
Ghost Rider vs Horror Movies

Horror films are fictional stories based on real universes, which are created through the connection between the author and the existing universe. And in these horror universes large amounts of blood from the innocent are drained. Blood that had attracted justice. I'm going to release a chapter every week, on Friday. You can also donate through this link if you want to help me: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=BTHM6AA4S6YMQ

isaqueramos · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 08: Krampus Part 2

Riding his motorcycle, the ghost rider spotted Krampus running across the rooftops at surprising speed. He put his hand on the chain across his chest and turned it into a short-range rifle.

Holding the rifle in his right hand, the ghost rider took aim at the Krampus and shot him.

Baam !

Missing the target, the ghost rider blew up part of the roof of a house.

With a mental command, the ghost rider automatically reloaded the rifle, before firing another shot at the Krampus .

Baam !


Baam !


Baam !


Firing several shots with the rifle, the ghost rider tried to hit the Krampus several times, which nimbly avoided the shots while running across the rooftops. Making the rider damage several houses while chasing him.

The girl on the ghost rider's lap, trembled with fear as she watched the rider's bizarre hunt for the Krampus . And when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps, the girl leaned over a little and saw that behind them were three giant snowmen running at full speed to try to reach them.


Giving a ferocious roar, the most advanced of the three snowmen accelerated his speed even more, gradually reaching the ghost rider's motorcycle. Making the girl scream in despair.

(Girl): "Ah!"

Hearing the girl's scream, the ghost rider stopped shooting the Krampus , aimed the rifle back and shot the snow giant in the chest.

Baam ! Boom!

Upon reaching the giant snowman's chest, the projectile exploded over his body. Before destroying half the body of the second snowman behind, causing them to collapse into pieces.


Baam !

Shooting again, the ghost rider blew the head of the last giant snowman, causing him to collapse into pieces. Before turning his sights on Krampus , and shoot him making him trip, before jumping into another house.

Aiming at the Krampus who had jumped in another house, the ghost rider who was ready to shoot was stopped by the girl in his lap, who was screaming desperately at him not to shoot.


(Girl): "No! Please don't shoot. This is my home and my family is inside"

Hearing the girl's plea, the ghost rider did not shoot, instead he threw the girl on his lap on the floor before getting off the bike while watching the girl get up from the ground, very dejected.

(Girl): "Ouch!"

(Ghost Rider): "Girl, get in your house and don't leave until I'm done"

Hearing the rider's order, the girl ran to her door. And when she reached the door, the girl beat her until it was opened by her parents who pulled her in, before closing the door.

After seeing the girl received by her family, the ghost rider turned his attention to the Krampus who was standing, watching him from the roof of the girl's house.

With a mental command, the ghost rider made the rifle in his hand return to chain shape. And when he prepared to launch the chain, several hooded men, wearing bizarre masks on their faces, coming out from behind houses, vehicles and snowmen that were nearby.

These masked men surrounded the ghost rider while speaking a strange language that not even the item provided by Loki was able to translate for him.

And when the men finished surrounding him, they raised their hands and fired black rays at the ghost rider. That when he was hit he was immobilized, by the magic circles that were formed in his body, by the power of black rays.

With several dozen masked men feeding the spells, the ghost rider felt a slight pressure on his body, which prevented him from moving any part of his body except his head. Making him a little irritated, while increasing the heat of the body that created several cracks in the magic circles, which trapped him.

Feeling a small pain in his chest, the ghost rider who was focused on freeing himself, noticed that his chest had been penetrated by the Krampus chain . That slowly pulled on your chain, making the rider's line of sight change, making visible to him his own body that was transformed into a ghost rider.

(Lucas): " Huh ?!"

Initially confused by seeing himself. Lucas, realized that half of his soul had been pulled out of his body. Panicking him, while desperately trying to free himself from the magical restriction in his body.

As the Krampus pulled the chain, Lucas's grip on his body began to fall, weakening his resistance to the restraining spell.

Realizing that his situation was desperate, Lucas resorted to the only option he could think of at that moment. Then he made his body whistle loudly.

