
Ghosts At Your Service

A ghost that is meant to be servant to everyone who sees her and ring her bell will have strange experiences as she tries to travel outside her house. What is the reason she died and become a ghost at service. Is she the only one? Or are there more?

mastercute · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

The day today is not good. I woke up to the sound of the rain and saw everyone running quickly to find a place to shelter until the rain stops. Guess another advantage of being a ghost is not getting wet whenever the rain pours down. I can walk freely like normal! If you wanted to get this kind of benefit then be a ghost! Just kidding, it is good being alive. If you ask me if I wanted to continue being a ghost or become a living person, I would choose to live. It is lonely being a ghost.

"Drip, drop, drip, drop" I sang as I was walking on the street on a rainy day. I looked at my white dress that is long enough to cover my knees and is not even getting wet by rain. "Mud and splash of water are nothing to me even though I wear white shoes and white cute dress." I said as I giggled.

"The day today is so gloomy." I added.

People walking on the street have become fewer than on a sunny day. I think everyone is inside their house cuddling their pillows and sleeping while the weather is cold and shady.

Then I saw someone who caught my eye. He is walking without an umbrella. Then he stopped by the cafe. I followed him.

"Vanilla latte please." He said.

His clothes are soaked and dripping in water. The staff was dumbstruck as he looked at the guy. She was frozen for a second then snap herself out of it, quickly made the order for the guy, and gave it to him.

"That will be 20 krit sir." The guy then opens her wallet and paid for his latte.

He then gets outside the cafe and continued to walk holding his cup. I do not know what came to my mind that I was curious about him that I continuously followed him. He's white and has black curly hair that has less volume because it was soaking in water, has a not so broad shoulders, is tall, and has this green sharp and shallow eye which had really caught my attention. I felt like I have remembered someone who also has a green eye before.. or reality and my imagination is getting mixed up. He wears a black jacket and black denim pants. I think he is at the age of 18. He walks so smoothly and flawlessly. I think... I think I was bewitched. Why can a guy like this exist in this world?

As he walks, his phone rings, and he answers it "Yes, father?"

He stopped by at the corner of the taco stall as he answers the call. I looked at him and even from not so far away distance as he was talking on his phone. After minutes, he put his phone back in his pocket and continued walking. I followed him until we reached a house. I think that is his house. He stopped walking in front of the house then turned around and face me.

"What do you want?" He looked me in the eye with his serious face, brushing his curly hair at the back of his head as he ask me the question in an irritated tone.

I was utterly shocked I could not even speak.

"What do you want? Why do you keep following me?!" He asked again.

"F-follow you? I was not following you!" I denied.

"I am just getting a little bit lost, so goodbye!" I quickly turned around and walk away from him after lying about why am I following him. I did not turn around again to where he is, I just continued walking until I was far enough. I was embarrassed by my action. So back then in the street, he had already seen me.

While wandering around the town for a while after what happened, he kept appearing in my thoughts.

"Oh come on Hannah! You're a ghost. Don't even bother to fall in love with some guy you just met walking in the streets!" I slapped myself to keep myself together.

The rain then stopped and the sun comes out. The breeze gives a warm feeling while it was passing through me as I stopped and look around the town. I saw people gathering near a big house just a few walks away from the park. This town is not that big though, so I had easily navigated my way through all the lefts and rights and its corners. They are carrying chairs and tables and setting up a stage. It was very colorful with all the lights that they have. I went there and watch them arrange things as I sat down in a squat position.

"Put it there, a little more left!" The old man shouted as he instructs the guys carrying big tables.

"Here, sir?"

"No, move it a little more." The man gestured in his hand commanding the guys who are carrying the tables.

"Yeah, that's it!"

"Prepare the foods there, be careful not to spill them." Another person from the other side stated as she gives the food in the container carefully to the girl who runs an errand.

They have different tasks that they are doing. Each of the people is busy and other town people also helped to speed up the process.

" I am so excited to see Anthon again after years." The old lady said giving a bright smile to another lady.

