
Ghostface:Ultimate killer

A boy beaten down by society dies, deciding he will give the power granted to him to his incanration who will slowly regain his memories stay tuned to find out what happens. I won't spoil anything but I just want to say the so called heros of the story some people have claimed them as are deplorable, they believe junko was so terrible yet what they did to her body after death is even more disgusting in my opinion. Anywho she is one of my favorite characters in Danganronpa. So yeah I just want to point that out. I am thr author of many stories this one will just be one where I write while in the mood I have chapters to edit for my second son of omniman and then to upload chapters for it. Then there is gravity falls the lord of darkness this story will probably be more detailed and take more time because I will try to pretty descriptive so please forgive me if at times it seems to drag out or you feel that way I am trying to paint a picture for those of you who love to immerse themselves for character descriptions I will not provide any for canon characters unless I make a design change or something I will probably do a paragraph comment showcasing it. That's really it hopefully this is a success and I can start writing all these stories.

deadly_orange · Anime & Comics
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So here's my plan if you guys don't mind I'll be rewriting this but only upload delete the current ones once the new version is done. I'll be honest I feel like I could've executed things far better than I did, I feel like I should've gone more in depth in the various kills. I feel like I could've developed a bit more of a backstory and more of a motivation to kill than he has. I feel as if he should've went after each one of his victims loved ones after seeing how each one acted after thinking they successfully killed the main character. I feel like I rushed certain aspects far too much like killing off all the teens far too quickly. But I want your guy's opinion before I rewrite it because I can see why others would say it doesn't need one. Also itd be after I finish writing a whole lot of chapters for Gravity Falls The Lord Of Darkness because I've seen a review and some comments about people being afraid I'm going to drop it since it's my third rewrite. And honestly the main reason why I wanted to rewrite it because I rushed certain things far too much and I felt like I could do so much better. Anyways I got some more writing to get done before I sleep, go to the store, and work. But yeah I'll seeya all later let me know your thoughts down below please because I know so many of you don't comment. I'll be trying to increase my upload rate to how it was eventually so until then bare with me.