
Ghost of the Uchiha

Betrayed by Black-Zetsu, who he thought was his own creation, Madara died without realizing his multi-generational plan. On his deathbed, the person who gave him solace was none other than the one he had pushed away all his life. Realizing his wrongs, he finally died with peace of mind. Fate is unpredictable, and he was somehow reincarnated in the body of a young, talentless Uchiha. Watch as he works his way to the top, trying to right all his wrongs in the process. (Reborn just before the second Shinobi world war.) ----- Release rate: 21 chapters a week [3 chapters a day] ----- Patreon~! Get chapters in advance! https://www.patreon.com/toxinfraser Join the Discord~! Monthly giveaways, announcements, and more! https://discord.gg/7WJUZUc ----- -Cover Title by my good friend Rise10! This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Naruto. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content related to the series and its author, Masashi Kishimoto.

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148 Chs


"Aniki, let's explore!" Eager to look around, Aito rushed out of the room and started racing around the corridors. Seeing this, Jun sighed and begrudgingly followed him. "Aito, don't run around the corridors ..."

"Let's see ... I choose you!" Aito bounced from door to door, until he settled on one and slid it open at full speed. Once he did, the interior made him freeze.

Inside the room, Ren was sitting cross-legged, with a beautiful girl wrapping his shoulder with bandages. She was fair-skinned, with long, straight black hair and bangs hanging on either side of her face, roughly framing her cheeks.

"What the- Why are you here!?" Startled by the abrupt sound of the door being opened, Ren turned his gaze towards Aito. Seeing his face caused him to stare in confusion.

"Is it a friend of yours?" The girl paused what she was doing, clearly perplexed. She had never seen Aito before.

"A friend? No! Big sis, He's-" Before he could finish his sentence, Jun appeared behind Aito, placing his hands on his shoulders and gently pushing him in. "Yeah, we're Ren's friends. Nice to meet you."

"Oh! So they were your friends, after all. You should've told me that they were coming. I would've prepared something nice!" The girl's lips curled up as she walked up to Aito, lowering her head till they were face-to-face. "Hey cutie, what's your name? I'm Ren's older sister, the name's Mikoto!"

"M-my name's Aito... Nice to meet you, Mikoto-san." Seeing her, Aito slightly blushed and spoke feeble words. After all, she was a tremendous beauty.

"Aito, huh? What a sweet name!" Getting back up, she turned her focus on Jun, who still had his hands on Aito's shoulders. "And what's yours?"

"Jun. Happy to make your acquaintance." Smiling, he directed his gaze towards Ren, sending a small wink his way.

"Big sis! They're not my friends! I don't even know why they're here!" Ren's face paled. Why were these two in his house?

"Ren! When did I ever teach you to be so rude to our guests, not to mention your friends! You should learn to be more polite." With a stern look, Mikoto lightly smacked him on the back of his head.

Turning to the sibling duo, her smile quickly returned. "Now, let's get to know each other! I've always wanted to meet my brother's friends!"

Hearing her words, Ren gave up. Why was this happening to him...


"So you two are moving in... Why didn't father warn us?" Sipping on the tea that the maid prepared, Mikoto smiled. She had already taken a liking to them. Mikoto was fifteen-years-old, two whole years older than Ren. Since he never really brought back anyone home, this was a nice change of pace for her.

After all, the house could get quite lonely sometimes.

'They're moving in with us ...' Ren sat there, unable to process the situation. He wanted to ask why this was happening, but the words didn't come out of his mouth.

"Yes, Masaki-san was kind enough to let us live here. I hope that we can all get along." Jun smiled lightly. He couldn't tell them the real reason, so he decided to partially tell the truth. "Well, it was nice chatting with you two. Aito and I have some training to do, so we'll take our leave for now."

With a smile, Jun got up and walked to the door. Seeing him leave, Aito excitedly ran after him. Once they left, only Mikoto and Ren remained.

"Tell me, how did you meet those two?" Curious, Mikoto placed her elbows on the table. At her words, Ren awkwardly smiled. "I ..."

He couldn't just tell her that he used to bully Jun. He feared that it would make her sad or even angry. Swallowing his words, he aimlessly stared at the tatami floor.


Special thanks to Frozoka Swaggins, God Erebos, and Daniil!

Don't forget to drop some stones!


There are currently 15 more chapters on P.a.t.r.e.o.n!

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