
Gilgamesh's Adventure

The Babylonian Singularity is finished. Caster Gil spent his last moments sitting on his throne as he thought about his life. He had certainly made many mistakes. It seems his new chance has presented itself to him.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Gil woke up to see himself on a road. His senses told him everything had been returned to his gate. He laughed while thinking that the deal was actually real. He looked at the small panel which told him his mission.

[Survive the 5th Holy Grail War]

Gil chuckled as he sighed "Holy Grail War huh?" Gil decided the first thing he would do is collect some money. He rummaged through his gate before he pulled out the only yen he ever had, 30,000 Yen.

Gil shook his head at the measly amount and headed to the Casino. Dressed in a normal shirt and pants he headed to his personal bank, the casino. He quickly exchanged all his money into chips as he found a table playing Blackjack. He smiled as he politely asked "Mind if I join?" The dealer nodded as Gil received his cards.

There was no need to look, he didn't need to as he put all his chips on the table as he said "Stand." The dealer watched as he didn't even look at his cards and he already went all in? Everyone watched Gil perform a shocking move.

The dealer nodded as Gil turned over his two cards. A 10 and a Jack meaning a perfect 21. The dealer was shocked and so was everyone else. Gil got his money and decided to play a few other rounds as every time he came up 21 in some way.

He eventually ended up with 2 million Yen thanks to a certain skill.

[Golden Rule A]

Gilgamesh had a small peek at the future and smiled at his younger self. "You get what you deserve." With that in mind he headed to where the King would rest for the night. It's totally not because he saw a Saber Face.

Shirou Emiya had just finished cooking for Saber when a knock on the door was heard. Saber got ready as her instinct felt that whatever was behind the door was dangerous. Shirou opened the door as he found a man with blonde hair and red eyes.

Gil watched as the door opened as he held a bag out and dropped it into the boy whose name was Shirou's hand. "If you don't mind I'd like to rent a room here." Shirou looked in the bag and felt his mind go blank. Saber was in her armour as she had her invisible sword in hand.

"Why do I feel magic energy coming from you? You feel like a servant yet you're flesh and blood."

Shirou awoke from his shock as he said "No I can't accept this money" Gil pushed it back onto him "I'll be staying here indefinitely if you let me stay so this will cover for as long as I stay. Shirou saw that this man needed to stay so he accepted it and considered the money a thanks.

Gilgamesh looked at the place and decided that it was decent enough. He came back out for dinner as he ate. The taste was heavenly, he could see why his Saber like this food as well. Saber looked at the new guest with distrust and enmity. This man came in and rented a room and also takes some of her food?

Gil saw what her intentions were and felt that she needed compensation, not because she was cute or anything. Saber and Shirou watched as a small portal opened and a cup fell out that contained the best juice Uruk had to offer. He handed it to Saber as he said "Compensation." Saber nodded as she thought "He's not too bad afterall?" Oh just wait until she meets his Archer counterpart.

Gilgamesh spent the rest of his time in his bedroom tinkering and checking out things. A portal opened as Enkidu popped out and wrapped itself around Gil wondering what he was doing.

Gil woke up to see another person in the living room. He was amused as the girl shouted "Who the hell is this?" Gil smirked as he listened before his smiled cracked as he thought "Someone hurt my Saber? My own not yet but will be Saber Face." Gil turned around to ask "Who is it?" Gil smirked after hearing that Shirou had his clothes changed by the girl in the room.

Gil laughed hard before wiping a tear "You entertain me mongrels." He flicked Artoria's ahoge as he bashed his hand away. He leaned in and whispered to Artoria "Who knew that this was the king of Britain?" Artoria flinched as she struggled not to stab him.

Rin could fell Archer wanting to kill the goldy in the room. Archer was in deep thought "He looks like him but acts completely different. He's still got that Mongrel thing going but his overall attitude was different.

Archer needed to confirm this.

He materialised as he assured Rin he'd be fine and that he was only having a talk with the goldy. Gil watched as the Archer approached him.

Gil took one look at him "Oh? This is interesting. It seems that this one hates the younger me." Archer widened his eyes as his question had been answered. This was not the Gilgamesh he knew. This was the wiser and more mature one...and maybe still a tiny bit arrogant.

Archer asked "What are you doing here?" Gil scoffed "None of your business. I do what I want to do. It's not like I'm staying here because of Saber. I'm only staying for the good food."

Archer looked at the smile struggling to escape his face when he mentioned Saber. Archer internally thought "He's not like the other version of him. He clearly likes Saber but doesn't do drastic stuff. Neat." Gilgamesh had found a shop on his weird panel.

There was something he was aiming for.

[Saber Plush Figure]

[5 G]

He had no idea but he had tried to yell at the panel to trade gold bars for G. It didn't work but it did present him with something interesting.


[Save Illyasviel Von Einzbern from your younger self]

[Reward: 100 G]

Gilgamesh smiled while Archer watched him chuckle at a blank space. Archer did not like this look "Ok maybe him being more mature came at a cost. Maybe sanity."