

In the short break, Gita's team consulted to formulate a game strategy and closed with cheers from her team before the game started again.

This time the game was controlled by the Gita team. Good teamwork produces perfect results. Gita nimbly passed here and there to her teammates. Once in a while, the score is scored by Gita and she also allows her teammates to put the ball into the opponent's ring.

The score that was initially controlled by Anne's team is now almost approached by the Gita team. Anne's anxiety was unstoppable when the score was equal and even Gita's team's score had surpassed her team's score. Time goes on without knowing who will win.

"Don't expect you to win, okay! Watch out!" Anne grumbled quietly as she ran over to Gita who was still on standby observing the position of the ball.


Gita fell when Anne passed her with a slight push until Gita fell to the ground.

Whistle sounds!

The gym teacher blew the whistle to stop the game for a moment. Gita's teammate came over and helped her to sit down. They helped clean Gita's hands and feet from dust and a little sand that scratched her skin.

Her sweatpants were torn at the knees due to the friction of the rough basketball court floor. Gita's palms also have many scratch marks, which may sting when cleaned.

Gita was silent and slightly grimaced. She didn't care about the pain and her friends asking how she was. The focus of Gita's gaze is only in one direction. Yes, towards Anne who smiled slyly at her.

'Oh, it turns out that's your game. Okay, I'll serve you!' Gita muttered in her heart. Then Gita stood back up and told her teammates as well as the referee for the game to be resumed.

Seeing Gita fall suddenly made her teammates shocked. So did her classmates who came to watch. Including Adimas, Zaki, and also Sean.

The three Gita fans got up and ran into the field. But, still halfway through their run, the gym teacher whistled to send them off the field.

"Sir, why can't you come in? We want to see the Gita!" Sean protested at the gym teacher.

"Gita has been helped by her colleagues there. Gita doesn't need your help. Seriously!" replied the gym teacher while shaking his head, "You're not from this class after all, are you? Why don't you come to your class? Get in there!" continued the teacher reprimanding Sean.

"Ah, you're not cool, sir!" squeaked Sean annoyed, and like it or not, he had to obey the gym teacher's words.

But, Sean wasn't his name if he would just obey. His curiosity for Gita made him secretly keep watching the match on the field without the gym teacher's knowledge.

'Even though that just now was cheating, but Gita remains calm, huh! My idol girl!' Sean said in his heart while smiling at Gita.

The game continues. The first Gita team to hold the ball.

The ball is thrown at the Gita. She dribbled the ball briefly and over again to her partner. When her partner wanted to pass, Anne had caught the ball that was free in the air. The ball is now in Anne's possession.

Gita followed and shadowed Anne.

"Does it hurt? You fell pretty hard, didn't you?" sneered Anne while bouncing the ball that Gita was aiming for.

"Oh, you also want to know how it tastes? Wait a minute, let me give you the taste!" Gita replied with a sly smile.

Gita reads the opportunity when Anne is off guard and grabs the ball quickly so that Anne loses her balance and falls backward in a supine position.

Gita left Anne who was lying on the ground and continued to bounce the ball into the opponent's ring.

From her current position, Anne can see Gita who jumps slightly while throwing the ball into her team's ring.

'Shit!' Anne cursed in her heart.


Gita cheered with satisfaction along with the sound of the sports teacher's whistle signaling the end of the game, with Gita's team as the winner.

Meanwhile, Anne was still sitting in the middle of the field. Apart from the pain in her body, Anne also felt the pain of defeat.

"Teacher, I want to protest. Gita cheated. She pushed me until I fell. I asked for more time!" Anne protested.

"Who's the referee here? You or me?" asked the gym teacher firmly.

"You did fall, but not because of Gita. She won the ball without touching you, and the method Gita used was correct in the technique of capturing the ball. You fell because you lost your balance, Anne!" The gym teacher explained again.

The unanimous decision was won by the Gita team today. It ended with a handshake from the two competing teams.

"I will repay you another time, Gita!" threatened Anne while tightening her grip when shaking hands with Gita.

Gita raised an eyebrow with a smile.

"I will wait for your next defeat, Anne!" Gita answered Anne's challenge while returning Anne's grip on her.

"Ouch, this hurts!" Anne was in pain and immediately let go of their handshake while glancing sharply at Gita.

'She's a girl, isn't she? Why is it so powerful? Just watch out for you, Gita!' grumbled angrily in her heart before leaving the Gita.

All the students dispersed because the sports hour was over. Likewise, Zaki, Adimas, and Sean are satisfied watching the exciting action of Gita.

Zaki and Adimas also joined the hi-five happily. There is also Sean who smiles proudly at Gita from his current position.

'You look so cool, Gita. I like you more and more!' Sean muttered with a big smile as he looked at the Gita from a distance.


After that, the competing female students changed into their sports uniforms.

Gita and the other friends went to the women's restroom to change clothes.

Gita patiently waited for her friends to change uniforms first. While waiting, Gita took the basketball to the sports equipment warehouse.

When placing the ball in the box containing various sports balls in the storage warehouse, she heard the sound of the door handle being locked which immediately made her turn her head towards the door.

Gita tried to move the door handle and hoped the door would open, but unfortunately, it didn't work.

'Enjoy my surprise, Gita! Hihihi!' Anne laughed slyly while muttering to herself after successfully confining Gita in there. Anne was satisfied and left triumphantly.

Gita looked at the whole room, which looked stuffy. The room, which is only 6 square meters in size, contains a variety of sports equipment to support learning materials and leaves only a small amount of space to walk.

Gita's gaze stopped at a rather high vent. Gita shifted the boxes of sports equipment so that they piled up and could be climbed.

Gita managed to get up and breathe as she got some fresh air from the vent in front of her face.

From her current position, Gita could see the quiet backyard of the school. There you can only see the view of the rice fields belonging to the surrounding residents.

"There's no one else. How can I get out of here? Who do I turn to for help right now?" she muttered to herself.

Gita fumbled for the pocket of her sweatpants at the back.

"Oh my God… I left my cell phone in my bag too. How do I get out of here? It's already noon, where does anyone pass in front of this room," Gita continued talking to herself.

Gita tried to calm down and kill the panic in the narrow room.

Silently and with her breath starting to feel heavy, she just prayed and hoped that God would be better for her.

Gita is not afraid because there are insects or mice and even ghosts there. Not at all.

What worries her is her shortness of breath because there is not enough fresh air for her to breathe. Gita was also too tired to stand looking for air from the narrow vent.

Gita was very tired of standing on tiptoe for too long.

No matter how strong Gita is, she is just a teenage girl whose body has a limit to survive.

With dim and dark eyes, Gita's slender body wobbled and finally fell.


The bell for the end of the class has rung. Students leave the school for different destinations. Likewise with students in the Gita class. But strangely, Gita hasn't been seen since gym class ended.

"Adimas, have you seen Gita? She hasn't been back to class since earlier, has she? I haven't seen her from practice hours until now! The bag and books are still intact!" Zaki asked Adimas hoping that his friend would know where Gita was.

"What?! Isn't it that after playing basketball, Gita walked with other girls to change into school uniforms? Let's ask Tina! She was playing with Gita, right?" said Adimas who was also getting confused.

It just so happened that Tina had not come out of class and the two of them immediately asked Tina.

"Tina, wait!" call Zaki and Adimas alternately.

"Yes, what is up?" replied their classmate named Tina as she looked back.

"Have you seen the Gita? Didn't she walk with you to the girls' restroom? So where is the Gita now?" Zaki asked urgently.