"Yes, me too. Mayor Devan especially prepared this party for his one and only son. This party is so grand that all the town people here on Humble Island are invited." The lady said excitedly. " I never had seen him before here. Mother told me that Anthon was sent to another country when he was young."

"Oh, this party was for a guy named Anthon, the son of the Mayor. I wonder what he looks like." I said to myself. I stood up from where I was sitting and looked for a greater place to sit my ass down. I saw a tree that has a great view of the party, the people, and the stage. I sat there and watch them prepare for the party.

A few hours later, the preparation was done and the sun already sets. All that is lightning in the town are the light posts and lightning in the event near the big house. More people start gathering. The place becomes crowded as time passed by and the party had begun.

"Welcome townspeople of Humble Island!" said the guy who wears a black suit and a hat. I could not see his face clearly as he stood up on the stage and talked.

"Tonight, we are celebrating the 21st birthday and returning of the Mayor's son to this town. Every people in this town are invited!"

The crowd cheered and clapped their hands. Some people are even whistling and shouting in their excitement.

"I bet the Mayor's son is so handsome like him." The girl near me whispered to her friend."

"Now, for the most awaited part of this event. May we all give a round of applause to our one and only Mayor Devan's son, Anthon Gabriel Lucas!"

The crowd clapped enthusiastically. The people around become obstreperous as their curiosity crawls to their minds about the mayor's son's looks after years. It seems that they have never seen this Anthon guy for so long that they wonder already what he looks like. I also become curious so I walked and find my way near the stage. Then suddenly, a person came out backstage. He wears pure black. My mind got blank as I saw his face. He's so handsome, he's the guy I met in the rain a while ago but got even more attractive and good-looking. All of a sudden, women all over the crowd started to squeal and shouted "You're so handsome, Anthon!" This guy is so charismatic and gives off this aura that made everyone turn their heads on him.

"He's so handsome." I whispered as my jaw dropped in awe and his presence. He carefully gets the mic out of the mic stand and holds it near his mouth. The crowd stopped making noise and everyone paid attention to him.

"Uhm, I thank everyone for coming and celebrating with me on my 21st birthday. This day become so special because of all of you. It has been so long since I have been here and I have missed this town and all the people around here. Again, thank you, and enjoy the party." He smiled and hand over the mic to the speaker and walks off the stage. The crowd then again becomes so loud that it has filled the whole town.

"So he's 21 years old." I said to myself as I watch him walk away from the stage. As he goes down the stairs, people gather all around him, especially women, and asked different things about Anthon.

"Enjoy the party Mademoiselles." He said as he smiled. He did not answer any of the girl's questions such as does he have a girlfriend. He just continued to walk and whenever someone greeted him, he'll turn his head and wave his hand to them in response. He got inside the big house near the party. The people at the party started to dance and enjoy the moment. It becomes more overcrowded as I walk and move far away from the event going back to my place near the tree.

I scratched my head while sitting and playing with the grass all around me.


I looked around the find Anthon suspiciously sneaking outside the big house. After confirming that no people notice him coming outside, he walks quickly deep into the woods.

"What is he doing?"

I carefully followed him without letting him see me.

"What?" I even got curious as I followed him more. The moonlight is the only source of light I had while still carefully following Anthon. Bamboo trees in the woods are swaying their branches whenever the cold wind blows and leaves are rustling with every step Anthon is making.

"That... That is my house."

I whispered to myself.


I gazed at the moonlight and stop for a while. "What a lovely night. Finally, I can now walk in peace." I love darkness. I love thrills. Since I came to this town, all I ever wanted is to experience something unexpected and shocking. I remember when I was young, I would always go deep into the woods to explore things then I discovered this haunted house. Father always scolded me and would tell me that there are monsters deep in the woods, but I like those things. The haunted house is so big like a castle hidden; a gem deep in the cave. I walk slowly while enjoying the silence, only hearing leaves rustling as I walked into them as I am navigating my way through the house. There is no trail to follow so I need to know where it is located. But since I love that place, I still remember how to go to that place.

