

On that day, i died. But when i open my eyes, i realized i'm not in the afterlife, but another world. This world is still on the medieval era, and the other thing is, there's a strange ring on my finger. I try to throw it away but it keeps comeback. What is this ring? Why i'm here? What's my goal? P.S : English is not my first language. it's not even my second language. So the grammar might be bad but i tried to make it atleast readable. And also, i'm still new from writing novel, so i open for criticism and suggestion.

Integra6 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

'What the hell is happening right now?'

Right now, i'm at the entrance of the brothel. Infront of me, there's 5 people standing with bat, knife, pipe, etc. From what i recalled from this body's memories, this kind of situation is often happen before. Probably those people was payed to make a mess in here so the customer Will go to the other brothel. Well, in short, a trade war. This brothel also payed some people but it's for revenge. If there's people who mess with her business, she Will pay them back.

"So, who send you guys here this time?" I ask.

But after that, there's only silent surrounding them. But it not last long, after few second of silence, the 5 men infront of me laugh so hard.

"Bwahahahaha! What's wrong with her voice!? It's so deep!"

"Why the hell a young girl have such a deep voice?! Bwahahahaha!"

"Is she suck too much d*ck so her voice become like that?! Hahahaha!"

They continue laughing for some times.

From their perspektif, i know it'll seems funny hearing such a deep voice from a kid. And since i don't know how i look like, i'm wondering, why they call me a girl. Probably because of my long hair? But even with this long hair, they should know that i am a boy. Or is it my face that also look like a girl? I already check it before but i'm certain that i'm a boy.

Put that aside, they still laughing and that annoyed me.

I grit my teeth and i clench my hand.

"My voice is always like this since I'm born, and I'm a boy!" I said while charging towards them.

But then i realized, i don't know how to fight. Even in my previous live, i never fight someone. And now i need to fight 5 people with weapon on their hand? But my body move by itself. Seems like some this body's habit still remain. If so then i can just rely on this body's muscle memories.

When i close to the one of the men that holding a metal pipe, i jump and kick him in the face. The man flew for few meters and lost his consciousness. The others saw that stunned a bit, i didn't miss that chance and punch the other men on the face. But since my power is not that powerful since i'm just a child, the men only felt pain. Fortunately, the metal pipe that the previous man have is on the ground close to me. I take that pipe and start swinging it to the other man.

Of Course the remaining people not just stand there forever, they began to attack me after realizing what just happen. Since i manage to knock 2 person, there's 3 left. The one that i punch still consciousness since my punch is weak.

3 of them attack me at the same time and i need to back up and dodge their attack. 3 v 1 at the close range is dangerous. I throw the pipe on my hand to one of them while they're charging at me and manage to hit his head and make him faint. 2 left.

The place is not that wide, so they manage to catch up with me rather fast. And i can't run away forever or i will tired faster. The man with a knife swing his knife towards me but i manage to dodge it. But the other man with a bat swing it right, i can't dodge it so i decided to block it with my arms. I don't know if it's the right decision, but the bat hit my arms and it's so hurt. Fortunately I managed to jump even though it was just a little bit, but i manage to avoid a fatal injury, like a bone crack.

The man with knife, not letting me rest a bit, charging towards me and make a stabbing motion. I move my body to the side and dodge the knife. After that i kick the man's hand that holding the knife, disarm him. I spun my body and round kick him in the face. When the man fell to the ground, i kick him once again on his head to make sure he fainted.

The last man that saw what just happen hesitant to attack. After a few moment, he threw his bat and ran away.

Looking at the man who ran away, I sigh with relief and look at the door of the brothel.

"Madam, it's done."

Madam Maria come out from the brothel and look around

"Nice work as always, Girly. Is your arm ok?"

"Yeah, it hurts but it's not serious. Tomorrow should be healed."

"Good then. Here's your paid."

Madam Maria gave me money. It's £1.

"Just £1? Can't you give me atleast £2?"

"Hey, don't be greedy. £1 is enough. Besides, it's just 5 people this time, and you intended to take their money too right? Then £1 is enough, don't you think?"

"Haaahhh, fine." I put the money inside my pocket and entered the brothel. My room is inside and I want to rest. Ofcourse before that i search whatever these people have that can make money and take it, well, mainly just their money. It's not much but i get £5 from all of them. From the memory on this body, for commoners, they got paid 3 shillings a day, so £5 is a lot.

(A/N : idk, i just make things up.)

Now that i think about it, the injury from the beating on the alley is mostly healed. This fast healing is not normal. And the pain on my hand that I think will be healed tomorrow is already healed now. That's strange.