

"The reason we are all gathered here is that I want to tell you all one important thing. Actually, this is good news but it all depends on the thoughts of those of you who listen to it," Mr. Hasan began.

"Barra has been promoted to a manager in his company," everyone who heard the news immediately smiled happily and congratulated Barra, including Gita who was beside him.

"Congratulations, Bro! Why didn't you tell me about this, huh?" asked Gita with a happy expression, "No wonder you have been silent since this afternoon, you actually want to give a big surprise like this, huh?" continued Gita again which was only answered by a nod and a smile from Barra.

Mr. Hasan let the atmosphere there be happy for a moment before he continued his speech.

"Because Barra has been promoted to manager, Barra will be working at a branch company in Malaysia as at that time,"

"Huh?! Oops, sorry!" Galih's shocked expression just came out, then he quickly apologized while covering his mouth.

Gita looked at him. Looking at Barra's face who had been waiting for Gita's response all this time.

Not a single word was spoken from Gita's lips. They just stared at each other with teary eyes and eye bags whose contents were about to fall out.

Gita slowly got up from her uncomfortable seat. Then Gita said goodbye, "I'm going to my room, I'm sleepy!"

Barra was silent and increasingly sad. Barra can no longer say comforting words to Gita because his heart also needs to be comforted.

"Go home, Barra! Later, Mom and Dad will talk to Gita. You calm your mind first at home!" Ganesha persuades Barra to understand Gita's feelings.

Before saying goodbye, Barra took the time to knock on the door of Gita's room first.

"Gita, I'm home, okay?" Barra said goodbye, hoping to get a response, but to no avail, there was no sound from inside Gita's room.

Barra must accept the fact that Gita's heart is not ready to hear the news of his departure.


The sound of an incoming message notification on Barra's cell phone made him get out of bed. 'Gita Sayang' is the name on the cellphone screen of the person who sent the message.

"Bro, I'm sorry? I shouldn't have left you like this. But I was really sad when I found out that you were going to leave again leaving me here. I'm not mad at you. But I hope you understand how I feel right now."

"For that, we don't have to meet for a while or for a few days. Understood, Bro… I love you, Bro Barra!" the contents of Gita's message for Barra.

Barra dialed the Gita hoping to speak to her. But it looks like the Gita phone has been turned off first. Barra was not silent and immediately typed a message in response to Gita's message for her earlier.

'Gita, please forgive me. It's not that I want to be dishonest with you, but I know that even if I'm honest about this, you will be sad too,'

'I'm also sad that I have to leave you again even though we just got officially engaged. I'm also sad because I can't see and accompany you here every day,'

'But I'm also confused if I don't go, an opportunity as good as this no one knows when it will come a second time,'

'Right now what I need most is your support as my future wife, who can motivate me to work there for our future,'

That was the content of the message Barra typed while sobbing uncontrollably. That night, Barra was no longer asleep because he was about to leave for work.

Arriving at the office warehouse, Barra was again shocked by the news that this weekend, Saturday to be exact, Barra had to leave because on Monday Barra had to work.

Actually, it was good news, but like a blow to his mind, starting from today meant that he only had three days left for him to enjoy the company of those closest to him.

Barra's family, who had received the news of Barra's promotion, were very enthusiastic and happy. Apart from that their child will have a good career, they secretly pray that Barra will find a more mature woman than Gita in Malaysia in the future.

"Gita, I have to leave on Saturday. Before that, I want to spend time alone with you while shopping for my needs there later. Let's go for a walk, honey! I miss you too," Barra's message told Gita.

Because it has been several days Gita does not want to talk or face to face with Barra. Either because she was angry or because she was too sad to see her lover's face. However, Gita still wants to reply to a short message from Barra.

It's not that she doesn't miss him, maybe Gita's longing is bigger than Barra's who misses her, considering that Gita is still young, whose emotions are still high and need extra attention.

But Gita tried to be strong and still think wisely.

"You go with Sis Luna. Ask her to accompany you shopping! Count on how much time you spend with your family before you leave. Haven't you spent a lot of free time with them all this time? Your family will want to spend time with you too, Bro!"

"I told you, didn't I? I'm not mad at you. I know you go out and make a living for me and for our future, right? I will wish you a smooth journey and you will arrive at your destination safely. I'm sorry, Bro… I can't come with you to the airport. And I'm sure you know the reason too."

The contents of Gita's reply message at length made Barra understand from every sentence that Gita typed to him.

"You are indeed a great woman, Gita. You can cover your sadness with stubbornness. I will also do the same as you did, dear." Barra muttered under his breath as he looked at the cellphone screen showing their photo when showing off their ring at their engagement event a few days ago.

Saturday came so fast. All preparations such as administrative support letters are also complete. There weren't many clothes that Barra brought either, because he would just buy them there.

After saying goodbye to his neighbors and family, Barra took an online taxi to Mr. Hasan's house.

"Mom, I'm goodbye. Please pray for me to always be healthy and well there!" Barra shook the hand of Mrs. Laila who was considered his own mother.

"I will definitely pray for you, Barra. I'm sorry for not being able to advise Gita to take you to the airport," said Mrs. Laila sadly.

"Yes, I have, Mom... I have also said goodbye to Gita via cellphone. Take care of your health, okay! Please take care of Gita for me, Mom..." Barra said again while hugging his adoptive mother. Then Barra turned to Mr. Hasan next to Mrs. Laila.

"Dad, I need your prayer help so that everything I do is a blessing and my steps become lighter. When the time comes, I will pick up Gita," said Barra goodbye to Mr. Hasan.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for you to come back here, okay! Keep up the good work, Son!" Mr. Hasan ordered while embracing his future son-in-law.

After that Barra smiled at Galih next to him.

"Galih, please take a look at your sister, okay! Tell her not to fight all the time at school. Hurry up so you can take care of her in High School later! Your sister needs someone who can advise her!" Barra said to Galih while rubbing the head of Gita's younger brother.

"Okay, Bro, if that's what you want! Later if Sis Gita fights again, I will complain to you, Bro, hahaha!" said Galih while pointing his little finger at Barra a sign of their agreement.

"Give my regards to Ganesha. I haven't had the chance to say goodbye to him earlier," said Barra again and got Galih's nod.

Barra stepped out of the house.

Before boarding the online taxi that came with him, Barra continued to pay attention to the house that held many memories.

A home that gives him the warmth and affection of a family.

The house that gave him love.

The house that witnessed his love bond with Gita.

Barra waved while shedding tears at the people he loved in the house. Who knows when he'll be back there to embrace them again as usual.

When Barra arrived at the airport, he went straight to the check-in area. There were long queues at all the different airline counters. Then he looked at the time on his watch showing the departure time which was still a few minutes away.

Elsewhere, at Anita's house. Gita looks dreamy and her eyes look blank. Didn't really listen to the discussion of the high school lessons that the three of them were discussing.

"Hey, Gita!" Dian surprises her best friend, which makes Gita chuckle in annoyance.

"Dian! You just startled me! What's wrong?" said Gita annoyed.

"I startled you because you keep daydreaming! You can be possessed by a demon, you know? Come on, let's go to the airport now!" said Dian firmly.

"What are you going there for?" asked Gita confused.

"Of course to take you to meet Bro Barra there!" answered Dian instantly.