I walked through the bushes and push away some branches until I finally saw the house.

"It is still the same as before."

I move close to the house. All I have here with me is my phone, my backpack with food, and my flashlight. I am planning to have my peace ad me time inside the house. I opened the door slowly and it made a creepy sound that soothes my ear. It cracked; dust was everywhere and it made me cough.

"And... still dirty as before."

The darkness that is slumbering inside the house met the light beam of the moon, and it shines inside the house dimly. I put my backpack down and find the flashlight using my hand; then open it. The house is so creepy that it gave me chills besides the cold air breezing making the leaves on the trees move and make a noise. I go inside the house, look around the woods, and closed the door.

"This thrill is what I wanted." I smiled as I stayed at my place and look around the house. The clock which is still operating makes a loud tik-tok noise. I observe things while moving my flashlight around. I saw the dirty couch covered in dust and spider webs. As I walk inside the house to get nearer to the couch, the clicking sound of my shoes filled in the house with echoes. The black foam couch was still in shape and can still handle people sitting so I use my hand to clean it and tap it to remove some dust and dirt around it. I started to sit and it made a crank noise. The silence ring inside my ears as the darkness lurks. I turned off my flashlight to enjoy the beautiful moment and put it down on the coffee table.


As I stared and follow his every move, I tried to make a great decision in my life. To follow him inside or not.

"Will I follow him or will I not?! But I can't go inside that house, I might never be able to go outside again if I tried to!" I bit my nail as I am moving back and forth the woods, not knowing what to do. My curiosity still lingers inside me and is getting too much that even I could not handle it. I had too many questions. What is he doing in my house? Why is he talking to himself deep in the woods and what does he talk about? I feel like my mind is going to bursts with the thoughts that are popping inside my head.

"Ah! Whatever. I'll just wait for him here outside. I will not gamble my free life here out..." I have not finished my word when everything around me turned dark. My vision is still adjusting to the darkness as I am moving my head around looking at where the heck am I.

"What is this...? My house?" My eyes start to get a little vision of where this place might be.

"Ho...w did I get in here?" I looked around again and I saw myself near the coffee table. My eyes were focused on the feet of the table. I gazed at it and looked at a higher view. Then I saw a guy sitting on the couch. "AAAAAAHH!" I scream my lungs out in shock and fear. The guy also shouted in fear and he climbed on top of the couch crossing his hand to his body. His eyes widen like mine. I run towards the door quickly and tried to open it but could not. I felt hopeless; I slowly turned around after realizing something and look back at the couch. It was Anthon.

"You!?" we both yelled at each other. He climbed down the couch and fix himself and stood up. You can see on his face that he is as curious as me.

"What are you doing here!?" We both said in unison. Our expression becomes more furious as we kept saying things in unison.

"Why are you in my house!?"; "Why did you pop out of nowhere!?" We both pointed our hands at each other. I walk closer to him and so he walks closer to me.

"Stop!" I yelled

"You stop!" He pointed his finger one more time until we realize that we are close enough to each other. I pushed him away as hard as I could. I glared at him with despise from bottom to top as if I were stabbing him by staring. I saw my bell in his hand and quickly turned my gaze to his face. My eyes again, almost pop out. "What did you do!?"

"What did I do?!" He replied angrily as he raised his eyebrows at me and making his facial expression more irritated. I quickly moved my hand and tried to take the bell out of his hand but as soon as my finger touched the bell, I felt a burning sensation in it.

"Ouch!" I shake my hand to relieve the pain and looked at my hand closely to see if it was burned then again focused on him. "Did you... rang the bell!?"

"What if I rang the bell!?"

I grasped my fist. I wanted to punch him in the face. He gives this entitled mocking expression that if everyone sees would like to kill him already but I sigh deeply and calmed myself down. I inhale and exhale slowly while shutting my eyes close.