(Ghost Rider): " ♫ !"

Brum ! Brum ! Bruuuuuuuuuuum !

Hearing the whistle of the ghost rider, the motorcycle that was next to him started, melting all the snow around it, before flying like a shot towards the krampus .

( Krampus ): " Huh ?!"

Bruuuuuum !

( Krampus ): " Aaah ...!"


Upon hitting Krampus like a meteor, the bike with him sank into the house. Frightening the masked men to the point where some of them stopped feeding the restraining spell.

Crack ! Crack ! Crack !

As the restrictions weakened, several cracks formed in the magic circles. Allowing Lucas's body, in the form of the ghost rider, to use this opportunity to forcefully break restrictions.


By breaking the restrictions, the ghost rider caused several of the masked men who kept the spells to fall backwards with the force of the explosion of the magic circles.

After freeing himself from the magic circles, the ghost rider grabbed his soul and removed the hook from Krampus' chain , which was attached to it. Before pulling your soul back into your body.

After recovering his soul back, the ghost rider breathed a sigh of relief before throwing Krampus's chain to the ground.

(Ghost Rider): "That was scary, I'm not going to play with these guys anymore"

Directing his gaze to the masked men, a cruel glow was emitted from the ghost rider's flaming eye sockets. That gave goosebumps to the masked men, who retreated in fear, under his gaze.

(Ghost Rider): "Time for revenge"


After entering the house, the girl hugged her mother while crying under the eyes of the other family members.

(Girl's Mother): "Aunt Dorothy, could you take the children with you"

(Aunt Dorothy): "Why me? I never liked children, even when I was one"

(Girl's mother): "... please"

(Aunt Dorothy): " Ahhh ! Okay! I'm going! Let's go kids"

Hearing their aunt Dorothy, the children walked towards the kitchen with her.

(Girl's father): "Well, let's go to the living room"

agreed with the girl's father, the mother escorted her daughter to the living room, along with the rest of the family.

Arriving in the room, Howard the girl's uncle, could not take it anymore and asked:

(Howard): "What was that which brought you? And what's going on outside?"

(Howard's wife): "Howard! Beth is scared, let her calm down"

(???): "Oh mein !"

Hearing someone's exclamation, Howard together with the family members present, looked towards the sound, and saw that Beth's grandmother Omi was facing the window watching what was going on outside the house.

(Beth's father): "What happened, mother?"

( Omi ): "Die Dunkelelfen haben die Person, die uns Beth zurückgebracht hat, umzingelt."

(Howard): "What did she say?"

(Beth's father): "She said that elves surrounded the person who brought Beth"

(Howard): "It was just what I needed"

Disbelieving the words of Beth's father, Howard walked to the window to see what was going on.

Looking out the window, Howard saw dozens of men in hoods and bizarre masks forming a circle around a man whose head was on fire.

(Howard): "But what is it? A Satanic ritual? How dare you do it in the middle of the street on Christmas Eve"

Still watching from the window, Howard saw that a strange chain coming from the roof of the house was pulling something transparent blue from the man's body with his head on fire.

(Howard): "Hey! Tom! Come see this it looks like someone is on your roof"

Hearing Howard, Tom, Beth's father, went to the window with Howard's wife to see what was going on. And when they got there, they saw all the confusion going on outside the house.

(Tom): "But what is it?"

(Howard): "See, I said"

(Howard's wife): "Should we call the police?"

(Tom): "We can't, all phones have stopped working"

(Howard's wife): "So what do we do?"

(Tom): "I don't know, but for now, let's just watch"

(Howard): "Watch? Um! If it were in my backyard, I would have spread these people out with my arsenal of rifles ..."


As the three talked, the roof over them started to crack until it exploded. Revealing the Krampus and the ghost rider's bike, which fell together from the exploding roof.

Bruuuuum !

( Krampus ): " Aaaaah !"

(Beth): "Ah!"

(Beth's mother): "Ah!"

(Howard's wife): "Ah!"

