable because she had memorized the tricks of men to seduce her.

"Gita, Bro! Her name is Gita," said Adimas, who was used to being ignored. But he felt sorry for Sean, who seemed to be ignored by Gita.

"Which class are you from? I've been watching you all the time with Gita!" asked Sean seriously. His dislike for Adimas is evident.

"I'm Gita's classmate. I've known Gita since elementary school!" said Adimas proudly.

"Are we in the same class again?" Gita asked Adimas and Adimas nodded his head, "That's perfect! I don't have a table mate yet!" invite Gita while Hi-five with Adimas.

"How come you two are that familiar?" Sean asked suspiciously and didn't like the closeness between the two of them.

"Of course. We have been-" Adimas' answer was cut off because Gita quickly covered his mouth.

"What do you want to say, huh?!" Gita asked, wide-eyed at Adimas.

"Hmm, hmmm!" Adimas has difficulty speaking because Gita's hand is still smothering him. But not too long Gita freed him.

"What are you doing, Gita? That's ridiculous!" Adimas grumbled annoyed.

"Don't ask him anything, Senior! He likes to talk nonsense. Let's go first, Senior! It's time for the Zuhur Prayer!" without greeting Gita pulled Adimas out of the cafeteria and left Sean who was silently watching the two of them leave.

After school hours, Gita was seen standing on the side of the road. Adimas approached with his motorbike.

"Gita, what did you come home with?" asked Adimas.

"I'm waiting for public transport!" replied Gita casually.

"Then get on board! I'll take you home!" said Adimas.

"You're the best! Why is it so fitting for you to come when I'm lazy to take public transportation!" replied Gita who was happy without any hesitation because Gita felt that Adimas was her best friend.

On the way, they seemed to be joking and unintentionally, their jokes made a pair of eyes widen their eyes until they were red. From afar, that person took a picture of Gita and Adimas with his cellphone.