
Ghost Town Anxiety

"Maka, what's this all about?" "D-Don't worry about it! I can do this, Le!" "This is stupid." "Whatever. You're just mad that you were too afraid of the ghost." "What'd you say?! I don't think I heard you clearly, through your s-st-stuttering" "It's an anxiety issue! Don't pick at feelings! Anyways, a friend of mine has decided to share our adventure tales, and hopefully people from the internet will like the story and will try to help and support the author! So she can get off her lazy butt and do some actual work with the motivation." "Speaking of which, wasn't the whole reason the author chose to create this story was actually 'cause of a school project?" "What'd I tell you. Lazy. But at least she did the work, and was smart enough to use it to her advamtage." "Well, the readers are in for a treat when they hear about you- mphmmmhphmmm..." "No spoilers!" "Mm K... Or about that time we snuck into a- MMmmphmmph-" "SHHhh- But maybe I shouldn't have cut you off with that last sentence. It's gonna sound like a romance storyyy~~" "Heh- That's what you get. Don't mess with the Le." "..." "Wha-" "Anyways! How you enjoy the story!" "Wait, that was all recorded?" "Took ya long enough~~" Wait, Maka- MAKA!"

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4 Chs

Cold: Our Friend is Alone?

The cold shadow of Maka's room spread across the floor as the harsh voices of "You can stay in here until we come back then!" echoed through her mind. The door had slammed shut behind her parents, as they stepped away from the room with the bitter taste of what they just said to their "oh-so cared for" daughter still on their tongues. The taste no longer affected them, and the power of those words have already done their permanent damage on the one they were aimed at.

The clock struck nine at night within what seemed like a few minutes for Maka. In reality, three hours, twenty-seven minutes, and thirteen seconds-- now fourteen seconds-- had passed, and Maka was still counting. Her parents weren't the nicest of people. The farthest back Maka could remember was when she had turned four years old, with no parents and only a stuffed deer to keep her comfort. Her curly, white hair (which was now grown to hip-length) had been cut very short, so that she wouldn't have to deal with managing her own hair in the orphanage. Later that year, she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Bidelspach.

Four years later, Maka seemed to have been dubbed "slave of the Bidelspach household". Day after day she was bossed around, and was never granted permission to go outside, at least not without her parent's supervision.

Not everything was horrible. Once a year, the Bidelspach's would travel to Europe to meet up with the father's relatives, and Maka would be sent to her Grandmother's home to stay a week or two there. Her grandmother was a sweet and quiet person, Maka loved spending time with her, although age was quickly getting to the old lady.

Even though this saddened Maka, she was always happy to go and visit her.

9:10. Maka lifted her head droopily, looking at the clock from where she sat on the floor. Lately she had been contemplating on whether or not she should try to sneak out whenever her parents locked her up like this.

Maka never did anything bad. Her parents just find her very annoying, as do most people these days with how socially awkward she is and then her curiousness. It was never her fault, Maka had developed anxiety because of the way she was treated.

9:16. Maka had pretty much made her decision. She was tired of everything her parents were putting her through. She was ready to go explore the world, to finally be free! And so I'm not going outside! Maka thought--?

"It's too scary out there… " Maka admitted before letting out a long sigh. If I go outside, there's no telling what will happen. Maka thought. "I don't wanna risk that!"

"Hahaha! Yeah! I say just do it, Le!" An unfamiliar voice said from outside. "They're never home and they're also crazy wealthy! What difference does a few dollars and maybe some trinkets here and there make?"

"Yeah, But since you agreed I say that you guys have to get the house open first, then I'll help rob it." Someone responded, supposedly this 'Le' character.

"Le?" Maka quietly asked herself. Le as in the school bully?? Wait. Isn't he also known for being the neighborhood trouble maker??? Maka recalled.

"Ah, I say ya it's fine mate." A second unknown voice revealed itself. "Get to lock pickin', yah?"

No! Maka thought as she started to panic. Her eyes started darting around her room, looking for a place to hide herself and her items. There's nowhere to hide!!

"Come on. This should be the last room." Minutes later, the door knob to Maka's bedroom started to turn.

" 'old up. Ya should let Le take some of the things ya collected back out, eh?"

"What?! Why me?? have one of the other idiots do it-"

"Just go already. I hardly think there's much in here. Probably just a dusty closest or an empty bedroom."

Le groaned.

The door rattled from whoever had gripped the knob, and started to creak open. Slowly as every second went by, Maka prepared herself.

"Damn, why's this place so dark?"

The light switched on.