
Chapter 9

Naruto came home at night badly bruised, aa that's right today is the kyuubi's festival.

Wait doesn't that mean, Today is Naruto's birthday. Damn.

I put the antiseptic on his wounds, as he girn brightly.

I really wish to hit this idiot on the head, really really hard.

"Dai-kun, you really are good with it"

"Yea Yea, now that its clean, get ready"

"Huh?? For what?"


I really hit his head, it felt so good

"Today is your birthday idiot, lets go out and eat at Ichiraku to celebrate"

"YATA", he ran to get properly cloth.

I can't help but smile at seeing this...

I wonder What Gift should I get him as the Present.


At Ichiraku, we eat the Ramen, as he eat so frivolously...

I like ramen I really do, but I would prefer some variety other than tasteless meals at the ramen store. I don't dare say it out loud otherwise Naruto will lecture me, why is the Ramen, the food of gods.

Come to think of it... I am now the Regular of Ichiraku store, And I eat nothing but Ramen these days, When the hell did this happen...

Once we both were full, I decided to give Naruto his Gift, the gift I prepared for so long...

Once I asked him, why the hell he'd want attention from people who would attack innocent kids...Why the hell does he wish to be a Hokage

If I were him, I would have totally become a Villain...

He looked up at me with wide eyes and said 'They just don't know that I'm innocent, Dai-kun!", He looked at me with the biggest Grin ever, "But once they see that I'm protecting them, they'll acknowledge me as the greatest hero that ever lived! Believe it!"

And then what could I say? Naruto is a Hero in making, The Child of Prophecy that will save this world and Konoha

He is the son of Minato and Kushina, The Blonde Uzumaki, The Beacon of light that burns brighter than the Sun itself.

For the Hero like him, there can only be one gift.

Walking in the store, I greeted the man behind the counter.


"Daisuke-chan. Have you come for the latest Icha Icha? Or are you not finished with the last one?" I blushed heavily and looked away.

my morbid curiosity as of late had developed into an unhealthy obsession with the Icha Icha series...

Despite the smut, it was actually a good read. The plot was pretty good, the scenarios were simply hilarious, and the scenes were... vivid...

"Dai-kun, why's your nose bleeding?" Naruto looked worried. "I've seen guys pass out from that! Are you okay?"

I only held a tissue to my nose and clung to what little dignity was being shredded by the boy...

The man behind the counter was Grinning, Damn old man, Enjoying the show?

"Not quite done with it." I managed. Naruto looked between the two before pointing at me accusingly.

"You're a closet pervert too, Dai-kun!" He exclaimed loudly. I slapped a hand over his mouth and turned to Kaito pleasantly.

mmmmpphhh mmmphhh

"I was wondering if my order came in, actually." I said. Kaito nodded and reached behind the desk.

"Like I said when you ordered it, it wasn't really popular enough to keep in stock." he said, handing a yellow book to me. "I'm surprised you've even heard of it, even if the author is pretty popular now." I shrugged and paid for the book, as an after thought buying a notebook as well...

That was it, After this, I can't buy anything, not for him or me or I would have to sleep starving for a month

"Morbid curiosity." Was all I said. Kaito-san raised an eyebrow.

"Wasn't that what you said when you bought-"

"Great to see you, Kaito-san!", I said with an out-of-character note in my voice, dragging the still-gagged Naruto out. I kept him like that until we reached the park, where I released him and he pouted...

"Speak, what do you mean by, you too"

Naruto rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Some of the students were talking about one of the jounin-instructors being a pervert." He said sheepishly. "So I asked them why, and he said it was because of the book he was reading. I remembered Oji-san has a book like the one they described, but he always keeps it hidden! So that makes him a closet pervert, right?" Naruto asked brightly, proud of his logic.

I only closed my eyes. Sorry Old man, Become my Scapegoat for this Once...

"That's right, Naruto.", I rubbed his head.

Naruto grinned, then looked at me carefully.

"Dai-kun," He whined. "Why did you drag me so you could just buy some stupid book?" I pulled out the book from before and waved it in his face.

"And here I thought you might enjoy 'The Legend of the Gutsy Ninja'!" I said in feint surprise. "After all, the main character has your name!"

