

Reborn as Gilgamesh and can travel the multiverse

Zneo_12345 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Unusual Reincarnation

In the realm that bridged the gap between life and death, our protagonist found themselves in a surreal encounter with a divine entity. Contemplating their life, they reflected, "So, I've met my end. It was quite a journey, despite the hardships. I wonder if I'll reunite with my parents? Although, I secretly harbored a more fantastical wish – to be reborn in an anime world."

A voice, both ethereal and commanding, resonated through the emptiness, "Is that your wish?"

Startled, the MC retorted, "Who are you? Show yourself!"

The god responded, "Fear not, for I have no intention to harm you. However, revealing myself would be fatal to you."

Suspicion lingered as the MC questioned, "Are you God, by any chance?"

The god replied with a hint of amusement, "Good, you're catching on."

Relieved and intrigued, the MC continued, "So, are you here to judge me? Please, I hope you won't send me to hell. I tried my best to follow your rules."

The god reassured them, "No, you've already been judged, and rest assured, you won't face damnation. You lived a commendable life."

The MC wondered, "So, you'll take me to heaven, then?"

The god chuckled, "Oh no, I won't send you to my realm. I have quite enough of your kind there."

Perplexed, the MC inquired further, "Then where did all the good people who passed on go?"

The god explained, "I offer them a chance to be reborn in other worlds, granting them wishes to shape their new lives as they see fit."

The MC's eyes lit up, disbelief evident in their voice, "Really?"

The god affirmed, "Yes."

"Really? Really?" the MC persisted, unable to contain their excitement.

With a hint of impatience, the god replied, "YES! Now, enough with your questions. You have three wishes and the freedom to choose when and where to be reborn."

The MC blurted out their first wish, "I WISH TO BE REINCARNATED AS GILGAMESH!"

The god raised an eyebrow, "That was swift. But you still have two wishes."

Realizing they had rushed, the MC stammered, "Wait, I didn't word my first wish properly. Can I change it? I got too carried away."

The god sighed in annoyance, "Fine, but I won't let you do it again."

With renewed focus, the MC clarified their first wish, "For my first wish, I wish to be reincarnated as Gilgamesh from the Fate series, possessing the abilities of both the main Gilgamesh and Proto Gilgamesh."

"Very well, your second wish?" the god inquired.

Without hesitation, the MC stated, "For my second wish, I wish to obtain the second true magic, the Kaleidoscope, and grant it the power to traverse other fictional worlds."

The god hesitated, reminding them, "That will consume two wishes. Are you certain?"

Determined, the MC affirmed, "I'm sure."

"Very well. And where would you like to be reborn?" the god asked.

After careful consideration, the MC decided, "I want to be reborn in Uruk as an adult Gilgamesh, just before his fateful battle with Enkidu."

The god declared, "Done."

As the MC began to ask another question, they were abruptly cut off, their words lost in the whirlwind of reincarnation.