(Tom): "Ah!"

(Howard): "What is that ?!"

Falling on top of the Krampus , the bike gave a furious snore, while using the front wheel, which spun at high speed, to dig into his chest. Making Krampus cry miserably, before grabbing the front suspension of the bike and then throwing it away.

When thrown by Krampus , the bike fell to the ground, slid a little, before standing up as if a rider was mounted on it.

Rising from the floor, Krampus held his bruised chest as he moved further away from the bike.

( Omi ): " Krampus !"

Hearing Omi's voice , Krampus looked in his direction.

He stared at her for a while, until the red bag in the corner of the room started to move, while making sounds of laughter.

Zum !


Taking everyone by surprise, two rays of fire hit the bag. Making it explode, turning all the toys in the bag to ashes.

And when everyone looked towards the source of the rays, they saw that the eyes of the metallic skull, which was the front of the bike, was on fire while emitting a dangerous glow.

After seeing that his toys had been destroyed by the Ghost rider's motorcycle, Krampus was irritated. Then he pulled the chain, which had previously been attached to Lucas's soul, back to him.

After recovering his chain, Krampus prepared to attack the bike. But before he made his move, a car passed through the wall, hitting Krampus squarely.


( Krampus ): "Hum ...?!"

Bang !

Reaching the opposite wall, Krampus along with the front of the car sank into the wall.

(Howard): "Wait a minute! This is my car!"

(Tom): "No Howard, wait!"

Holding Howard with all his strength, Tom saw the Ghost rider enter the house through the hole the car made.

Upon entering the house the ghost rider looked around, and saw that everyone was scared looking at him.

(Beth's brother): "Dad! Mom! What happened ..."

Entered the room, Beth's brother, cousins, and aunt Dorothy were chilled when they saw the ghost rider standing inside the room. Causing a silence that lasted until they heard the car stuck in the wall start to move.

Bang !

Hearing the sound of a loud bang, the ghost rider saw the car fly like a bullet into the hole he entered.

And when it left the house through the hole, the car flipped a few times before it exploded in the snow.

(Ghost Rider): " Huh ?"

Clang ! Clang ! Clang !

Hearing the sound of chains moving, the ghost rider saw that several chains began to spread on the walls, ceiling and floor of the house. From the hole where Krampus was.

Then with the sound of heavy footsteps from the hooves, Krampus came out of the hole in the wall with an expression of pain holding his chest. Before waving his hand, causing all the scattered chains to attack the ghost rider at once.

Clang ! Clang ! Clang !

Manipulating his own chains, the ghost rider created a chain shield to defend himself from Krampus's attack , which when he hit him pushed hard out of the house, opening another huge hole in the wall of the room.


(Ghost Rider): " Grr !"

After being pushed out of the house, the ghost rider turned his body so that he fell on his feet in the snow. And when he reached the ground the rider managed to balance himself.

Leaving the house through the hole in the wall, the Krampus looked around and saw that there were dozens of charred corpses scattered outside the house. Leaving Krampus scared and resentful for the deaths of his servants. Then manipulating his chains, he prepared to make another attack, before being interrupted by the motorcycle that hit him in the back. Making him fly a few meters, before falling in the snow with the bike.

Bruuuuum !

( Krampus ): " Aaaaaah !"

With the wheels spinning at high speed, the bike dug into Krampus's back using his front wheel bathed in infernal flames. Making him scream miserably in anguish at the constant wave of pain caused by the bike's uninterrupted attack.

Clang ! Clang ! Clang !

Manipulating his chains, Krampus pulled the bike off him and hurled it away using his chains. Then he struggled to his feet before turning and taking a shot.

Baam !

( Krampus ): "Ah!"


After shooting Krampus in the chest with the short-range rifle, the ghost rider saw him fall to the ground with a huge hole in his chest.

tinkle-tinkle-tinkle !

When the ghost rider was about to check Krampus's body . The sound of Christmas bells entered his ears, making him look up at the sky towards the sound.

And as he looked towards the sound, the ghost rider saw a group of bizarre reindeers flying as they pulled a strange sled.

