

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

This was the first time Lu Sheng had seen his wife with such a tough attitude.

His heart ached for her.

How much patience did she have to endure to make a kind and gentle woman like Zhang Yue explode like this.

Lu Sheng put his arm around her shoulder in heartache. "It's alright, everything is over!"

Zhang Yue panted slightly, trying hard to calm herself down.

Cui Hong sneered at the door. "It's such a good fortune for a man to stay at home all day and let a woman take care of him!"

When Zhang Yue saw that Cui Hong's target had shifted to Lu Sheng, she became even angrier.

She rushed out of the courtyard and pointed at Cui Hong. "How did your man get to his current position? You should know in your heart!"

"You don't have to judge how my man looks like!" Lu Sheng was very touched by the way Zhang Yue defended him.

Cui Hong also puffed up her chest and said fiercely, "How is it? I'm telling the truth! Everyone can see it clearly!"

"Lu Sheng is a big man. He hides at home every day. Isn't he relying on women to support him? !" Cui Hong said even louder.

Zhang Yue was so angry that she wanted to rush out and tear Cui Hong's mouth.

Lu Sheng quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her.

At this moment, the village chief slowly walked over from the east.

"Lu Sheng! I've already arranged everything! When will you come to work?" The village chief cheerfully walked in front of Lu Sheng, pretending that he didn't see Cui Hong at all.

"Work? What work?" Zhang Yue was also puzzled.

"Lu Sheng came to me that day and gave a lot of advice to our village's construction," the village chief said cheerfully.

"Well, I've discussed it with the town and made an exception to appoint Lu Sheng to our village as this... This..." the village chief paused and forgot about Lu Sheng's title for a moment.

Lu Sheng was not in a hurry. He smiled and invited the village chief to sit in the house.

The village chief took two steps forward and patted his forehead. "Oh! Yes! Development Commissioner!"

"Development Commissioner? What's that?" A few villagers passing by could not help but discuss it.

"Commissioner? Is it the kind of Special Commissioner?" An older villager thought for a moment and said.

"That's a high-ranking official!" When the others heard this, they were all shocked.

When the village chief heard the words of the villagers, he couldn't help but spit, "What era is this? There is no special commissioner!"

"This development commissioner is a post sent by the town to give advice to the development of our village!" The village chief said cheerfully as he stepped into the courtyard of the Lu family.

"How is that possible!" Cui Hong immediately shouted, "Lu Sheng doesn't have the ability to do that!"

The village chief looked back at Cui Hong with dissatisfaction, "Lu Sheng doesn't have the ability, do you?"

Cui Hong immediately shut her mouth after being questioned by the village chief.

The village chief walked into the Lu family's courtyard and said, "Let's talk here!"

As the village chief spoke, he sat down on a chair in the courtyard and said, "It's said that the advice you gave is very good and very suitable for the development of our village and even the town!"

"So, they want me to inform you to get to work as soon as possible!" The village chief's face was full of smiles. "Are you able?"

Lu Sheng hurriedly said, "No problem! I've already arranged everything here!"

The village chief said cheerfully, "I knew you wouldn't have any problems!"

"Also, in order to make it convenient for work, I've set up a courtyard for you in the East Village. If you have time, you can move over!" The village chief added.

Lu Sheng looked at the village chief in surprise. "This... is not appropriate, right?"

The village chief waved his hand. "What's not appropriate!"

"The land is my family's land! The house is built by me! I didn't take a single cent from the public!" The village chief said solemnly.

"But..." Lu Sheng was still hesitant.

"Don't worry! I lent you the courtyard! When you have the funds, you can return it to me!" The village chief said with a trusting smile.

He thought for a moment and felt that it was inappropriate. "No, when the time comes, you can build a new house for me!"

When Lu Sheng heard that, he finally smiled. "Okay! Then I'll have to trouble you, Village Chief!"

"No need to be polite! I also want you to live close to me, so it's convenient for us to discuss work!" The village chief said cheerfully, his eyes glancing at Lu San who came out of the house.

"Little Lu San, come here!" The village chief said and waved at her.

Lu San walked over obediently.

The village chief picked her up in one go. "Your Lu San is really lovable!"

"I always feel that Lu San is a lucky child. I feel comfortable holding her!" The village chief said while teasing Lu San in his arms.

Lu San giggled at the village chief's teasing, and so did the village chief.