
Chapter 38

"Ah, the room of Savannah Petroli. Not what I thought it would look like." I say, passing through the door's frame.

I look around, putting my hands on either sides of my waist. The walls are white, again. On the left there's a queen-sized bed, with ocean blue sheets and white pillows and blanket. It has two white bedside tables with white desk lights, and a white shelf full of books on top of it. Most books are fantasy or sci-fi. For some reason, I expected that. In front of me there isn't much, just a wall with a mirror and posters of bands and films. There's a window that goes from the ground almost to the ceiling on the far end of the righten wall, and just before it, in my direction, there's a white desk with a blue office chair and a wall of notes and pinboards covered by bright green plants propped on a white shelf. Between me and the desk there's a cyan beanbag.

"What did you think it'd look like?" She asks, turning to look at me. I ignore her question.

"I'm guessing blue's your favorite color?" I ask her instead.

"Yup. You never told me yours."

"Vivid red. Blood kind of red. Velvet too."

"And those dagger earrings and smart mind? You're kind of scaring me now."

"Ha. Very funny. If I were to do anything to you, I'd play dumb and turn the tables the last second."

"Simple, but effective. Definitely would be attractive."

"Like an evil queen. You tied to a chair, me walking in circles around you, my red gown following my steps, the clickety clack of my black heels following my words, which reveal my true nature, slipping off dark red lips and cutting right throw you, along with my shadowed gaze, fortified by black winged eyeliner. My black snake appears onto my shoulder, going around my arm and looking straight at you, then at the dark bottle in my hand, containing fatal poison. The perfect poison, long sufferance. All you will see will be me, you will begging me for a quick death, on your knees, kissing my shoes, and I wouldn't give you that satisfaction in a million years." I say in my best evil-queen acting voice, narrowing my eyes and shaking my head every once in a while. Then I snap back, smiling innocently and widening my eyes, as if I didn't just describe how I would finish her. "I mean, that would be fun. Definitely how I'd do it if we were in the middle ages or in your fantasy books." I say, pointing at the shelf.

She looks at me blankly, swallows and nods. "Yeah."

I laugh. I walk towards the window and look out of it. There's the drive. I turn to look back at her.

"I mean, the part I really would mind would be where you'd be in charge." She says, walking towards me. "I don't think that's really fair, mh? Especially after how you've always been with me." I back up, but she keeps coming closer, until I hit the desk, she puts one hand on the wood and with the other she holds up my chin. Now I'm the one swallowing.

She gets closer, looking at my lips, running a thumb through them, tugging them apart. My breath is already heavy, our cheeks flush in sync, her body putting always more pressure on mine, our hips connected. Her breath smells like strawberries, like her lips always did, even though I've never seen her eat any. It makes my vision narrow, everything blurs and blackens, but her face and the intensity in her eyes as the tilts her head to the side, getting closer and closer.

Then it all happens in a hurry. She grabs my arm and throws me onto the bed, my legs and arms as wide as my eyes. She puts her knee on either sides of my left leg, bending on top of me and pinning my wrists down. I stare, surprised, expecting her to do something. She just stares back, hungry, with an expression I can't figure out. Her breaths are strong, too strong to be normal, as if she's suppressing them. She's looking right into my eyes, as if she could see right through me. She bends her head down, hiding into my neck, setting off fires everywhere in my body, making me gasp.

"I fucking can't." She whispers. "You are so fucking beautiful you have no idea. I want to show you I care about way more than just your body. I care about you, about the world you have inside, what I didn't see right away, but only when you snapped back in the hall. You drive me crazy, you are like a storm in my head, clouding my thoughts. I can't think straight when I'm around you. I try to be in control, you have no fucking idea how you make me feel." She pulls back.

Her words are like arrows that break into my chest. They tickle, they set something off, I can't really understand the feeling. It's indescribable. I feel like we're one big bundle of electricity.

She looks into my eyes, hers are fire. Her fingertips touch my bare skin lightly, on my hip, which has been exposed when she put me in this position.

"May I?" She asks, eyebrows raised, sincerity all over her features.

I said I wouldn't let her do this, I wouldn't let myself go there. I know what she said was honest, I heard her when I was half asleep. I don't believe this is some cruel hearted prank. She is honest, and she's asking for permission.

I nod.

I see a second of appreciation, then she leans into me and starts kissing me gently. I kiss back.

I can feel our bodies heating up as it starts getting more intense, her knee is slowly going higher. She pulls away, unbuttoning my shirt-like top. It slides off with ease. She takes her white t-shirt off.

She goes back to kissing me, tugging on my jeans' belt. She slowly unbuckles it, then pulls away again.

"Alright, how do we get this off." She says. She tries pulling the denim off by pulling me into her arms, but she can't manage and I laugh. She then tries to put an arm under my back, to arch it, and guides my trousers down to my knees. Once I'm back down, she successfully removes them completely.

"Alright, close the door while I take mine off." I tiptoe to the door, closing it, even though I know no one will be home this weekend. In the mean time she lets her sweatpants slide off with less effort than what it took with me.

"Get here, you sexy thing." She says. Wriggling her eyebrows. I raise one of mine.

"You sound like a middle aged perv." I say, walking towards the bed, smiling.

I crawl until I get on top of her.

"Uhm, yeah. As if we're doing that." She grabs my wrists again and inverts us, so that she's on top.