When the reindeer passed over the area where he was, Krampus raised his arm and shot a chain out of his sleeve on the sled that the reindeer pulled.

Upon reaching the sled, the chain hook got stuck. Allowing Krampus to be pulled, skyward along with the sled.

Seeing the Krampus being carried away, the ghost rider turned his short-range rifle into a chain. Then he took two steps back, bending his knees before making a super jump towards the krampus .

As he was carried by the reindeer, Krampus, who was hanging, noticed the figure of the ghost rider approaching at an amazing speed. Then he gave a loud shout towards the reindeer, who suddenly changed direction when they heard Krampus's cry .

When the ghost rider was approaching the sled, the reindeer who had received Krampus' order , dodged him. Preventing the rider from landing on the sled.

So when the ghost rider was almost passing them. He swung his chain towards the Krampus , that when it reached his leg, the chain wrapped around it.

Ssss !

( Krampus ): " Aaah !"

The chain that had wrapped around Krampus's leg , started to catch fire, burning his leg, while he screamed miserably.

The reindeer that heard Krampus' cry , slowed down a little before giving a 360 ° turn, which made it possible for him and the ghost rider to fall on the sled with the swing of the chains.

When falling on the sled, the ghost rider looked at Krampus and saw that he was having difficulty standing, with a large amount of blood coming out of his mouth and the hole in his chest.

When the ghost rider approached him, Krampus tried to slap him to try to injure the rider with his long, sharp claws. But the ghost rider blocked the blow by holding his wrist, before breaking his arm with his elbow.

( Krampus ): " Aaaaah !"


Hearing another cry from Krampus , the demon reindeers gave a ferocious roar. Before opening a huge dark portal in front of the reindeer, they crossed it carrying the sled with Krampus and the ghost rider on it.


Crossing the portal, the reindeer took Krampus and the ghost rider to a dark place, which appeared to be a huge cave several hundred meters high with countless stone pillars that ran from the floor to the ceiling.

Flying in that dark place, the reindeer were a little out of control, causing the sled to collide several times with the stone pillars.

But even with the sled swaying due to collisions, the ghost rider managed to maintain his balance, allowing him to throw a punch in the face of krampus .

Pow !

( Krampus ): " Ouch ...!"

Pow ! Pow ! Whack ! Pow ! Whack ! Pow ! Pow !

Throwing several punches, the ghost rider hit the Krampus hard in the face and stomach, making the sled tremble even more due to the force of the blows.

The ghost rider who continued to hit Krampus , felt something grab his arm and saw that it was Krampus's chain . Who not only grabbed his arms but also grabbed his legs, lifting him as he pushed him away.

Realizing that he would not be able to break free from the chains using brute force, the ghost rider opened his right hand and produced a spear-tipped chain, which shot like a bullet towards the Krampus coast .

Whoosh !

Ssss !

( Krampus ): " Aaaah !"

When the chain pierced Krampus's hump , it was immediately covered with fire. Burning him internally, before throwing the ghost rider out of the sled, while screaming miserably in pain.

On being thrown out of the sled, the ghost rider collided with a pillar.

Bang !

When the ghost rider collided with the pillar, he used it as a support to pull the chain that was attached to Krampus's body .

Clang !

( Krampus ): " Aaaaah !"

Upon being pulled by the ghost rider, Krampus was removed from the sled, before being pulled by the sled that still had his chain attached to it. Leaving Krampus in a situation, in which he is pulled in two opposite directions.

The reindeer that had their flight interrupted by the chain caught in their sleigh, did not stop trying to pull their load. Causing several cracks in the area where the chain hook was attached.

Crack !


No longer supporting it, part of the sled's wood was pulled out by the Krampus chain hook . Releasing the reindeer, which soon after being released flew away carrying the sled.

The Krampus who had lost the support of the reindeer, was pulled by the ghost rider, who received him with a strong punch in the face.

Pooow !

