
Ghost of Britannia

Reincarnated after suffering a heart attack and being forced to gain power in another world in order to serve the god who granted him reincarnation, though it ends up being easier than he thought.

DaoistPFH6zu · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Arrival at the academy

After a week my carriage has arrived at the academy. Still a whole week before the school term starts though. Still there are plenty of students in the halls. All of them are nobles. Whenever I walk through the halls, I can hear them whispering.

"Hello there, Your Highness, allow me to introduce myself. I'm—"

"In the way."

This overconfident prick seems to think I care who he is. Well he's not the first one. Plenty of these bastards have tried sucking up to me.

Do they seriously have no shame.

The students who saw this start to whisper behind my back.

Well they can think what they want, none of it matters anyway. I just want to go to my room and try to create some new skills now that I have more magic.

I don't belong here. I'm not noble like the rest of them. I'm not brave or beautiful.

I'm just me, some cowardly common girl who was lucky enough to have an exceptionally rare skill.

I've been told that my summoning skill makes me powerful and that I deserve to be here. But I don't. I look at people like Prince Amon and his entire being just radiates power.

I'm not like that, I'll never be anything like that. I might be able to summon a dragon, even if it is just a baby, but that doesn't make me powerful, it just means my friends are.

Papa told me to find a noble to marry, that way I can at least ensure the financial stability of the family. But when I look around, I don't stand a chance. Who'd take me over one of these noble ladies. I'm just a commoner with dirty common clothes with brown hair and eyes.

I'm worthless compared to these people, compared to every last one of them.

So I finally finished creating new skills.

[Name: Amon Britannia

Race: Human?

Level: 420

Strength: 70,350

Speed: 75,672

Magic: 60,666

Dexterity: 69,420

Intelligence: 72,250

Luck: 250

Skills: God's appraisal, God's status concealment, Ancient Magic (X), Skill creation, Weapon master (X), Evil eye (X), teleportation (X) future sight (VIII) Extreme Will (IX) Space manipulation (III) magic manipulation (I) mind manipulation (I) Item creation (I) revival (I) regeneration (I) Item Box, poison immunity, paralysis immunity, sleep resistance, drug immunity, disease immunity, advanced senses.

Title's: The First Other Worlder, Other Worlder, Champion of Life and Death, Dragon Slayer]

[magic manipulation: manipulate magic power.

Mind manipulation: manipulate and read people's thoughts.

Item creation: create any item imaginable. Item strength is equivalent to the skill level multiplied by intelligence stat.

Revival: revive anyone who dies within 5 seconds of death.

Regeneration: regenerate any non-fatal injury.]

That's about all I can make for now.

I could already partially revive someone by fixing the body and extending the lifespan, but that's more of a temporary fix until they can get properly healed.

The academy has a forest nearby for facing monsters and increasing your level. I doubt it has anything of the same level as the mountains where I usually train, but it will be worth taking a look.

I made my way out to the forest and begin my hunt.

I hunted in the forest several times a day though I never found anything over level 20. That makes sense considering this is a place for the weaker ones to come and train.

Lessons start soon so I should probably head back and get ready for my class. Apparently, I'm in a special class for only the highest ranked nobles. The teacher Circe is supposedly one of the strongest S class adventurers in the world as well as being the second strongest mage.

As I arrive at the room and open the door, I'm greeted by a room full of nobles. As soon as I enter all eyes turn to me.

Noble women smell the opportunity to gain more power, noble men see a potential rival for female attention.

The teenage hormones in this room are high.

I sigh and take a seat at the back. I don't even have a phone to go on to avoid lessons.

Damn I hate school.

The door opens and a girl who is very clearly a commoner walks in. I view her stats quickly. There shouldn't be any commoners in the academy, never mind the special class.

[Name: Maya

Race: Human

Level: 3

Strength: 27

Speed: 34

Magic: 72

Dexterity: 49

Intelligence: 78

Luck: 1,000,000

Skills: appraisal, summoning (IX), magic (II)

Title's: Monster tamer]

[Summoning: advancement on the skill 'taming'. Allows the user to create contracts with monsters and beasts and summon them from their shadow. Chances of taming are in line with the luck stat.

Aside from her luck, nothing about her is particularly special. Although her summoning skill combined with her insane luck stat must make her rather powerful. I wonder what she has.

[Summons: Arcane dragon x1, Slime x123]

Looking at this it's no surprise she's here. With abilities like that, it's no wonder they want her where they can keep her in line.

She walks in and takes a seat in the far corner away from the rest of the class.

"Something smells like shit in here!"

Some noble boy stands up and turns around with an arrogant smile. He approaches Maya and slams his hand down on her desk.

"It's no wonder when we have worthless fucking commoners in here. Nobody wants you here go home to your impoverished little village and learn your fucking place."

Kids. We all hate them. Especially noble kids who have nothing to their name except their families accomplishments.

On top of that he can't even see that if she's here she's obviously a special case. Was he dropped as a child or some shit?

"Are you retarded?"

My words catch the noble by surprise and he turns to me. He's clearly not used to having people question him. He's lived his life as a very big fish in a very small pond blind to the ocean that lies beyond its walls.


"If you can't even figure out that she's a special case or else she wouldn't be here, you must be. On top of that all it takes is one scan of her status to realise why she's here where the higher ups in governance can keep an eye on her and train her to be an asset. So I ask again, are you retarded?"

This bastard is at a loss for words. It seems he expected everyone in the room to agree with him. A few no doubt did, although a few of the smarter ones had managed to figure it out.

Just then the doors opened, and the teacher walked in. sweat dripped down her face as we met eye contact.

She was a woman with long black hair and black eyes. She looked like she was from an Eastern country. She wore classic witches robes with a giant pointed hat.

"Hello there, I'm your teacher, Circe Marvel. I'll be teaching you for the next three years. For today's lesson I planned to do some mock battles so I can get a measure on your strength."

If she wanted to measure our strength, she could just use appraisal and instantly know all our stats. There's something else here. Is she trying to get a measure of our capability as well?

Her eyes landed on me for a moment too long. Just to be safe I read her thoughts.

'Fucking monster. How is someone that young so powerful, on top of that how does he have the maturity to keep it quiet? Most kids his age would be bragging about it all day and using it for their own personal gain.'

It seems she's figured me out. Well for now if she doesn't say anything I'll leave her alone.

[Name: Circe Marvel

Race: Human

Level: 96

Strength: 87

Speed: 98

Magic: 1560

Dexterity: 67

Intelligence: 1596

Luck: 1000

Skills: appraisal, magic (VIII) magic detection

Title's: Dark mage, Queen of magic]

[Dark mage: allows access to dark magic.

Queen of magic: User gains the ability to control the magic of people with less than half the magic stat.]

She's relatively powerful for a human. She's certainly the strongest I've ever met.

I turn away from her and head to the training area with the rest of the class.

I may have to be careful going forward.