

"Bro Barra?" Gita called and Barra turned to Gita with a smile.

"You didn't break anything. We're not dating, are we? So there are no promises you break from him. We're going to be engaged in a bit!" Barra answered without hesitation.

"Nonsense!" Zaki cursed harshly at Barra and immediately left Barra and Gita.

"You impolite little boy! Where did his manners with elders go?" Barra muttered while watching Zaki who left the two of them.

"Bro? Why are you telling Zaki something like this? This is too much, Bro!" said Gita objected.

"Which part is redundant, Gita? Didn't I tell you that I don't want us to date? I want to propose to you and I'm serious. We will be engaged as the binder of this relationship. But the engagement will happen when you're really ready!" Barra answered firmly.

"You already told me that you accepted my feelings, didn't you? And now I ask you, are you ready to bond with me forever and start from an engagement?" Barra asked again.

"I do like you, but I'm not old enough to do all this. I don't know what kind of belief makes you stubborn like this? What would a teenage girl like me do in an important relationship like an engagement?" Gita responded by asking many things.

"Be yourself without forgetting that I love you and vice versa. Keep up the good work and reach your goals with me. And I will continue to wait for the time to come and at that time you will be ready to be my bride."

"You know, Gita? I also don't know what madness is in my brain and heart. I don't know why you're the only one in my eyes, not other women. And I believe this kind of feeling is called love."

"Yes, I love you, Gita..."

Gita dropped her tears because she was moved. Gita also does not understand what she has done until Barra has big feelings for her.

"Let us go home! It's already very late, Mom can look for us and worry…" asked Barra to go home.

Barra pulled Gita's hand to walk with her, but Gita still stood up straight and didn't want to move until Barra turned back to Gita.

"Did I scare you with my love, Gita?" Barra asked softly.

Gita shook her head.

"Not at all. I'm just not ready even though my feelings are getting used to receiving your expressions of love, Bro. But can you wait for me to be ready first? Let me solidify my feelings for you. Can?" asked Gita.

Barra smiled in response to Gita's request.

"Whenever you are ready, Gita… Let's go home!" Barra replied with a smile and Gita nodded her head with a beautiful smile coloring her sweet face. They went home together with a million feelings of joy and confusion in their hearts.

Barra and Gita agreed to start a good relationship without status slowly and will give the name of the relationship if Gita has truly established her feelings for Barra.

The days go by so fast. Gita passed her day happily and smoothly. Barra never misses paying attention as an older brother and also as a man who has special feelings for Gita.

Barra was never aggressive or rash. As much as possible they also maintain behavior like a couple who have a normal relationship. Barra also knows that he must keep his lust for the future of the Gita awake. Barra wants to make his feelings of love for Gita a sincere and clean love without passionate lust.

Only the best that Barra wants to give to Gita. Barra was very satisfied if Gita only to be his and always by his side.

Then what about the Gita? Gita enjoys all that and feels their relationship is special. Until Gita has been able to stabilize her heart to accept Barra's feelings completely.

With all considerations, Gita accepted the proposed plan that Barra would do to her.


In the living room of Mr. Hasan's house, Mr. Hasan and his wife and their three children, as well as Barra, had gathered. Attention focused on Mr. Hasan who spoke first.

"Barra, what kind of serious news do you have that you want everyone to gather here?" asked Mr. Hasan.

Barra who was a little nervous started to let out a calm voice as he conveyed his wish.

"Dad, Mom, Ganesha, and Galih… I mean to gather all family members here," Barra paused for a moment. And after taking a breath and then saying again, "I intend to propose to Gita tonight," he continued.

There was no wind, no rain, but it felt as if there was lightning that struck during the night and made Mr. Hasan and his wife and children widen their eyes in shock, except for Gita who immediately closed her eyes and looked down in fear.

"Bro, why are you saying that now? Why didn't you tell me first that you were going to say that now? I thought you wanted to say something else while gathering everyone here!" asked the surprised Gita.

Barra didn't answer and just smiled briefly before continuing his point again.

"Dad, Mom… I have liked Gita for a long time. The more days I spend with Gita, I feel comfortable and at ease."

"At first I also felt I was a crazy boy who fell in love with a teenage girl like her. And when I realized that, I tried to think about my mistake and tried to stay away from Gita. But my efforts failed because only Gita's face remained in my sight..."

"Tell me if my feelings for Gita are wrong, Dad, Mom..."

Simultaneously, everyone's gazes towards Gita.

There was silence for a few moments after Barra conveyed his feelings.

It didn't take long for Mr. Hasan to speak up. With his calm demeanor, Mr. Hasan also advised Barra.

"Barra, it's not that I don't agree or don't like that you like Gita. I'm glad to hear your bold confession," said Mr. Hasan.

"What's fun, Dad? Barra has gone mad!" Ganesha interrupts the conversation out of anger and disapproval.

"Ganesha, where is your attitude when your parents are talking? There are times when you talk, but that's later!" Mr. Hasan scolded his eldest son who was presumptuous to cut his words.

"I'm sorry, Dad. I just didn't think Barra had gone mad!" Ganesha replied, clenching his fists.

Mr. Hasan turned back to Barra and began to speak again, "I can't stop your liking for Gita. But I hope that the love you have for Gita is not a temporary feeling that arises from lust,"

"Just look at Gita, she's still too young, and still in school. Aren't you too quick to think about proposing to her? Then what about her future? Don't you think about her future? New things in her life. And what about her goals?"

"Please think it over a few more times with a clear mind, Barra!"

"And you, Gita. Do you know and have the same crush on Barra? Have you thought far ahead, dear? I believe that you can think right! You are a smart and wise child. I will agree to this relationship if you can convince me and your mother!" said Mr. Hasan who gave advice to Barra and Gita not to rashly interpret their feelings.

Silence returns. It seems that Ganesha is holding back his angry expression.

However, everything that was on his mind had already been said by his father. So, at this time Ganesha chooses to remain silent and listen to his parents speak.

"Barra, I also don't forbid those of you who have consensual feelings. But think again about Gita's future! Indeed, you are old enough to have a family, but Gita is not yet. Gita is still underage, Barra!" said Mrs. Laila calm but very touching.

"Mom, I want to talk to you in the room. Just a moment, Mom," Gita asked the mother and then the mother and daughter entered the room.

In the room, Gita tells all the events from Zaki's parents who came to school because they were caught dating, to Gita's decision to end the relationship with an agreement.

Then Gita also tells about the beginning of Barra, who expresses the feelings that Barra has kept for a long time, and explains the statusless relationship between Gita and Barra at this time.

"Mother, for God's sake… even though we have never done anything that is forbidden by religion. And the reason Bro Barra proposed to me was because we decided not to want to date and maintain our relationship,"

"Please help find a solution, ma'am! I already love Bro Barra," sentence by sentence came out of Gita while crying.

"I believe you are responsible children who are obedient to worship. I am also very happy if later you get a husband like Barra. He is a good husband-to-be. But all of that is coming too soon at this time, Gita. There is no way we as your parents allow that very easily. Let's just wait and see what your father decides!" said Mrs. Laila while hugging her child.

"Thank you, Mom. You trusted me..." said Gita as she hugged her mother.