
Chapter 6

It was night and you could hear the yelling of a mob running after a young boy. While running the boy looked over his right shoulder, this mob was bigger than the normal ones, by a lot. He thought it were about 2 to 3 times as much as normal, but of course today was his birthday. But it irritated him since last year the beatings he recieved from the villagers had accumulated.

Normally he was attacked once or twice in a month, with the biggest on his birthday, but now the size of the mob of his last birthday was normal and he was attacked at least twice a week and to the normal screams of "Kill the demon" or "lets finish what the Yondaime began" there were now also screams of hindering him to take his revenge or getting stronger.

He really didn't know why though, he never said that he wanted to avenge the deads they had done against him. On the other side it didn't really bothered him. While he could not run from them in the beginning now he could easily outrun the civillians. He saw it as extra training. Right the next day after he had come out of the hospital he went to the library to get some books and start his training.


'Library, library hmm THERE' exited he run towards it intend to find some books about ninjas. As he was in he walked to the information desk.

"Ehmm sorry can you help me I need some books about ninjas."

"Of cour- YOU what do you want here Someone like you is here not allowed!"

Instantly he hurried back out into the next side street. 'What now...?' he thought after he had calmed down. 'Where do I get infos about ninja now?' Sadly he stood and made his way back to his apartment through the side street of the library.

He just wanted to leave the street and go his way when he saw a little window to the library. As he came near the window he noticed that it had an broken lock, it was just fixed with a bit of tape. Immediatly Naruto's eyes got an mischevious glint as his prankster side took over. 'tonight I get my books' With a smirk Naruto went back to his apartment and awaited the night.


That night and in various other nights in the past year he had got himself some books that seemed interesting for his training. 'Basics of a ninja', 'Chakra control for beginners' and 'How to train yourself: physical training' were the most interesting ones out of the dozens of books he had read. Well what else can you do if you are by yourself with nothing different to do besides pranking the citizens of Konoha.

Suddenly he was ripped out of his thoughts by a whizzing sound behind him, quickly he jumped to the side, a kunai appeard where he was just a second ago.

"Shit I missed." yelled a voice behind him.

'Damn it!' Naruto thought kunai meant one thing: Shinobi. 'Fuck it! I can outrun civillians but not other ninjas. I have to shake them off in the side streets.' With this he headed into the labyrinth of side streets in the outer parts of Konoha.

After a while he came to an crossway and wanted to turn right, but to his dismay the ninja behind him threw just this moment kunai after him having him jump back, taking an other street. After two more turns he found himself in a dead end.

Starting to panic he jumped behind a few tons with rubbish hoping that they didn't find him. A few seconds after he had jumped behind the can he heard how they come in search of him.

"Where is he? It's a dead end he can't have gone from here!" said one of the shinobi.

"Search the alley!" commanded another. "I will be damned to let him escape!"

Behind his trash can Naruto started to shiver and struggled with the reminding of all his previous beatings. Suddenly the thrash can was heaved away from in front of him, much to his increasing fear.

"Found him!" the civillian shouted. In seconds Naruto was sourrunded by them and was merciless beaten and kicked.

After the civillians had their part of the beating the shinobi came forward and took over. He was heaved of the ground and rammed into the wall. Afterwards a Kunai was thrusted through his shoulder making him scream in pain.

"Enjoying it?" asked the shinobi as he leaned forward his left arm rammed into Naruto's throat strangling him and holding him on the wall at the same time. Slowly he twisted the kunai, provoking another sream of pain.

"Don't worry we are not at the end yet...by far. We will make you feel the pain you inflicted on others."

"I-I did nothing...to anyone!" Naruto pressed through his clenched teeth.

As a reaction the arm got away from his neck and he breathed in relief only to scream again as his other shoulder was pierced.

"Don't make me laugh! We all know what you are and what you did. Demon!" snarled the shinobi, before he let off of Naruto, who just hung on the wall holded by the kunai in his shoulders. Vague he noticed another one of the shinobi stepping forward.

"My turn and shall I tell you something? I am from the Torture & Investigation Department, so don't worry you wont die...you will just feel a lot of pain."