His eyes widen at that, as I smile and look at him kindly, Even if I might go starving for the whole month, It doesn't matter, That look of my younger brother, fills me all it needs to be filled with...

"Naruto", I said very gently and kindly

He looks at me confused

"You will become a great hero, The greatest Hokage ever. Just Don't give up... ever"

He grins and pump his fist in the air, "I won't Dai-kun, Believe it"


It was finally the day he would become a shinobi, all the parents of the students had come to see their sons, and/or daughters be accepted into the shinobi corps of Konoha.

The clan heads had come as well as their kids were there as well...

Naruto came as well, to cheer me up

I like usual was sitting in the back corner reading 'Genjutsu for Advance Users' once again, I loved the book and how it had been written so I was always seen with it. Iruka sensei then came in through the doorway.

"Welcome everyone to the Genin Exams, today each student will be tested in each category studied here at the academy and hopefully they'll pass. If they do not, they have the choice to either return here for another year or choose a civilian lifestyle, so without any more delays; let's get started with the written portion of the test. For this test you will be given an hour to answer as many questions as you can." Iruka then walked around the class and handed them a test before returning to the front of the class.

The test was too simple in my mind, questions like 'Who and What are the Hokages famous for' and others like the basic mechanics of chakra. He had finished his test within ten minutes and flipped it face down and returned to his book. Several of the Clan Heads had noticed Daisuke finished extremely fast and just thought he was being lazy and not answering the questions.

When the hour was up, Iruka collected the papers and then ushered everyone outside so they could do their weapons test...

"Okay, each student will be given ten shuriken and ten kunai, they have to hit at least six of each to pass this test."

Each student went up and most passed with the required six's, while the clan heirs were significantly better. The Aburame hit two nines, the Akamichi an eight and a seven, the Inuzuka hit two sevens, the Hyuuga managed to get a nine and a six, the Nara got two eights, the Yamanaka got a six and a seven and the Uchiha had managed to get a ten and a nine.

But there were two... Neji Hyuuga who hit all 10.

Then comes Ten-ten who hit all bulls eye.

Ok... that was impressive, alright !!!

"Daisuke, step forward it's your turn."

I stepped forward and put my fingers and thumb together before opening them, sending them all straight into their targets scoring first ten. I then did the same for kunai and scored a nine...

Tch... need more practice


God, he is embarrassing me, but my grin can't stop forming...

All civilians and Shinobis looked at me, I guess today is the day, I will become the public enemy for being friends with Jinchiruki Naruto...


Once inside Iruka stood in front of everyone again next to him was Mizuki sensei which held a box of Hitai-ate's.

"One by one each will come down a use the Henge (Transformation Technique), Kawarimi (Replacement Technique) and the Bunshin (Clone Technique) to create at least three clones. Okay first Aburame Shiro…"

(Skipping as all the clan heirs, only civilian that pass was Lee and Ten Ten)

It was shocking to most that barely nine people had managed to pass the ninjutsu test, them being the clan heirs so far and one civilian, it was then my turn. They all were watching with calculative eyes...

"Daisuke, come down and perform the Henge please." Iruka sensei called as Daisuke came down the stairs, and walked in front of him. Then without warning a cloud of smoke surrounded me and then dissipated revealing Hatake Kakashi reading his Ichi Icha, which made several females develop tick marks before another cloud of smoke cleared revealing me again

"Okay, now a Kawarimi as I throw this dulled kunai at you." Iruka sensei threw the kunai and it hit Daisuke straight in the heart and he began falling over with wide eyes before puff the kunai was in a log and Daisuke was in his chair again reading the Genjutsu book. Everyone was shocked at the display of control of the jutsu that usually comes from a chuunin or higher,

"Okay, those two jutsus were performed excellently, now the bunshin jutsu and at least two clones." The next second two intangible clones of Daisuke stood behind him. "A-ah, very good, you pass, you can collect your Hitai-ate now."

Daisuke then walked over to Mizuki sensei and was handed a Hitai-ate with black cloth to bind it, he grinned as he put it on his forehead...

"Congratulations on everyone passing the exams, you are to remain here for the next hour while Hokage-sama sorts out your teams. After which you will be placed in your teams and will be collected the next week."


