
CHAPTER THREE- dreams and pills


She was sat on the chair as the clock turned twelve after that it was complete madness. She saw as the five people in front of her were shot in their heads and they dropped dead.

She immediately stood up and tried to make a run for the opened door that was not so far away but the longer she ran it was like the door seemed farther away.

Until it closed shut and the room turned dark, she was alone or at least she thought she was before dark shadows started clouding the room, calling out to her "THERE'S NO ESCAPE!"



They grabbed her legs "no! no!" she screamed and cried as the black shadows tried to consume her body, she suddenly used the gun in her hand and shot them "no! you're not taking me, no!" she cried as the shadows vanished.

She breathed heavily and tried to understand what was happening. 'honey' she heard his voice and she turned to him emerging from the shadows 'don't you love daddy anymore? she shook her head and sniffed 'no, no, no, it can't be!' she muttered.

She pointed her gun at him 'don't come closer else I'll shoot!' she warned but he didn't listen, he continued coming 'are you angry about last night? I'm sorry, just one more round' he came out and she saw his d**K bulging out 'I promise' he tried to reach out for her and she immediately shot his d**k.

She dropped the gun as the sound of the loud shots faded and her hand began shaking then his grasping voice asked 'don't you love daddy anymore?' he fell and his body vanished.

'no! no! no!' she sobbed and walked backwords until she met with a wall, she slid down the wall and wrapped her arm around her legs and buried her face 'I wanna go, please' she muttered unceasingly.

'Lindsay!' she heard another voice call her name but it wasn't distorted like the shadows, it was chill and soothing 'Lindsay look at me' it said and she doubtingly looked up.

It was a man, he looked muscular but she couldn't see his face due to the bright white light behind him, he stretched out his hands for her to take 'it's gonna be okay' he assured her as she sniffed.

'there's no escape but I left the door open for you' he said behind her and a door was open and that was where the light was coming from. She slowly gave him her hand but the shadows began again.

'Lindsay! Lindsay! Lindsay!' the called out to her and the man…

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'Lindsay!' I shot my eyes open to see a familiar face, it was my boyfriend and he seemed worried 'Are you okay?' he asked probably noticing my heavy breath, I couldn't answer as everything seemed to be spinning.

'should I get your pills?' I think that's what he asked. He didn't wait for a response and immediately left, few seconds later he stuck pills in my mouth and assisted me to drink water.

My breathing calmed down so did the spinning, everything was so much better now. I pushed my blonde her back as he went to keep the glass cup 'you okay?' he asked and I smiled.

I looked around still damped by my attack and nightmare 'was it a bad dream?' he asked as he sat beside me. 'how can you tell?' I asked. 'you were sweating and um, mumbling something about home?'

'fuck!' I cursed and covered my forehead with my palms then shook my head 'I fell asleep on the table- yep!' he said and I shook my head at myself in disappointment and looked at him as he got up.

I scanned him; he was in an ash singlet with black jeans which somehow hanged below his waist. I looked around my living room to see his remaining clothes splurged on my coach.

'how long have you been here?' I asked as he walked about 'I don't know, maybe an hour or two, why?' I ignored his question 'what time is it?'. 'I don't know like eleven, what's up with these questions babe?'

'nothing' I chuckled 'what- what are you doing here?' he chortled and came to me 'what, I can't come to my girlfriend's house for a visit? You should keep your investigation at the FBI!'.

'speaking of that' he continued and picked some files from the table 'are you really going to ghost town?' he asked and I took the papers from him 'why?'

'babe you're kidding me, right?', 'ghost town the town of no return! No one ever makes it alive and you wanna carry your pretty ass there?'.

What is everyone's problem with ghost town?

'babe on a very serious note' his tone was more serious now and our eyes locked and I could see the fear in his eyes and he slowly mouthed every word 'going there is a big mistake, no one ever makes it out! Nobody'

'how- how do you know' I stuttered and was starting to feel scared. 'oh, I don't!' he said non-chalantly as he walked away and I snapped out of my trance. 'I'm just messing with ya!'

I finally breathed out 'Jake don't fuckin do that!' I warned and tried to calm down, I didn't want to have to take another pill. 'I'm sorry! But you should've seen your face, you looked scared'

I was scared.

'you gotta take it easy on yourself' he said and I shook my head at him as he took an apple and bit out of it, I warned him not to but I overlooked it. 'like all this FBI shit's getting into your head'.

He sat on the kitchen counter; it was like he was doing all the don'ts.

'I mean your over working yourself, you literally slept on your dining table for probably like I don't know four- five hours!'- 'in my defence this is my real first case and I want to take seriously cause I'm sick and tired of being a rookie! After this I'm a real agent that gets paid real salary and then I can move out of this shittty apartment-

'hey I like this apartment!' he pouted and I chuckled, it didn't matter what he liked.

'okay I get it but I also have a job, that I take seriously but you don't see me working my ass off and being a damn workaholic' he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

If he's comparing being a dancer and teaching some rich ass kids to working in the FBI, he must be crazy!

'you gotta chill' he said before he turned on some music.