
Gilgamesh's Adventure

The Babylonian Singularity is finished. Caster Gil spent his last moments sitting on his throne as he thought about his life. He had certainly made many mistakes. It seems his new chance has presented itself to him.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Gilgamesh vowed that he would stop his younger self all for the super rare Saber Plushy! Archer was in astral form when he had a genius idea that made him smile. He asked Saber for a favor when Rin visited again.

"Saber, I need you to do me a favour." Saber looked at him waiting for him to finish. "Next time you see goldy, ask him for some money for food." Saber looked confused but didn't mind asking for more food money.

Gil came back after a few days of wondering only to find Saber looking at him after he came in. Saber asked him for some food money. Gil looked at Saber's face when she asked, how could he say no to his Saber face? Artoria found herself loaded with notes. Gilgamesh headed out to the most famous restaurant he could find.

Artoria noticed the door open after Gil left for a few hours. He opened his gates as food fell onto the table. "A gift for you." Saber drooled as her ahoge swung around as she was about to dig her fork in. She looked at Gil wondering if she could actually eat it all. Gil nodded.

He found enjoyment in watching his Saber face eat.

They finished as they simply lounged around while Gil was in his room. Saber came back and warned Shirou that there were visitors. Shirou quickly hid Artoria away into the nearest room he could find, Gilgamesh's room.

Artoria looked at Gil who was eating while reading at a desk. "What do you need?" Artoria told him that there were visitors and that she had to hide. Gil nodded and he asked his Saber face "Do you want some?" He was not like his younger self who simply tried to take everything forcibly, no Enkidu's death had taught him that somethings are simply unattainable the more you want them.

He would pursue his Saber but not like his Archer counterpart had done. He did have to thank Enkidu for his..."lessons" A shiver ran down Gil's mind when he imagined the "Smile" that Enkidu used when he answered wrongly.

Artoria quickly nodded her head as a gate opened up and a plate of food was set onto another table. Gil then forgot that he left his other book on the kitchen counter. He exited his room and went to grab the book only to see two people staring at him.

His habit almost had him saying "You are in the presence of a king mongrels." Instead he managed to say "Can I help you?" Sakura looked at his chest that was not covered by his shirt as her face became red. Taiga simply went "Woah."

Gilgamesh chuckled as he tried using self hypnosis "Imagine these people are in my kingdom, subjects. Treat them nicely and politely, remember you are not in the past anymore." Shirou quickly was about to say something until Gilgamesh beat him to it.

"Oh I'm just a friend of his father and so is Artoria." Sakura tilted her head in confusion. Gilgamesh went to grab Artoria telling her that he was introducing her. Shirou sighed as Gil had at least came up with a believable excuse.

Taiga asked a question that had Artoria blushing. "Are you two together or something?" Gil internally was shouting "Yes say Yes!" Artoria was blushing hard "What, no I can't be falling for him? He's definitely different to the one I knew." Taiga simply shut up after being whacked by Shirou.

Gil simply smirked and stayed the rest of the time waiting for the moment that he would save the small Loli in return for the Saber Plush.


Gil slept in as he listened to the happy talks of his roommates. He hadn't felt this content since seeing his people happy as well. That often killed him from overwork though. Still the answer to the gate should have been me.

A crash was heard as Gil sped out of the door. "Who commits violence in the presence of a king?" He saw bone warriors as his trusty axe materialised. A swing was enough for the warrior to be reduced to dust. Saber was fine as well and so was Shirou, wait the eyes in that Taiga woman aren't right.

Gil was too late as she plunged a knife into Shirou's back. A sickly sweet voice came from behind the woman as Gil was angered. Someone he had acknowledged as one of the greatest chefs he's ever seen had been stabbed in the back?

He would not allow it. Caster materialised behind the woman as Gil held out his hand as a his tablet dropped into his hands as gates with mystic codes popped out and prepared to fire at caster until the woman was taken hostage.

The woman was dear to his new favourite chef so the staffs powered down until Saber tried charging at Caster only for the woman to be electrified. Saber was quickly restrained, Gil gritted his teeth in anger as this reminded him of Tiamat causing destruction everywhere.

He was too late as Saber had her contract severed with Shirou. Seeing HIS Saber Face in pain that was it. He would do it himself, CQC? No problem, anything for his Saber Face!

A few weapons fired at Caster who positioned that Taiga woman in front of them. Gil was forced to retract his weapons as they faded into gold dust before contact. They both disappeared while Gil let out a burst of prana. His red eyes seethed in fury as he swore that the caster would not die an easy death.

He had plenty of hydra poison in his gate ready for use.