
To Listen Is To Learn #17

Adrian scratched his head, contemplating the task at hand. He carefully placed the boar on the ground, its lifeless form resting before him. He quickly realized he lacked the proper tools, causing him to turn to Knight Bernahl.

"Erm, do you happen to have a knife?" Adrian inquired, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

Knight Bernahl, a seasoned warrior with a friendly disposition, grinned in response. Reaching into his pockets, he produced a small butcher knife, its well-worn handle showing signs of countless uses. With a deft motion, he tossed the knife toward Adrian.

Adrian nodded in gratitude as he caught the knife, acknowledging the offered tool. He took a moment to examine the blade, feeling its weight in his hand. It was smaller and more delicate when compared to the broadsword he had become accustomed to, yet it held its own purpose and significance.

Kneeling down beside the boar, Adrian took a deep breath, trying his best to hide the troubled expression creeping onto his face. He had never gutted an animal before, but he'd decapitated humans, so how hard could it be?

With steady hands, Adrian positioned the blade against the boar's abdomen and went to work with surprisingly practiced ease. The same inexplicable instinct that guided his hands against his first opponent activated. He pressed the knife carefully and moved it along the animal's neck, mindful of the process he had observed in the past.

His hands moved with familiarity, following an innate understanding of the task. The sound of flesh parting, mingled with the rustle of leaves in the wind, filled the air. Adrian's focus was unwavering, his mind attuned to the delicate work.

As the flickering flames danced beneath the spit, casting a warm glow over the scene, Adrian wiped his hands on a cloth, ready to tend to the boar's butchered body. He glanced up to find Knight Bernahl watching him intently, a mixture of curiosity and intrigue evident in the knight's eyes.

As if prompted by the solemn atmosphere, Knight Bernahl broke the silence with a thoughtful question. His voice carried a sense of earnestness and a desire to understand Adrian's purpose.

"It's a bit sudden, but I must ask," Knight Bernahl began, his words weighted with curiosity. "Are you here in the Lands Between to take up the fight?" He asked, causing Adrian to pause and give him a bewildered look.

"Does your faith in the guidance of grace hold firm, despite the collapse of the Golden Order?" Knight Bernahl elaborated, understanding the young tarnished's confusion.

Adrian paused for a moment, his gaze meeting Knight Bernahl's. The crackling of the fire provided a comforting backdrop to their conversation. He considered his response carefully, aware of the weight of the knight's inquiry.

A sense of helplessness welled within him, mingling with a lingering uncertainty that had accompanied him on his journey thus far. Turning to face Knight Bernahl fully, Adrian spoke with a contemplative tone.

"I have no idea how or why I got here..." he acknowledged, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of resilience. "As for faith in the guidance of grace... I never had such belief, to begin with..." He added, firmly shaking his head.

He gestured toward the Site of Grace nearby, its ethereal glow still emanating a sense of hope amidst the darkness. "I see the guidance of grace, but I don't much care for it, to be honest..." Adrian continued, his voice steady.

"Right now, I'm only concerned with saving my own hide and finding a place where I belong. I have to greater cause purpose besides that..." Adrian concluded with an unabashed chuckle.

With that, Adrian resumed preparing the meal, his hands deftly working to arrange the boar over the fire. The enticing aroma of cooking meat began to fill the air, mingling with the crackling of the flames.

Knight Bernahl watched Adrian with surprise and amusement, momentarily stunned into speechlessness by the tarnished's honest reply. However, the knight's initial shock gave way to a hearty laugh that echoed through the quiet forest as he processed Adrian's words.

"Honest to a fault, I see," Knight Bernahl chuckled, his voice filled with a genuine warmth. "Such thoughts won't behoove you as a Tarnished. But there's nothing wrong with prioritizing your own safety..."

He shook his head and continued. "After all, we can't all be heroes..."

"Oh, believe me, a hero is the last thing I want to be... those don't last long...." Adrian warily smiled without turning around, still working on the boar.

Knight Bernahl smiled, shaking his head as if amused and intrigued by the unpredictability of their encounter. The flames cast playful shadows across his face as he continued.

"However, the Lands Between has a way of nudging us toward certain paths..." Knight Bernahl said, his tone thoughtful. "Even if you may not seek to champion a cause, circumstances have a funny way of shaping our journeys...."

He moved closer to the fire, the flickering light casting dancing shadows across his armor-clad form. He leaned against a fallen log, his eyes fixed on the roasting boar.

"Who knows?" Adrian smirked at Knight Bernahl's remark, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But if the Lands Between insists on nudging me toward certain paths, I hope it takes me somewhere with a cozy bed with lots of drinks... I'd kill for a bottle of wine right now..."

"You know, in these desolate lands, camaraderie is rare," Knight Bernahl mused with a chuckle. "But you and I will get along just fine, I think..." He added, warming his hands over the fire.

Adrian nodded in agreement, a grateful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "In a place like this, having a friend is worth its weight in gold. I'll never say no to some good company."

Resuming his work on the boar, Adrian meticulously tended to the cooking meat, occasionally adjusting the spit to ensure even roasting. The aroma grew stronger, tantalizing their senses as they awaited the meal.

Silence enveloped the campsite, broken only by the crackling of the fire and the distant sounds of nature. Adrian's mind wandered, his thoughts a mix of uncertainty and determination. Lost in his contemplation, he was brought back to reality as Knight Bernahl spoke.

"Ah, the meat looks almost ready," Knight Bernahl remarked, breaking the silence. "I hope you're hungry, Adrian."

Adrian turned to his companion, a hunger pang reminding him of his empty stomach. "Starving, actually," he admitted with a chuckle. "Let's see if our efforts paid off."

Taking a piece of cooked boar for himself, Adrian blew on it to cool it down before taking a bite. The meat was bland and gamey, lacking seasoning, but it provided the sustenance he needed. He savored the flavor, his hunger temporarily satisfied.

Knight Bernahl followed suit, tearing off a piece of the cooked meat and chewing thoughtfully. As they ate in silence, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop, Knight Bernahl broke the silence with a thoughtful proposition.

"You know, Adrian, if your goal is to survive, then you must know that knowledge is a valuable asset. Skills honed in battle can make all the difference," Knight Bernahl said, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. "Any interest in bearing the torch of my battle arts?"

Adrian turned to him, his curiosity piqued. "Battle arts? What's that?" he asked, his voice tinged with intrigue.

Knight Bernahl smiled, a twinkle of pride in his eyes. "You see, all a tarnished like me knows is the sword. I've always had one in my hand for as long as I remember, and I picked up a few tricks in my time."

"I reckon Now's the time to pass'em on..." He concluded.

Adrian nodded, his expression eager. "I'd be out of my mind to refuse to learn something that might help me survive. How do these battle arts work?"

Knight Bernahl leaned back, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. "In the Lands Between, there's a myriad of battle arts, mementos of all the warriors who raised their arms in battle, lost, and died," he explained, his voice filled with reverence.

He continued, his tone filled with a mix of wisdom and nostalgia. "These battle arts linger in the keepsakes of these distinguished warriors..." He paused as if to gather his thoughts. "If you listen closely to these keepsakes... if you know what to look for, then you may inscribe the same might into your own weapon and body..."

"That sounds intriguing... and you want to teach me techniques you've learned from listening to such keepsakes...?" Adrian asked, his voice carrying a hint of subdued excitement and curiosity.

"That's what I intended when I first invited you to this little shack, yes..." Knight Bernahl replied with a smile. "However, I had a change of heart..." He added, shaking his head, much to Adrian's confusion.

"Instead, I will teach you to listen as I do..."


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