
Girl can rule

Story about a girl belonging to a mafia family with her nasty personality, she really doesn't care about other's. She is hurting inside because of her weaknesses. She wants a simple life with no drama but after a big loss in her life, she decides to sit on a throne, planning revenge and rule the world under her while taking down her enemies. Meanwhile she discovers a new emotion called LOVE.

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20 Chs


"I thought Daniel wasn't coming. Who is this then? come in...." said Layla. Julia Charles entered with a fruit basket in her hand. Layla saw her and then turned her face towards Noah. Noah left the room to gave them some privacy. "Why are you here?" asked Layla. "Just because." said Julia. "I was just going home. You didn't come the whole time and now arriving at the final moment showing that you care. Nice move!" taunted Layla and sighed. "I was busy. I tried but i didn't get time." Julia explained herself. "You were always busy....busy enough to abandon me. I thought i made it clear that i only wanted a professional relationship with you and we are not that close for you to visit me here." said Layla. "Layla I am just doing what i can to make up." said Julia. "And you can't even do that properly so please don't try. You are not my mother, atleast not to me. If you really want to help then just help me achieve my goals. That would be enough. Thanks for visiting me but don't bother yourself again." said Layla harshly. "I'll wait for you to forgive me." said Julia. "Then prepare yourself to wait for your whole life." said Layla and turned towards her bag on the bed. Julia closed her eyes for a second and went out. Noah entered in. "Judging by her expressions, it wasn't a pleasant conversation." asked Noah. "You're correct. It's never pleasant chatting with her." answered Layla. "It must be hard for you getting a mother so sudden." asked Noah. "It's tiring. It's like that complicated relationship when you hate that person but you also want to love them as well. It's like a war in your head. Sometimes I hate her enough to kill her but later on I just want to go and hug her tightly. She is so annoying that it's suffocating me." said Layla in a trembling sound and wiped her tear with her hand. Noah moved closer and hugged her. Layla closed her eyes tightly while tears were dropping continuously. "You have to be strong if you want to continue this battle otherwise they will chew you in a blink." Noah encouraged her. Layla smiled. "Let's go home." said Layla and they both left the room.

Fiora was sitting in her room while holding her phone. Someone knocked. "Come inside." Fiora allowed. Gace entered. "When did you come? I thought you will stay in France for a while." said Fiora. "That's what Dad wants not me. I belong here and I will live here no matter what." said Gace. "Did you visit Dad? He is really sick." told Fiora. "No, what happened?" questioned Gace. "He got Cardiogenic shock few days back but it was an initial stage so he survived. He also has high blood pressure and cholesterol level. He survived it last time but if it happens again, he will not survive." said Fiora. "Maybe he is being punished for his sins." said Gace. "Shut up Gace. He is your father. How can you say this when he is so sick?" asked Fiora angrily in a loud voice. "He is just your father not mine so you go take care of him. And he believes in you so much, he wouldn't want me there." said Gace. "He suspended you because of your childish behaviour. Why are you always so irresponsible? He wanted you to get a lesson but your behaviour became worse." said Fiora. "Ahh really? he abandoned me because i was useless to him. Just because I didn't find that damn last guard, he did this to me. Why isn't he getting rid of you when you didn't even find him? It's because he only think of you as his child. I am nonexistent to him." answered Gace angrily. "I found him." said Fiora confidently. Gace was shocked to hear the answer. "When? Where? How?" asked Gace. "I know where he is and I can get him here now if i want." said Fiora. "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go and capture him. I will really make him pay for what he did to me." yelled Gace. "What's the rush? Let him enjoy his freedom little more." said Fiora and smiled. "Are you insane? Where is he?" asked Gace. "He is with Layla these days." said Fiora. "What is he doing there?" asked Gace. "He is working for her and they seem close to each other. I am just letting Layla play with her toy for a while before i snatch it." said Fiora. "What if he run away again? You should do something about it." suggested Gace. "Let's do this together. He is your enemy too. I will let you deal with him but I have a condition." said Fiora. "What condition?" questioned Gace. "First go and meet Dad and apologise to him then i will tell you my plan." said Fiora. "I am not going to meet him." answered Gace. "Fine! then i will deal with it alone." threatened Fiora. "Ummm wait! Okay i will meet him." said Gace. Fiora smiled and put her hand on Gace's shoulder and patted him.

