

'Barra, think a thousand more times for your choices. I would immediately say 'yes' if the girl you like was your age. Please think again, son!'

'What are you doing, Barra? You've gone crazy, haven't you? Mr. Hasan's daughter was still small. Still in school! What's on your mind that you want to propose to her?!'

'Isn't there another woman you can marry? Think about it carefully, when you are working, she might go out of the house and play with her friends. It could be that while you are working, she goes out with another guy she knows,'

'Think about it, Barra! She was young, still needed to play, still wanted to be free, still new to the outside world. Is that what you want to be a wife for you?'

Barra smiled mockingly with her eyes closed. The memory of his rejection of his decision to propose to Gita first flashed through his mind.

Barra compared the memories that had passed with the situation that occurred in his own family.