That day we celebrated, Eating Ramen at Ichiraku... Again

I mean come on, Since when did I became such an addict who only eats ramen...


Next day, Naruto was Late, I guess he must have Some School Team assignment, well, since I am free anyways, I will go pick him up...

"Where's Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he just got out from toilet, when he arrived back at a classroom he found the blond was not there.

"I don't know, he said something about buying ramen." Sakura answered and Sasuke inwardly snorted, typical Naruto, he is always like that.

Sakura seeing gleam of happiness at Sasuke's eyes couldn't help but scowled. Just what so special about the blond clown anyway? That Sasuke-kun is always asking about him

He's loud, annoying, not smart, obnoxious and loud! Always does whatever he wants and acts so free! Even the adults hate him so much!

So why is Sasuke always asking about him? Why Why Why

"I don't understand, Sasuke-kun..." Sakura muttered and Sasuke turned to her with narrowed eyes "Just what makes you be friends with Naruto-baka anyway?!" She asked "He's loud, idiot, always annoys people and always acts like he wants! Even the adults don't like him much!" She stated with a quite scowl.

Sasuke, who was hearing that only put grim look, anger briefly flashed in his mind when he remembered how people were staring at Naruto.

He won't ever voice it aloud, but he actually admires Naruto, who is so strong and able to withstand against the glares from this village. That boy is so strong that he is able to hold himself to not lash out to them, if it was Sasuke he already would burn them with Katon.

Oblivious to Sasuke mind, Sakura continued to speak.

"He's so annoying and loud. Do you know why? It's because he doesn't have a mother nor father."


'This Bitch'

"No one raised or taught him the right way, while I admit Daisuke Senpai is good and can calm him down sometimes, but Daisuke Senpai is still a boy and Naruto also often doesn't listen him. He just does whatever he wants!" Sakura let out sigh while shaking her head "If I did something like Naruto, my parents would scold me immediately and I would get in problem so, of course, I won't do it. But if you are like Naruto, then how would you know?" She lamented with another sigh "He's so selfish, bratty and- Sasuke-kun?"

Sakura see Sasuke already walk to the door, planning to go out too so she stop talking

"Sasuke-kun? Where you going? Our assignment could-"

"All alone..." Sasuke spoke in low voice, but Sakura still heard it "Alone by himself, you don't have even slightest idea how it feels." He said coldly while still not looking at her and Sakura's eyes widened in shock.

"W-Why are you saying that?" She asked in shock.

Sasuke turned to her from his shoulder and for a moment Sakura swear his eyes were red instead of usual black.

"You, who lives in your fantasy and cuddling by your parents, what do you know about us? About us, who live alone without parents." He commented coldly and Sakura paled as she realized that Sasuke also became orphan.

"I... I... S-Sasuke-kun I don-"

"You, who is ignorant to people hardships and only lives in happy fantasies. Don't you dare to speak like that about someone who is alone..." He cut her coldly "People like you... Make me sick..." He spat with disdain and venom clear in his voice and Sakura's eyes widened, tears gathered in the corners of her eyes "You are annoying... Don't talk to me anymore." He stated before he turned and slammed the door close, leaving to find Naruto...

Only to see him Standing on the door, with the Pack of Ramen... There were Tears in his eyes.

Sasuke eyes narrowed as he pulled Naruto's hand, and drag him out.

"Let's go", he pulled Naruto hand, and the Blonde Followed him Obediently... with his head down.

He heard these kinds of things from Everywhere, It don't matter anymore...

... But, Hearing such things from the one you have the huge crush on... It Hurts, It huts bad

Daisuke came from inside the wall, Looking like a mist, ready to blow away...

As he looks at the retreating figure of Naruto and Sasuke with a smile, Finally someone who takes his side, maybe all this wasn't in vain, Someone looks at Naruto, even though they tick each other... Even though both hated each other to the core, Even though they are rivals... Its alright, as long as they look at each other, its alright.

He looks at the lone sitting figure of Sakura, his eyes burn with anger and Hatred towards her...

"What a rotten Village", he muttered before disappearing like a mist, like he never was there.