
Gilgamesh In Danmachi

A human reincarnates in Danmachi with the body and memories of Gilgamesh, follow him on his adventure and see how he becomes the King of adventurers.

DaisukeLucifer456 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Entering the pub Gilgamesh clearly saw the person Bell Cranel was looking for in this case as a woman.

-This way customers nya," said a cat girl in a cheerful voice.

-Tell me what the Loki family will order, nya," said the cat girl cheerfully.

They all started ordering their meals until finally it was Gilgamesh's turn to look at a menu.

-Give me a steak and a beer," said Gilgamesh as he handed over the menu.

After a few minutes a maid in a fertility hostess outfit arrived with a tray containing the dishes the group ordered.

When the waitress put the dishes in their places everyone began to eat.

-This is delicious," thought Gilgamesh, as he ate.

After they finished eating they all started to drink including Gilgamesh.

-The beer is also very good," thought Gilgamesh.

The beer is also very good," thought Gilgamesh enjoying the taste of the beer.

But as always there is always an idiot who wants to ruin the tranquility.

-Hey Gilgamesh remember the adventurer you saved and how she was covered in blood and looked like a tomato hahahahaha" said Bete laughing out loud looking at Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was looking a little annoyed but decided to ignore it for now.

-Shut up Bete that was our fault for letting the minotaurs escape don't you remember," Riveria said Bete with an annoyed look on her face looking at Bete.

Bete didn't seem to listen or maybe she did but she decided not to pay attention because she kept throwing insults towards the white-haired adventurer.

Gilgamesh out of the corner of his eye could see that Bete had a sad look on her face as if she was going to cry at any moment.

Finally Gilgamesh had enough of this

-Hey Gilgamesh do you remember how she ran away scared and.... -Bete couldn't continue because golden chains that came out of portals grabbed him and covered his mouth.

A powerful and imposing aura appeared in the place silencing everyone present even the level 6 felt that they could not speak.

The one responsible for this was Gilgamesh who had an annoyed and tired look on his face.

-You don't know when to shut your mouth you damn stray dog," said Gilgamesh looking at Bete with an annoyed look on his face.

No one around could say anything, the aura did not allow it.

-You call others weak as if you were the center of the world but I'm sorry to disappoint you because just like them you are weak too," said Gilgamesh looking at Bete like a piece of trash.

-You think you are the strongest in the world because you are a level 5 you know something if you would face the strongest beings in this world you would only be a fly you must know about the Zeus and Hera family right well they would only need one of their executives to destroy your whole family completely," said Gilgamesh referring to the Loki family.

The Loki family seemed to want to say something but the aura did not allow them to do so, it seemed as if a huge being had a sword around their necks ready to decapitate anyone who dares to interrupt the conversation.

-The Zeus and Hera family had several level 7 and 8 adventurers where level 5 adventurers like you were common just mere normal adventurers to be found anywhere you are not strong you are just someone who inflates his ego from insults towards those weaker than you probably because at some point you were as weak as them and failed at something or am I wrong," said Gilgamesh as he looked at Bete's expression.

Gilgamesh could see in an instant that he was right after all Bete was looking at him with hatred as if it reminded him of something painful from his past.

-It seems to strike a chord with a woman, doesn't it? -said Gilgamesh looking at Bete's expression which confirmed his suspicions.

-I see but tell me what blame others have for your weakness instead of despising them shouldn't you encourage others to become stronger? -said Gilgamesh looking at Bete like the biggest idiot in the world.

A golden portal would be near Bete and the tip of a spear became visible.

-You know how easy it would be for me to make that spear pierce your skull the only reason I don't do it was because I don't want to have a bad relationship with the Loki family if you were not part of their family this spear would be piercing a part of your body surely your

Gilgamesh finished to look at Finn with a serious look.

-I can say that you did an excellent job as captain of the Loki family but why not stop this behavior before you did a good job with all your members but this guy you never thought he could cause problems to your family what if there was a family like Zeus and Hera's family when they had a meeting with her and this guy opened his mouth," Gilgamesh gave a strange smile.

-The Loki family would end up destroyed and all because of a guy with traumas and a very big Ego," said Gilgamesh ending his conversation while he headed towards the exit and deactivated his aura.