The clock then began making a creepy and weird sound, I never heard big old clock make a noise like that it was ticking so loud as its hands moved faster until it reached 12 o'clock. We both looked at each other while shocked and gazed again at the clock. The house suddenly began to glow. The bright blue light came from nowhere and the bell glowed in gold yellow light. I suddenly realize what was happening. After tasting freedom for so long than before, I become disappointed and angry at Anthon. "Here we go again." I said cheerlessly as I roll my eye.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean by here we go again?"

I did not answer him and just looked at him with my lifeless eyes. I am sad, I am now caged to my new master. A while ago I liked him but now, I despise him. Blue light then wrapped my left wrist and Anthon's making a silver locked bracelet out of the light that has some written symbols in it even I cannot read.

"What is this?" Anthon looked at his wrist. His curious face become more curious, but I can sense by looking at his eyes that he was loving every single bit of the event. His pupils got bigger like a puppy's eyes.

"You like it?" I sarcastically said. The light around the house began to disappear and the house got dark.

"Yow, what just happened?" He smirked in contentment and was still amazed by the silver bracelet that he is trying to remove from his wrist but could not.

I am now back to my old routine. Introducing myself to my new master, following him around like a dog which I did a few moments ago.

I smile forcibly and look at Anthon's face. "Hi, I am Hannah, the only ghost at your service..." I tried to sound as positive as possible but failed. I just wish I could have enjoyed my freedom and my decisions by myself more.

"Ghost at... my service? What the heck is that? Are you kidding me? You're the girl who's stalking me a while ago right?"

"W-what!? Kidding you? After what you have seen? You think having a ghost at your service is not even possible?" I smirked.

"Yes, I am the girl from before and I told you that I was just lost! I am not following you."

"So... you mean you're a ghost?"

"As impossible as it may seem... Yes, I am." I walked and sit on the couch because I know there will be a lot of explaining and questions and answers portion that will be happening.

"Tell me more." Anthon sat down next to me putting his arm around the couch and looking at me. I sat stiffly as I was looking straight just seeing a glimpse of him in the side of my eyes.

"I am... a ghost at your service. Whenever someone who sees me since the first time we met, found my bell and rang it three times will become my master for a certain time. Anything they want to do will be granted as long as the ghost can do it. It is like I am a.."

"A genie disguise as a ghost." He continued.

"How, did you know that phrase?"

"I just, I just knew it." He moves his shoulder and hands up in a sync manner gesturing that he don't know.

"So... you'll be at my care now?" He added.

It is still hard to admit but all I can say for now is "Yeah..."

"Then, let me introduce myself to you servant. I am Anthon Gabriel Lucas. You can call me Anthon." He reached out his hands to me inviting me to shake his hand.

I took his hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you, master Anthon. I am Hanna."

Our eyes met and I felt an electric shock coming from his hand going through me. His eyes were not as cold as I have seen before. It becomes more lively like he was happy.

"Just call me Anthon, remove the master, I don't like it"

"Okay, Anthon."

"There are lots of things that happened tonight. Maybe I should go for now." He said. He stood up and start walking outside the house. "Bye, see you, I'll ring the bell if I ever need you."

"No, that can't be." I interrupted. I stood up and walk beside him.


"I should accompany you wherever you go. That is part of the contract." I smiled in a teasing manner. "Let's go" I added.

"Wait wait wait... you don't mean you'll follow me literally wherever right? Like a bodyguard?" He asked seriously as he chase my pace of walking.

"I mean what I meant."

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Where's your house, I'm tired of all the talk, I wanna sleep." I said as I turned my head to him seeing him in shock. You asked for this Anthon, touching someone's things without knowing the consequence. Now, you suffer like me. My freedom, in exchange for your freedom.

"What!? You're even coming into my house? Oh, come on! This is not what I wanted at all!"

"Well, do want it now. Because I cannot do anything to reverse the contract." I continued walking quickly.

"Hey, slow down!"

We navigate our way outside of the woods and he keeps throwing questions to me that I am answering sarcastically which made him a little bit...furious. My freedom is now over.