
Ghost Saves The Girl But König Truely saves her

When the 141 get a mission to save a hacker, and Ghost isn't expecting Emma, a goth queen, they fall in love and get married, but Ghost gets abusive and hides it from everyone. Until König noticed it, he had loved her from the moment he saw her. He was glad she always came to him for comfort. He finds out Ghost cheated and you are pregnant; of course, he will help you. He loves you. Be aware there will be blood and NSFW and Abuse also murder

Zavery_Meddows · Video Games
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5 Chs

New mission

Soap was looking over the file. "This chick that important," he said, getting his vest on. Shepard nods. "Guess so," he said, loading his weapon. "20 bucks says I get a date," Soap said cocking his gun. Roach tapped Soap's fist. "Alright," he said. "I feel like she will laugh at you," Price said. Soap waves his hand. "I am too cute," he said as the helicopter flew off. I was in a room cold and wet, also pissed off. I heard the helicopter land, and then I saw smoke. I almost scream, feeling a strong arm around my waist pulling me. I got shoved into a bulletproof vest, an arm wrapped around my waist, and jumped out the window. I held on tightly. Ghost had a tight grip on you and got pulled up into the helicopter

Ghost drops me, and I land with a thud. "The fuck" I groan. "Ghost be easy. She is a lady, after all," Soap said. I slowly sit up and rub my butt.

Ghost looks. "We have a job, no wear. Did it say be gentle?" he said and sat down. König helped me to a seat and buckled me in. I smile and look around at everyone. "Thank you so much," I say. Ghost kept glancing over at me. I was looking around. "How tall are you? I look so small," I giggle. Ghost looks "6'4," he said. I look over at König for an answer König looks down at your beautiful, curvy body, noticing your wet clothes. "6'10," he says as his blue eyes trace your body. I look amazed. "I am only 5'6," I giggle. "Thank you for saving me," I say. Soap nods. "No need to thank us. It wasn't that hard," he said. König looks at me again, pulls out his bag, and hands me a shirt.

I look down, seeing my white shirt is wet and my bra is showing. I nod, take the shirt, and slide it over my head. All I smell is cider and pine. I smile and hold it to my nose. Ghost looks down at me and almost growls at König as he reaches and moves hair from my face. "Thank you," I said softly, trying to ease the tension as the helicopter. Once the helicopter lands, they get off. I climb out slowly and follow Price inside. Ghost watched my ass shake and grin, seeing it. König was watching my body, shook his head, and walked inside. "Emma, find a room, and tomorrow we will work on your paperwork, okay?" Price said.

I nod and find an empty room, take off my wet clothes, find some clothes, put them on, and walk out. My bra is still wet, so my dry shirt clings to it. I tap König on the shoulder. He turns and looks down at me. "Coffee?" I ask and smile. König nods and walks over, pours a cup, and hands it to me. I smile, taking it. "Thank you." I sit down, sip the coffee, and look around the base. I sneeze. Ghost looks. "Bless you," he said. "How long were you in your wet clothes?" he asks. I look up at him, hearing his tone. "Oh, umm, about six hours," I say. Ghost shook his head, took my wrist, and pulled me. "Hey, be careful," I say, almost spilling my coffee. Ghost didn't respond. I walked into a bathroom and ran a hot bath. "I will make you tea," he said and walked out. I undress and get in the hot water, putting my hair up in a high bun and smiling, seeing the bubbles. I almost moan, feeling the water against my skin. Ghost walks in and hands me tea. I reach and take the cup. "Thank you, Simon," I say. Ghost glanced at me, hearing his name come from my mouth. He nods and leaves.