Upon being hit by the rider, Krampus flew like a bullet towards a stone pillar, crossing it and pulling a huge splinter from the tower in the process. Before falling towards the ground.

Vop !

Bang !

Clang !

But before the Krampus could fall, the ghost rider pulled his body with the chain. Before jumping towards him.

When the ghost rider was about to collide with Krampus , he produced a flaming sword with its infernal flames.

Whoosh !

Wap ! Ssss !

( Krampus ): " Gulp !"

When colliding with the Krampus , the ghost rider stuck the fire sword in his stomach. Before falling with the Krampus towards the ground, while he expelled blood and fire from his wounds.

Swooish !

Baaash !

When they hit the ground, a small crater formed in the place, raising a little dust that hindered his vision.

Spreading the dust with his arms, the ghost rider regained his sight. And he saw that the Krampus was trembling a little as it blew smoke from the wounds and holes.

(Ghost Rider): "... Hum! You are very resistant"

Producing a short chain in his hand, the ghost rider changed its shape to that of a short-range rifle.

He aimed the rifle at Krampus's face , and then pulled the trigger.

But before the rider could shoot Krampus , a purple arrow hit his rifle, making him miss the target and hit the ground.

Clang !

Bang !

(Ghost rider): " Huh ?"

Confused, the ghost rider looked at the direction the arrow came from, and saw a purple sphere coming at high speed, towards him.


Using his arms to defend himself, the ghost rider was pushed back by the strong concentrated explosion of the spell that hit him.

When the ghost rider managed to stabilize, he saw several other spells coming his way. But using his agility, he managed to avoid them all.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

(???): " Huhuhu !"

(???): " Hahaha !"

Hearing some bizarre laughter, the ghost rider noticed that in the various holes scattered in the bodies of the pillars, there were men with bizarre masks sticking out of them.

Then raising their hands, the men in bizarre masks looped hundreds of thousands of spells towards the ghost rider.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Upon being hit continuously by several hundred thousand spells, the ghost rider was pushed back continuously, unable to stabilize, as the attacks never stopped.

But even though he was in a difficult situation, the ghost rider noticed that some of these masked men had decided on the pillar holes to try to take Krampus's body from the ground.

(Ghost Rider): "How annoying! I'm sick of it. Double reinforcement!"

Then, amid those huge amounts of spells, a golden glow appeared from the body of the ghost rider. This glow undid all the spells, swallowing the whole dark world with light, before revealing a world covered by eternal flames that would last until the end of time.


Sweeping the last dirt out of the house, Tom, like the rest of the family, finished removing the dirt and debris that was scattered throughout the house, after the damage that the Krampus and the ghost rider caused.

(Tom): "Sigh! We're done"

(Howard): "We finished a hell! The house is detonated and my car is destroyed, how are we going to survive if there is no energy in this house?"

(Howard's wife): "We can go and ask the neighbors for help"

(Tom's wife): "It's no use, most of the neighbors left to spend Christmas elsewhere"

(Aunt Dorothy): "What about your daughter's boyfriend's house? Isn't it close by?"

Hearing her aunt's question, Sarah Tom's wife gave her an irritated look.

(Tom): "... It is a few blocks from here. But if we go there we can be attacked by, whatever, that is out there"

(Howard): " Haha ! What a beautiful family Christmas, we will have this year"

(Howard's wife): "Howard! Please"

( Omi ): "Wir sollten alle dankbar sein, dass sie niemanden mitgenommen haben "

(Howard): "Um? Tom, what did she say?"

(Tom): "Well, she ..."

(Tom's son): "She said we should be grateful, that they don't take anyone"

(Howard): "Grateful? Are you serious?"

Howard, looking at Omi , decided to speak to her.

(Howard): "By the way, you seemed to know those monsters, didn't you? Since even the names of some of them you knew. Who are they?"

(Tom): "Howard, this is ..."

( Omi ): "Alright, Tommy, I'll tell them"

(Aunt Dorothy): "Do you speak our language?"

( Omi ): "Please listen ..."

( Omi ): "... It started with the wind. On a cold winter night, just like today. It was almost Christmas ..."

