
Girl can rule

Story about a girl belonging to a mafia family with her nasty personality, she really doesn't care about other's. She is hurting inside because of her weaknesses. She wants a simple life with no drama but after a big loss in her life, she decides to sit on a throne, planning revenge and rule the world under her while taking down her enemies. Meanwhile she discovers a new emotion called LOVE.

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20 Chs

Sometimes truth hurts

It was dark night when Layla was standing at her room terrace and she was in deep thoughts. Someone knocked the door. "Come in." shouted Layla. "Madam dinner is ready." said the maid. Layla walked with the maid to the dining hall. That hall with alot of chairs was very big but empty. She saw the whole table filled with different dishes but She lost her appetite thinking of eating it alone. "Madam Is there any problem?" questioned Maid. "No i am just not hungry. Gather all the servants and enjoy the food. I am going back to my room." said Layla and walked back to her room with empty stomach.

        Next morning. "Madam!" maid was shouting at Layla's door. "Come  on. Why is she shouting." said Layla to herself. "Come in." said Layla. "Madam. Daniel wanted to tell you something important." told the Maid. "Ok let him in." said Layla. Daniel entered the room. "I am sorry for coming so early in the morning but i have something important to tell you." said Daniel. "It's fine. Go on." Layla said in a sleepy voice. " It's about Julia Charles. I have learnt it from someone that She is the owner of Charles Automobile. She has been running this buisness with her husband for fifteen years. She has very good connections with mafia families especially Mr. Adrian Gabe. He is her regular customer. He takes cars from her and also bring her customers. They have been in a very good relationship since she started this company but now they are not on good terms because of Mr. Adrian Gabe fraud. He was trading her cars on high prices to other countries and she found out." told Daniel. "How did she find out?" asked Layla. "According to the person i heard it from, it's Gace's fault. He was assigned to find the runaway Guards but one of them is still missing and that one guard has everything on Mr.Adrian and he also told Julia Charles about the fraud and because of that Gace is suspended now." said Daniel. "What suspended? by his own dad ...interesting." said Layla smirking. "This is all but I can't understand one thing that why is she trying to make contact with you?" asked Daniel. "This is something we have to know. Can you arrange a meeting with Julia Charles?" questioned Layla. "That I can do but it's dangerous. We don't know her intentions." said Daniel. "It's fine i will go with backup. I have to meet her and ask her." said Layla.

        Fiora on the other hand started working under her father. This was not something she wanted but she didn't want to disappoint her dad so she decided to give it a shot. "You are my brave girl. You will do better in no time." said Mr.Adrian to Fiora. "I will try my best." said Fiora.

         Next day, Daniel got the appointment with Julia Charles and Layla went to the cafe to meet her. Julia Charles was already there waiting for Layla. Layla saw her from the entrance of the cafe. She was an elegant lady wearing coat and hat sitting there with her body guards standing behind her. Layla along with her body guards went to her and smiled. "I thought you were not coming." said Julia with her twisted accent. "I called you here and i am not that disrespectful to not show up here." said Layla. "come, sit with me." said Julia. Layla sat down and took a sip of water from the glass infront of her but she spitted back in the glass. "This water tastes like metal." said Layla with a disgusting face. "Then don't drink it. You will get sick." said Julia. "Thanks for your concern. Let's come to the point. Why are you making prank calls to me?" questioned Layla. "Me? what? making prank calls? said Julia with a confused face. "Stop with your act! I know it's your burner phone so tell me why are you doing this? What do you want from me?" asked Layla. "I want my daughter back." said Julia with a expression less face and her voice was trembling like she couldn't get words out of her. "Your daughter?" asked Layla. "See I don't want this to end like this but I really wanted to tell you something important and i have been building courage to say that for one year. But then i heard about Simon and it broke me." said Julia. "Wait! I don't know where is this going but do you know my dad?" asked Layla. "I do, very well. He was my husband and I am your mother." said Julia. These words felt like the wave of electric shock in Layla's body. "Shut your nonsense. My mother is dead." said Layla. "That's what your father told you but it's not true. I am alive and sitting infront of you. I know i don't have any right to be your mother now but I just wanted to apologise. That's the only thing i can do right now." said Julia wait teary eyes. "You are lying. My mother is dead so stop!" shouted Layla. Julia took out the picture of her's and Mr.Simon's marriage and showed it to Layla. "This can't be." said Layla staring at the picture. "I know it's hard for you and i am not pushing you into this. I just wanted to see my daughter once and apologise to her properly. Will you give me a chance?" asked Julia. "Mother! my foot. To me you don't even exist so don't get your hopes up. You abandoned me and i resent you." said Layla with a furious face. "yeah it's your choice and it's fine that you resent me but I want to make things better now. Just give me a chance! I want to help." said Julia. "What's there to help? I don't need anyone." said Layla arrogantly. "You need me right now but you are not accepting it. I know after Simon's death, Things are hectic and buisness is not doing well." said Julia. "That's non of your concern." said Layla. "Layla you are being emotional right now. Think realistically! Adrian is getting ready to take you down. You know this that he wants to combine both empires and he will do whatever it takes to make it happen. You have to stand up in your father's place to get revenge for his murder otherwise they will defeat you in no time. He suspended his own son and making a new army under her daughter just to get you. You can't allow him to take everything from you. All these things that your father made by putting his life on line will be snatched from you in no time. Don't think of me like your mother but atleast you can think of me as a buisness partner and use me for your benefit." explained Julia. "He is training Fiora? why?" asked Layla. "He will use your weaknesses to defeat you that's why he is using Fiora but Layla you have to do something as soon as possible to protect everything you have or else everything will burn like ashes." warned Julia. Layla knew that Julia was right. She didn't want to accept the fact this advice was by her mother who abandoned her but she knew the right move at that time was to make friendship with her. "Why did you abandon me?" asked Layla. Julia closed her eyes. "Ummm I and your father didn't love each other. Our marriage was a deal within our families but after that i fell in love with Charles and i wanted to live with him but I got pregnant. I wanted to take you with me but your father didn't allow me to take you. He made a deal with me in return for my independence. He asked me to give you birth and leave you there and to never contact you afterwards and i took the deal." said Julia with a sorrowfull voice. "You made a good choice. You prioritised your love over your daughter.....,Nice! well i don't care now. Let's make a deal today between us." said Layla. "What deal?" asked Julia. "Form an alliance with me and help me get my revenge. I will take the throne and prove them that 'A girl can rule'. What do you say?" asked Layla. "deal done!" said Julia and smiled. Layla shaked hand with her and left.