
A Peculiar Jar in Need #20

After an hour of riding, Adrian and Torrent emerged from the dense forest, leaving behind the comforting embrace of the towering trees. Before them lay a sight that took their breath away—a vast, sprawling green plain that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon. The expanse was interrupted by a cliff edge, where the land abruptly dropped.

Adrian dismounted from Torrent, his eyes scanning the scene before him. The cliff offered a panoramic vista, offering a sweeping view of the sprawling plain below. The air carried a sense of openness and freedom, tinged with the distant scent of grass and earth.

His gaze was drawn to a broken statue standing alone in the center of the plain. Once a magnificent tribute to a robed figure, only the upper half of the statue remained, its lower portion lost to time. The weathered stone bore the scars of age, cracks and chips marring its surface.

However, it was not the disrepair of the statue that captivated Adrian's attention. Instead, his eyes were fixated on a faint light radiating from a crack in the statue's chest. The glow was subtle, yet it beckoned to him.

Adrian knew treasure awaited him, embedded deep within the stature. However, a dozen or so trolls, the same towering creatures Adrian had encountered at Stromveil Castle's Gatefront, lumbered across the plain, causing him to hesitate. Their hulking forms moved with strength, their presence intimidating and formidable.

Taking a deep breath, Adrian summoned Torrent with a resonant chant. The ethereal spirit materialized before him, its majestic form radiating a soft glow. Adrian swiftly mounted the steed, feeling the surge of power beneath him. With a gentle nudge of his heels, he urged Torrent forward, their bond strengthening as they embarked on their daring mission.

Leaping into the vast green plain, Adrian felt the wind rush through his hair as he urged Torrent forward with practiced skill, charging toward the nearest troll. Their bond was palpable, each gallop flowing as they weaved through the troll's colossal legs. The ground beneath them trembled with the trolls' heavy footsteps, their monstrous presence casting a foreboding shadow over the land.

The putrid stench from the massive creatures assaulted Adrian's senses, causing him to wrinkle his nose in disgust. The combination of decaying flesh and stagnant swamp water filled the air, a reminder of the grotesque nature of these formidable foes. Yet, undeterred by the offensive odor, Adrian steeled himself, refusing to let it distract him from his purpose.

Adrian and Torrent pressed on, their movements calculated and precise. The trolls' thunderous growls echoed in the distance, their primal voices reverberating through the plain. The earth seemed to shake beneath their feet as the troll shifted its massive body, creating an ever-changing maze for Adrian to navigate.

Guided by his instincts and honed skills, Adrian and Torrent surged forward. The troll's growls and the sound of its pounding footsteps melded with the rush of wind against Adrian's face, creating a symphony of anticipation.

Reaching the statue, Adrian swiftly dismounted and sought refuge behind its remaining upper half. His heart pounded in his chest as he prepared for what lay ahead. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he began taunting the troll, his words laced with a touch of vulgarity meant to provoke its fury.

"Hey, you oversized sack of shit! Is that the best you've got? I've seen more intimidating boils on a pig's ass!" Adrian taunted, his voice carrying over the plains.

The troll roared in rage as it reached Adrian, its massive fists clenched as it lunged toward the statue with reckless abandon. The ground shook beneath its weight as it aimed to crush the sculptor and Adrian in one devastating blow.

Reacting with split-second timing, Adrian summoned Torrent and signaled him to gallop away. And as the troll's fist collided with the statue, a deafening crash reverberated through the air, sending fragments of stone and dust into the atmosphere.

Amidst the destruction, Adrian's eyes widened with anticipation. He watched as a few shimmering objects, previously embedded within the statue, were now freed from their stone prison. They glinted in the sunlight, casting a radiant aura around them.

With a leap, he darted toward the scattered shards, his hands reaching out to grasp the shimmering stones, recognizing them as smithing stones.

With the smithing stones securely in his possession, Adrian urged Torrent to gallop northward, leaving the territory of the menacing trolls behind.