Layla on the other hand came back home. She took some rest in her bed for a while and then came outside. "Where's Daniel?" asked Layla to the maid. "He is in the study waiting for you." maid told Layla. "Ok make some tea for us." ordered Layla and moved to the study. She entered the study. Daniel stood up and greeted her. "Why were you waiting?" asked Layla. "We are holding Brian for many days and tried our best but he didn't say a word. I wanted to ask you about him? What should we do now?" asked Daniel. "We have to know his side of story and for that i will do whatever it takes. Take me to him." said Layla.

Daniel and Layla went to the basement where they were keeping Brian in a lock up. "Hello friend." said Brian to Layla laughing loudly. "Open it." ordered Layla to Daniel. He opened the door and Layla entered. "I heard you are giving my men hard time." said Layla. Brian laughed again. Layla went closer to him and grabbed his hair. "You dare to laugh?" asked Layla angrily. "Brian continued to laugh. "I know you were aiming Fiora that day. You didn't want to shot me?" questioned Layla. Brian expressions changed. Daniel was surprised too. "How did you know that?" asked Brian. "I saw Fiora expressions when you aimed at her. I saw your reflection in her eyes." mentioned Layla. "Then you should have stayed in your place. Why did you move and got shot instead of her?" asked Brian. "You should have stayed in your limits before creating all this mess. Why did you aim at her? Who told you?" interrogated Layla. "I just did because she was so loud." said Brian. "Shut up! Tell me who asked you to do that?" Layla shouted loudly. Brian started laughing again. "So you will not tell me? Okay! bring me the grass cutter." ordered Layla to one of the guard. Brian stared into Layla's eyes. "Now the choice is yours. If you will tell me then i will spare you but if you will not then I will cut your fingers." threatened Layla. Guard handed over the big cutter to Layla. "Just kill me." yelled Brian. "No dear. I will Kill you in the most slowest method so that you suffer. You will beg for death but i won't kill you." said Layla and smiled. "Bitch!" shouted Brian. "Now i will begin. I will ask you five time and if you stay quiet, i will cut your one finger each time. Got it?" asked Layla. Brian was breathing heavily. Daniel was surprised by Layla's reaction. He never saw her this angry. "Who_ordered_you_to_kill_Fiora?" questioned Layla giving little pauses between her sentence. Brian stayed quiet and kept staring at her. "You can see this cutter in my hand. It can cut your every body part not only these fingers." threatened Layla again. "You are just bragging. You can't cut my fingers." said Brian challenging her. "Maybe I was very lenient with all of you that's why you are taking me for granted." said Layla, opened the cutter wide and put his first finger inside of it. "Are you sure? You are not going to answer me?" questioned Layla again but Brian stayed quiet and kept staring her. Layla was so angry and her eyes were fiery. She pressed the cutter with all her force and Brian's first finger separated from his hand. Blood splashed out and drops of it even got on Layla's hand and face. Brian shouted loudly in pain. He was groaning in pain and wasn't able to breath. "Now what do you say? Are you going to answer me or not?" asked Layla again and put his second finger inside the cutter. Brian was breathing heavily but he smiled even in that moment. His smile made Layla even angrier. She didn't hasitate for a moment and pressed it again which separated his second finger. Brian shouted loudly that his voice echoed in the whole basement. "Just kill me!" Brian shouted loudly in pain. "I will not kill. Seeing you like this makes me happy." said Layla. "Ahhhhhh!" shouted Brian and spitted on Layla's face. "How dare you?" yelled Layla and stabbed the cutter pointed edge in the middle of his arm. Brian was miserable. He wasn't able to bear the pain anymore. Layla was covered in blood. Daniel tried to stop her but she declined and told Daniel to stay back. "Now it's your third chance. Tell me Who was behind it?" asked Layla and put his third finger inside the cutter. Brian was quiet. Layla started pressing the cutter. "Okay! Okay! wait. I will tell you." answered Brian. Layla laughed. "I thought you will endure it till end but you are week. Giving up so early?" asked Layla smirking. Layla put the cutter on the side.