The entire alley began to crack, like mirror

All civilians and two Shinobis were confused


From the cracks of the mirror they saw a reflection moving figure of a youth walking forward, his hand carried a single sword



Two Shinobis were very shocked, when the hell did they get capture in a illusion as they immediately broke the Genjutsu

Suddenly the cracking alley, cracked even more and eventually breaks.


In front of one of the Shinobi, the youth was standing with cold eyes, with anger reflecting in it.

The youth raised his sword to slash it down. His Eyes were cold and his face never ever showed a single sign of any expression.

"DO NOT GET COCKY BRAT", the Shiobi yell and stab the Kunai to the Youth's heart, he was faster.

But--- the boy's body began to dissolve and disappeared in the thin air.


The entire valley began to crack like a mirror yet again.


The civilians were scared, while the two Shinobis jumped back and---



The mirror broke yet again and revealed the youth standing there, Just in front of Naruto doing nothing but looking at them with cold Calculated eyes...

The Shinobi started to make hand sign only to look at his side...


"What the hell is going in here"

There was a fear in the eyes of the Shinobi as he watched the youth standing there with coldness.

Apparently the second Shinobi who was watching his partner torturing Naruto was covered in Blood, and Was lying down in his own puddle of Blood.

All the Civilians were in even worse Shape, If one were to say, it would have been fine if the youth would have just kill them, yet their bodies were bend in a position that they will be begging to even die, to free them of this horrifying pain.

"Why... Why would you do this to us, we never provoked you we--

Before his sentence could be finished, The youth began to crack like a mirror... as the alley began to crack like a mirage yet again


The Shinobi eyes opened wide as he yelled Kai, and at the same time made the hand sign for the Jutsu

True enough the Alley broke down with a youth with a raised hand ready to cleave the longsword down.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu"

The fireball hit the youth as the boy dissolve in the thin air disappearing from the sight.

As the alley began to crack open yet again...

"STOP CRACKIIINNGGG", The Shinobi yelled as the alley cracked open revealing a red hair boy, carrying Naruto on his back. as he was getting out of the alley.

The Shinobi tried to move but... his body has been cut in various places, he won't die but with this he will be impale forever, and if he is not treated fast enough, he will probably be in pain till he stay alive... as he went limp and slammed the ground.

'Truly, a bunch of demons they are', he watched The youth Taking Naruto to the Hospital.

That youth was Daisuke...


As Naruto woke up he was shortly blinded. 'Too bright!' After he had blinked a few times he could see the white walls and the clean smell of the room entered his nose. 'I'm in the hospital...again.' As he looked to his left he found the old man sitting there on a chair.

"Hello Naruto. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine, Jiji. I'm used to it." Naruto said a smile splitting his face, while his eyes were shut.


The Table to the side was slammed as the angry figure stood up...


"Dai kun I am really alright", he said with a brilliant smile


"Daisuke Chan", Hokage Inturpted

As if the light was ignited in the feul I turned to Old man



Without waiting for the old man to finish I storm off...

"Daisuke wait", Hokage called but I didn't stopped

"Jiji Please don't be angry at Dai kun, he is just worry about me"

Hokage as if aged right there, his hair seemed to grow even whiter than before.

"I know", Said Hokage sadly


"I'm sorry Naruto again, I couldn't keep my promise to keep you away from harm...again"

"No problem Jiji. I forgive you" came the answer instantly, followed by a bright smile.

They talk for a little while when Hokage went out to receive Naruto's Report

"His wounds are healing quite fast already... but...

"But what speak"

"Hokage sama the wounds of the torture will stay there, for quite a while before fading away."

"He was Tortured?"

"Yes... quite maliciously as well"

"Very Well... Go"

when the nurse went out... a huge killing intent rose from Hokage

"Weasel", his voice was quite but Dangerous

"Hai... Hokage sama", A shadow spoke from thin air, without showing any sign of his presence.

"Daisuke was right... they does not deserve Naruto's Kindness... those civilians and Shinobis make an Public example of them, make sure the message reached everyone, what will happen if they touch Naruto again."

After a while the voice ask again

"Am I allow to do, what ever I wish, regardless the consequences"

"Do it, I will deal with Daimyo or Hokage Council... just make sure everyone gets the message"