On his way he threw a bag with valis to Mama Mia and she easily caught the bag.

-There is the money for what I asked for and compensation for the trouble I caused you, have a good night," said Gilgamesh as he turned to golden particles.

Mia nodded with a smile for the large amount of valis while Aiz for some strange reason tried to catch up with him.

Aiz for some strange reason tried to catch up with him but he was already gone.

Although the pub was regaining its usual ambiance the Loki family and a certain white haired girl with red eyes did not.

The white haired girl felt grateful and happy that the adventurer she liked had defended her and was determined to become stronger to catch up with him.

While most of the Loki family felt confused disappointed and angry not with Gilgamesh but were angry and disappointed with themselves and Bete especially the latter

Speaking of Bete the chains had disappeared and he was strangely silent all the hatred in his eyes was gone and he began to think about his actions while he was also confused about how to feel.

*With Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh at this point decided to go to the 37th floor to calm down a bit.

-That was relaxing it's been a long time since I could speak my mind without fear," said Gilgamesh in his thoughts as he remembered his former life with nostalgia.

But Gilgamesh clenched his fists with determination and looked at the monsters he was mercilessly killing.

-But now I am not like before, now I will not hesitate to fight for what I believe in, I will not be weak like I was in the past, I will enjoy this life to the fullest," said Gilgamesh while he had a big smile on his face and his Babylon gates would open and he was killing monsters constantly not giving the dungeon time to breathe.

So he spent most of the night where Gilgamesh did not stop and continued killing monsters until he calmed down and went home to sleep, but not before taking a shower.

*The next morning

When Gilgamesh woke up he felt extremely relaxed so much that it even took him some time to get up from his bed but finally he did it.

Gilgamesh took a shower and ate something to eat before leaving his house to Hephaestus' office.

-I need to update my status after all I spent most of last night killing monsters in the coliseum, hopefully I will level up," thought Gilgamesh as he walked through the bustling streets of the tower of Babel.

Finally Gilgamesh arrived at the office of Hephaestus and entered after he was allowed to pass.

Gilgamesh as he entered looked at Hephaestus who was behind his desk glaring at Gilgamesh.

-Good morning Hephaestus, I need a status update, I couldn't sleep last night so I went to the dungeon," said Gilgamesh looking at Hephaestus.

-He said pointing to the couch as he gave Gilgamesh a gentle smile and Gilgamesh smiled back.

Gilgamesh removed his clothes from his torso while noticing Hephaestus' attentive gaze on his torso.

-Why are you looking at my torso so much, do you want to touch it?" he said giving a mocking smile to Hephaestus who blushed and turned his gaze away.

-Of course I wasn't just looking at your tattoos," said Hephaestus while trying to avoid Gilgamesh's gaze, who burst out laughing.

-Well, but don't forget, if you want to touch it, just ask," said Gilgamesh and laughed as he saw Hephaestus blushing more.

After Gilgamesh went to bed Hephaestus updated his status and this time even though she was a little surprised she quickly pulled herself together and got used to the surprises Gilgamesh gave her.

-It's only been one night and you can already level up to level 3, what kind of monster you are," said Hephaestus looking at Gilgamesh in amusement.

-I'm one of those handsome and powerful monsters," joked Gilgamesh narcissistically.

Hephaestus just laughed before handing him a sheet with his status.

Gilgamesh accepted the sheet and smiled at what he saw.


Name: Gilgamesh

Age: 17

Level: 2

Strength: 0 I -----> 1500 EX

Endurance: 0 I -----> 1500 EX

Dexterity: 0 I -----> 1500 EX

Agility: 0 I -----> 1500 EX

Magic: 0 I -----> 1500 EX]

After Gilgamesh saw it Hephaestus leveled it up as he felt it felt the increase in power.

You also gained the B-rank footwork development skill you should know how it works so you don't need a status sheet," said Hephaestus.

Hephaestus said to Gilgamesh and he nodded.

-Thank you very much Hephaestus, see you tomorrow," said Gilgamesh but before leaving he gave Hephaestus a kiss on the cheek before disappearing in an instant.

Hephaestus just looked like a blushing disaster.


What did you think of the narration? I'm looking for some tutorials to improve my narration.