Adrian cast a taunting glance over his shoulder as they sped away, extending his middle finger toward the enraged troll. "You should wash your balls more! You almost killed me with the smell alone, you mother fucker!"

His words, laced with colorful expletives, echoed through the air, further incensing his pursuer. "Fuck you and your troll pals, you goddamned pile of giant shit!" The troll's furious roars filled the distance as Torrent's powerful strides carried them farther away from their vengeful foe.

Satisfied by the troll's reaction, Adrian turned away, focusing on the road and leaving the towering gigantic to stew in its rage, stomping the hapless dirt and defnesless grass in frustration.


Thirty minutes of relentless galloping drew Adrian and Torrent to a scene that abruptly halted their swift progress-- Before them stood a makeshift camp, its scattered tents and crude structures surrounding a massive stone debris that appeared to have fallen from the sky.

Adrian surveyed the camp, noting the soldiers patrolling its perimeters. They stood as formidable obstacles, determined to guard whatever secrets lay within the fallen stone. Unfazed by the challenge ahead, Adrian guided Torrent toward the makeshift barricade blocking their path. Wood spikes jutted out, designed to impede any intruders.

With a swift command, Adrian prompted Torrent to leap over the menacing spikes, his agile steed effortlessly clearing the barrier. The soldiers, taken aback by the unexpected maneuver, scrambled to intercept him. Adrian's sword flashed through the air, expertly cutting down those who dared to impede his progress. Each stroke was precise, delivering swift justice to those who stood in his way.

Exiting the camp from the opposite end, Adrian and Torrent ventured into a narrow ravine ahead. The towering rock walls closed in, creating a sense of confinement and secrecy.

Once they were away from the camp, Adrian slowed Torrent's pace, his keen senses attuned to the surrounding environment. As the rhythmic beat of Torrent's hooves reached the ears of a hidden observer, a voice shattered the silence like a crack of thunder.

"Hello-o? Can you hear me?"

A mischievous grin spread across Adrian's face, for he recognized the voice that called out. It was a familiar voice. Intrigued, Adrian urged Torrent forward, following the sound that seemed to originate from the right side of the ravine.

The rocky protrusions scattered along the ravine's edge were natural stepping stones, allowing Torrent to navigate the challenging terrain. With each surefooted leap, Adrian drew closer to the source of the voice that cried out for help.

"Help me! I'm stuck."

The urgency in the voice resonated with Adrian, spurring him to quicken his pace. And there, as he climbed the ravine and reached the top, his eyes widened at the peculiar sight before him. It was a colossal jar, half buried in the earth, its massive form straining against the constraints of the grassy dirt.

Its thick arms protruded from its sides, desperately pushing against the ground in a futile attempt to break free. Adrian recognized this unusual being, even though its true identity and purpose remained a mystery.

Adrian dismissed Torrent with a gentle pat on his flank, the loyal steed vanishing in a swirl of ethereal mist. Now on foot, Adrian approached the gigantic jar, its open end sealed by a vibrant red ornamental seal adorned with an intricate depiction of the Erdtree. The seal glistened in the sunlight, its details meticulously etched into the surface.

Before Adrian could utter a word, the jar emitted a melodious voice, echoing with relief and excitement. "Oh my stars, I'm so happy to see you!"

The unexpected greeting elicited a chuckle from Adrian, his amusement dancing in his eyes. "Well, well, looks like you found yourself in quite the pickle, pal," he remarked with a playful grin.

The jar, known as Alexander or the Iron Fist, responded in a tone tinged with resignation and longing. "Indeed, I am Alexander, also known as the Iron Fist. And as you can see, I'm stuck here." The jar's arms wiggled helplessly, emphasizing its predicament.

Adrian shook his head, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "Yes, I can see that," he replied, feigning seriousness. "Seems like you've gotten yourself into a rather tight spot..."

The jar, Alexander, let out a sigh that resembled the gentle rustling of leaves. "Then please, be a gentleman and help me out of this, will you?" its voice implored, hope and desperation resonating within the words.


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