( Omi ): "But that Christmas was darker, less joyful ..."

( Omi ): "But I still believed in Santa Claus, in magic and miracles ..."

( Omi ): "I was hoping to find happiness. But our village had given up on miracles and each other ..."

( Omi ): "They forgot the spirit of Christmas, the sacrifice of giving. And it was no different with my family ..."

( Omi ): "I tried to help my parents to believe again ..."

( Omi ): "But we were no longer that loving family, that I had in my memory ..."

( Omi ): "They also gave up, and in the end. I also gave up ..."

( Omi ): "And for the first time, I didn't ask for a miracle. I asked them to disappear .."

( Omi ): "And I would regret this request ..."

( Omi ): "That night, in the darkness of a howling blizzard. I received my order ..."

( Omi ): "I knew that Saint Nicholas would not visit the village that year ..."

( Omi ): "In his place came a spirit , older and much darker. The shadow of Saint Nicholas, the Krampus ..."

( Omi ): "And as he did thousands of years ago, Krampus did not come to give gifts, but to punish, not to give, but to take away. He and his helpers ..."

( Omi ): "I couldn't do anything but listen while they took my family to the underworld. Knowing that I would be next ..."

( Omi ): "But Krampus didn't take me that night. He left me as a reminder of what happens, when we lose hope and forget our faith. When we kill the Christmas spirit"

After he finished speaking, Omi, who had started to cry, took out an old Christmas bell with the name of Krampus embedded in it. And he showed everyone in the room to see.

(Howard): "... Are you saying that all this destruction was caused by characters from fairy tales?"

( Omi ): "..."

"It can only be a joke": said Howard as he walked towards the exit.

(Howard's wife): "Howard, where are you going?"

(Howard): "Take the bike from that two-legged walking sail. And sell it for scrap, to recover some of the money I lost when they destroyed my car"

As he left the house, Howard walked through the snow, watching the yard and the street around him. He searched for the ghost rider's bike, but found no trace of it.

(Howard): "Where did that bike go?"

While Howard was trying to find the bike. The somber air that enveloped that place began to become clearer. With the separation of the clouds, which covered the sky.

(Howard): " Huh ?"

Noticing the change in the weather, Howard looked up and saw a huge circular fire portal.

This portal was a few meters away from him. Making Howard uneasy until he noticed something falling from the portal.

Bash !

Seeing what came out of the portal fall into the snow, Howard was startled. Since, what had fallen was a human being.

(Howard): "A person?"

Then more and more people started to fall from the portal, in impressive numbers. Forcing the confused Howard to leave the site while avoiding people falling from the portal.


In the middle of a snow-covered forest, a fire portal formed on the site.

And what came out of him was the ghost rider carrying Krampus's charred head in his right hand.

(Ghost Rider): "Phew! How difficult that was"

When the ghost rider used his Double Reinforcement ability to set Krampus' underworld on fire , he noticed the presence of human lives in a certain area.

Then, manipulating its flames, the ghost rider prevented that area from being touched. Burning everything else except that area. Before him Open a portal that would take all the people who were in that place back to their homes.

(Ghost Rider): "Well, with that my work is done"

(Ghost Rider): " ♫ !"

Throwing Krampus's head on the ground, the ghost rider whistled for his bike, which appeared shortly after he called.

Riding on his motorcycle, the ghost rider called for Faylim , who upon hearing his call opened a blue portal, which would take him to another mission.


At the top of a tree, a hooded figure was watching the ghost rider crossing the portal, which would take him to another world.

The hooded man who saw the rider leave, put his hand on his chin while he was a little thoughtful. Before entering a white portal that was at your side.

I wish I had released this chapter last Saturday, since by Friday it was already half finished. But unfortunately on Saturday I was full of tasks to do, leaving me quite busy this week, so I was only able to complete this chapter yesterday. And as it was already close to the day of the week I promised to launch the chapters. I decided to make the weekly launch official, which will take place every Friday at the same time.

isaqueramoscreators' thoughts